Dual Cultivator Reborn

Chapter 278: Where Is Your Son?

Hearing yohan old man, lee bitterly smiled as he knew what he meant, its had been a few hours since the lin clan's soldiers left the hundred poison valley, and after their departure, an uninvited guest appeared on their door, he didn't have any answer for yohan's question, seeing him in dilemma jasmine looked yohan and Gave him a look.

"Yohan, we will talk About it later, this is not the right time," she said.

"Do whatever you want to do, I am not saying anything; this is your family business after all," Yohan responded with an annoyed expression, and he looked towards the direction of the Xian clan and started walking in that direction.

Old man Lee and Jasmine exchanged glances, and both of them didn't feel like saying anything. Jasmine smiled as she saw Yohan and Neena, both of them behaving like a spoiled kids.

"Let's go, uncle, I will talk to him later, but we need to know what those people want from us,"Jasmine said as she looked at her uncle in a daze.

Hearing jasmine, he came to his senses and nodded his head in response, "you are right, jasmine, and one more thing, I am happy for you" he smiled at her, jasmine shook, and the next moment, both of them started following these two from behind.

Sometimes later,

"Finally, they showed themself, young master carter, our wait is over now," Joshua whispered as he looked towards the direction of the hundred poison valley sector,four-figure could be seen approaching them.

Jasmine and Neena were in the middle, a man wearing dark armor walking beside Jasmine, while old man Lee was with his daughter.

"Hey Joshua, do you feel anything from that armor guy? I can't determine his cultivation base," Carter said as he looked towards Joshua and asked, '' Carter is on the second level of the body strengthening realm, and he was very proud of him because According to his age, he is a very talented guy among the other cultivators.

"He is just a normal soldier, young master carter, there is no need to worry about him,those two women are also low-level cultivators, that old men is on the fourth level of the body strengthening realm, they are nothing, just a pest in front of us, they are definitely here for negotiations," Joshua responded to carter.

A smile appeared on Carter's face as Joshua confirmed his doubt, he was getting different vibes from that armed soldier as he didn't want to Take any risk.

"Very well then, let the game begins, "Carter said as he looked towards Joshua, and the next moment he shifted his gaze towards those four individuals. he approached those four with a bright smile on his face,yohan's gaze landed on carter and Joshua as they were coming in his direction, he felt familiar vibes from these two.

Neena and Jasmine were silent as they saw Carter and Joshua, old man Lee was on his guard Seeing these two.

"It's been a while, isn't it, lady jasmine, and of course, There you are, Neena,I've heard a lot of things about you from your brother, it's a pleasure to meet you both," Carter said as he looked towards jasmine with a sharp gaze; he ignored yohan and old man lee, but Joshua was looking at these two with a creepy smile.

"What do you want from us? Why are you inside our border with this many armed men," Jasmine asked as she looked at him with a sharp gaze; Neena also clenched her fist.

Hearing these two, he smirked and looked towards Joshua, seeing Carter's gaze, Joshua nodded and took out something from his dimensions ring and handed it over to carter; yohan Is observing Carter very closely, he is definitely up to something.

"Lady jasmine, I am not the guy who believe attacking and killing people, after all, hundred poison valley sector is not worth it that much, it the verge of destruction; I heard most of your people fled when they got a chance; they were indeed clever and opportunist, they made a correct decision after all this sector is going to be the target of all those clan's who is associated with Nichole clan, after all this sector destroyed their source of revenue, "Carter said as he looks jasmine and neena, and shifted his gaze towards old man lee who is standing there calmly and listening to him.

"Well, someone is showing bloodlust; I can understand my word might hurt you, but it is a bitter truth,by the way, where is your son, old man lee, I thought I would see him here; after all, he is a good friend of mine" carter approached old man lee and looked into his eyes.

But suddenly, Neena grabbed him by his collar and furiously looked at him, "bastard, what did you do to him? You destroyed my brother's life; he is afraid of you, you are not his friend, don't say this again"neena lost her cool, seeing her like that yohan took a deep breath, this girl never learns, she is not that kind of women who take the decision from her brain, she follows her instinct.

"How dare you lay hands on young master Carter, damn you, women, you want to die," Joshua exclaimed as he unsheathed his sword and pointed towards Neena, but seeing Carter's gaze, he took a step back.

"It's okay, Joshua, I can understand she is upset after all, it's about her brother, I wonder how she will react when she knows the truth about her brother," Carter said as he looked at Neena with a smile.

"It's enough, neena, remove your hand from his collar right now, calm down yourself" jasmine's cold voice resounded in neena's ear, and she came to her senses, and she left him in her grasp.

Jasmine took a step towards Carter while Yohan remained calm, standing there looking at Carter and Joshua.

"What do you mean by that? What Jonathan did, ``Jasmine asked as she looked at him with a furious gaze.

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