"Well, it's better if you see with your own eyes what your beloved brother owes to me," Carter said, and the next moment, he showed a paper that Joshua gave him.

Jasmine snatched that paper from Carter's hand and looked inside it, but the next moment her facial expressions drastically changed; both Carter and Joshua smirked, seeing that expression on Jasmine's face; Neena tilted her head as she looked at jasmine.

"What happened, sister? What is inside this paper?"Neena asked, seeing Jasmine in a daze; old man Lee also approached Jasmine and placed his hand on her shoulder. At the same time, Yohan is silently standing there and watching those creepy expressions on Joshua and Carter's faces.

Tears started flowing from jasmine's eyes as she saw Jonathan's deed; he owed the xian clan tons of gold and neena; he bet over neena.

Yohan took a deep breath seeing those tears in jasmine's eyes; he didn't know what was written inside that paper, but something was off, old man lee took that paper from jasmine's hand and gave a look.

The moment he looked inside that paper, he bit his lips; he furiously looked towards carter.

"Old man, don't blame me, this is a royal enchanted contract, and it's a hundred percent real; I didn't forget it by myself; why don't you confirm with your son? Indeed he will tell you everything in detail, how did he bet over on his own sister in gambling and unfortunately lost; I am here to collect everything which Jonathan owes me, there is a seal over there which belongs to the royal court, and it says hundred poison valley sector have to fulfill the payment" carter exclaimed as he looked the old man lee.

Neena's face turned dark as she heard those words from Carter's mouth, unconsciously she took a few steps back and was about to fall, but Yohan saved her from falling As he grabbed her from the waist.

She tilted her head and looked towards Yohan," he can't do this to me, right? He is my brother after all, "neena said as tears were falling from her eyes; jasmine snapped out from her daze she approached neena.

"Yes, he can't do this; there might be some misunderstanding, don't worry, neena, we will find out the truth," jasmine tried to calm her with her words, but deep down, she knew that she was running away from the reality; the old man tilted his head and looked towards Jasmine and neena.

"He is not Jonathan we know; he is someone else; you don't have any brother in this world," old man lee said, looking towards neena, he was looking furious, and killing intent could be seen on his face.

"Tch, I feel bad for you, but I can't ignore that this sector owes me tons of money and a woman, of course, now what you are going to do, lady jasmine, you better not make any rash decision and think it over very carefully, after all this is royal courts order and no one can disobey the royalty, not even that lin clan, who recently helped you," Carter said as he tried to threaten jasmine.

"Hey dickhead watch your tongue. Do you think you can get away from threatening her? If you don't leave this place right now, you will regret it later, and trust me, I am not that kind of person who shows mercy twice"yohan's cold voice echoed in the whole surrounding as he left neena in jasmine's care and lifted his helmet and threw it away which he was using to hide his face.

Both Carter and Joshua were taken aback as they saw Yohan, their faces turned dark as they heard those words from his mouth.

"Did he call me dickhead?"Carter couldn't believe his ear as he looked towards Joshua and tried to confirm what Yohan said.

"Yes, master, he called you dickhead" Joshua responded.

Yohan laughed as he heard these two, he really felt like stupid wearing that armor; these two are real jokers, and he felt like he wasted too much time; he should have killed them long ago.

Seeing that smile on yohan's face Joshua and carter become furious," you bastard, what are you doing here, and you got some nerve to call me dickhead? Indeed you have grown some balls, trash, now I don't have to play nice with these two bitches, they lost their chance for negotiations, and now I am going to destroy this whole sector along with you" carter clenched his fist as he looked yohan.

Yohan took a sigh seeing those furious expressions on carter's face" hey retarded are you sure you have what it takes to destroy this sector along with me? Tell me, are you sure you can do this,"yohan said as he removed the armor, which is covering his upper body and threw it away, he was calm and composed when he was talking while removing that armor, carter, and Joshua was baffled seeing yohan like this, not only he was disrespected towards them, he is somewhat giving a different kind of vibes.

"Hey, bastard, what do you think you are? Are you blind, you bastard, don't you see behind me? I have hundreds of armed and trained assassins, I just have to give them order, and the next moment, their bodies are laying on the ground along with the people of hundred poison valley sector," he said looking at yohan.

Hearing him, Yohan tilted his head and looked behind those soldiers, who were looking at Yohan with killing intent; Yohan laughed seeing those soldiers and felt pity For them.

"Seriously, what are you doing here with those clowns? I don't feel anything from you, I am sure you are one of the sidekicks of Marcus Nicholas, I am looking forward to meeting him.. Do you know where I find that guy"yohan took a step towards him and said those words, seeing yohan he gritted his teeth and he unconsciously took few steps back.

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