Dual Cultivator Reborn

Chapter 337: A Man From Past

"Why are you standing like this did something happen, you are not in your usual self kana," Leon said as he looked towards kana who was standing beside him and she is looking somewhat lost after coming inside the elder's hall, it's been an hour since she came inside the hall and she didn't say anything not even a word, she was looking towards the direction of Evelyn with a sad face, hearing Leon's words she come to her senses.

"I can't see her like that, do you know she is there whenever I needed her, I never thought this day would come when she need my help and I wasn't able to do anything for her, right now I am feeling helpless and broken," kana responded to Leon, Leon knew kana very well and he understands that she is hiding something and there is the reason why she was silent from an hour but he remain calm.

"I can understand how you feel but trust me your master is a fighter, she is fighting against all odds, you have to be strong like her,"Leon said as he looked towards kana but deep down he knew that they have a little bit of time because he couldn't able to do anything to heal her, this is something beyond from his understanding, the energy was very unstable and he dont wants to try something which leads to disaster.

"Aana is decided to inform the Imperial family about princess conditions, I think I was wrong there is no way we can manage something like this by ourselves" kana tilted her head and looked towards Leon and said those words catching his attention, he is also want to advise kana to seek the help of the Imperial family, because they are the ones who can help even in this kind of condition. Leon exhaled deeply and shook his head before confronting kana.

"I think she is right, there is no point in putting her life in danger, I couldn't find a way to treat her after examining her body, that unknown energy is spreading like a wildfire inside her body and there is nothing I can do to stop her, I had never seen anything like that in my whole life, the imperial healer may know something about this dark energy which is affecting lady Evelyn's body greatly, after examining this energy inside lady Evelyn's body I dropped the idea of examining the energy of divine palm, there is no way we can analyze something like that, that energy is dark and destructive in nature " Leon responded to kana and explain everything which he understands after examining Evelyn's body, hearing Leon's words kana shook her head and looked towards Leon.

"you are right its better we don't drag yohan into this mess, it's better imperial family look into this matter, they are our last resolve to heal princess, but there is a big problem, there is no way I can take the risk to activate the emergency portal" kana mumbled as she looked towards the direction of Evelyn who was few inches away from the ground floating into the air and there are various runes could be seen who were dazzling on the ground as those runes preventing Her body from losing vitality and greatly decreasing the speed of that energy to spread inside her body.

Leon followed kana's gaze as he looked towards those runes with a serious gaze" if you activate the emergency portal then the power supply of this hall will greatly affected and it will also put lady Evelyn's life in danger, we can't take this kind of risk, we need to find the other portal which connects to the imperial family" Leon Said as he looked toward kana, hearing him kana took a deep sigh.

"Another portal you say, there is no other portal which exists inside a northern region that can connect to the Imperial family, not even king Lucas has that kind of portal, there is only one portal which is situated inside this mansion," Kana said as she looked, Leon.

"Who said there is only a single portal existing inside the northern region" Leon smiled as he looked towards kana and said those words to her, hearing Leon she was taken aback and looked at him with a serious gaze.

"What do you mean by that, I never heard about another portal, only those people who have connections with imperial families can get access to those portals and they are few in numbers" kana looked at Leon and asked.

"I know someone who knows the guy who has a connection with the imperial family and he owns the second portal inside the northern region which connects to the Imperial family, to meet that guy We need to get back to the lin clan and find old man lin he will lead us to In the elder song, those two geezers are very close to each other,yohan's weapons also belong to the Imperial family later elder song got that weapon from the emperor as a gift and then he gifted to yohan" Leon explain to kana, hearing those words from Leon's mouth kana took a deep breath as she felt relieved.

Meanwhile, at the same time yohan took a deep breath as he left the lake and tossed new clothes that jasmine gave him when he was inside the hundred poison valley sector, he is looking somewhat different from his previous self.

"It's better to go back to the mansion, I don't want grandpa Leon or kana come here looking for me, they are already busy looking over lady Evelyn, let's not think about what happened earlier, it will only spoil my mood"yohan whispered as he started walking towards the direction of the mansion, after spending few hours inside the cold water he felt relaxed and somewhat free, it's been a while when he spends this much time alone with himself.

"My wounds are almost healed and I am feeling better than ever, screw that crazy woman, no matter what one day I will repay her in too many folds that she never forgets about me"yohan whispered to himself as he think about aana and next moment he disappeared from lakeside like a ghost.

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