Dual Cultivator Reborn

Chapter 269: Kings Elder Daughter

Hearing his son,alena nodded her head in response, and she looked towards jasmine, who was looking at her with somewhat sad expression, jasmine trying to hold herself after hearing those words from lady Alena's mouth, it was not an easy decision for her to make, but she couldn't do anything about it, there are things she needs to do inside hundred poison valley, and for the sake of her sector she is willing to sacrifice her personal feelings towards yohan.

Seeing her like that, yohan felt bad for jasmine, and he decided not to leave her alone inside this sector, no matter what it Takes, he is adamant of taking her with him, after all, that's what Natasha and diya want.

Seeing jasmine in a daze, Alena placed her hand on jasmine cheek, she thought she was going to come with us and leave the sector in her uncle and Neena's hands, but soon she realized that jasmine had already made her decision"it's okay; you don't have to say anything; I will leave that decision on you, you have the whole night to decide, if you change your decision then let me know"Alena said as she kissed on jasmine's forehead.

Jasmine trembled upon Alena's touch, she felt overwhelmed. Seeing her like that, a smile appeared on yohan's face, and he looked down at his chest, amelia was also curiously watching his mother and jasmine with the red face, he chuckled seeing Amelia like that.

"I think we should go, we are already late for dinner,"yohan said as he looked at jasmine and Alena, hearing yohan, both of them nodded, and the next moment, four of them left to pick diya and Natasha on their way to the dining room.

Meanwhile, somewhere inside the northern region, a young man, not more than twenty years old, could be seen walking back and forth inside the hall, but when he heard someone's footsteps, he halted his movement, and his gaze landed on the entrance of the hall.

An old man wearing a black robe could be seen entering inside the hall, seeing that old man, he took a deep sigh.

"Master kanishk, what took you so long? I waited for you for more than two hours, how was your meeting with my father? Did he say anything" that young man couldn't wait for any more as he started asking questions one after another without giving the old man kanishk to open his mouth!

"Shut up and give me some time to take a breath" the old man responded with an annoyed expression and ignored that young man and took a seat inside that hall, his facial expressions were dark as he was in deep thought.

Seeing his master like that young man became furious as he approached him and took a seat beside him.

"What happened inside the meeting room,did father say anything?"he asked again.

Seeing that young man kamisk gritted his teeth, but somehow he controlled his urge to beat this kid" your father wants to be associated with those criminals, he sent an envoy to the abyss and want to work together to take down that kid, "kanishk responded as he took a deep sigh.

Hearing his master saw that the young man's face became dark," father wants to associate with those freaks to take down a single guy who is younger than me," he said as he looked at elder kanishk.

"It's not about that kid, it's about the man who is standing behind him, it's about Leon, your father feared that old man, at the end he decided to kill him by the hand of those people, he dont has the patience to wait for royal tournament, "kamaish took a deep sigh as he responded.

"Why don't we look for a sister? She can help us to kill that guy without making any fuss, that way, we will stop father to associate with those people," that young man looked towards old man kashk as he proposed a plan to assassinate yohan silently, hearing that kid kanishk feel like beating him to to death but alas he is king's son and future king of the northern region, he can't harm him, if kings know he did anything to his son, he will definitely going to come after his head, he cursed the king for making him this kids master, that old man took a deep sigh as he looked towards that kid.

"Do whatever you want to do, don't involve me in your family matters, but be careful before you involve your big sister, "old man kanishk responded as he felt helpless in front of this kid, but alas, he already knew that he can't do anything to stop him, but he is not feeling good about this.

Hearing his master's words, a smile appeared on his face, "I won't let you down, master, thank you for your approval, let's go to meet big sister," he said, looking at the old man.

"No, I am fine; I don't want to meet that crazy sister of yours,you go ahead and ask her, I don't think she is going to help you this time, the royal tournament is coming, and she is more focused on her training, you already know she won't like being involved in political matters"the old man responded to him as he was afraid of something, and somehow avoiding to meet the elder daughter of King Lucas.

"Okay, then see you later, master, I will go and look at my big sister, and don't worry, I will make her agree, ''he said before leaving his master alone in a daze.

Old man kanishk took a deep sigh" I hate this region, the king has gone mad, he dont knows what is he doing, it's better to leave this place before anything wrong happens to me, various people are pissed at him, sooner or later things will going to be very chaotic and his stupid son thinking he can change things by involving his elder sister, he will make things more worse,"kamishk whispered in A low voice before closing his eyes.

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