"Do you need something, my lady? If you need anything, please don't hesitate to ask," an old woman looked towards a lady who was standing beside the window and peeking outside.

"People are very lively here, is there any reason behind that, usually at this time, most of the cities are enveloped in the dark, but this city is very crowded, "Athena asked as she looked at the city from the window, hearing Athena take a deep sigh.

"Well, there is a reason behind that, my lady, this place is not used to crowded but a few days ago when master yohan killed lord Nicholas, things changed very drastically, the city became the hotspot of the tourist, many of them come to seek friendship from the lin clan, some of them want to make the political relationship," that women exhaled as she responded to athena,athena bit her lips as she heard yohan's name by her mouth, but she remains calm and maintained her composure in front of that lady.

"What kind of person is your master yohan, "Athena asked as she tilted her head and looked towards the old woman.

Hearing athena, a bitter smile appeared on the inn keeper's face"he was already famous before he killed lord Nicholas,there is no one inside the city or surrounding city who did not know young master yohan, he is the only heir of lin clan, people used to call him trash, there are various kinds of rumors about him, but no one knows they are true or not, some of them say he can't kill lord Nicholas with his level of cultivation, he must have tricked him or use some kind of shameless method to kill him, few people say he was hiding his cultivation level to save himself, and when times come he showed his true colors, those kinds of rumors you will hear everywhere, but no one knows whether they are true or not, but whatever because of him the city is started becoming prosperous and small business started blooming, people are happy because of him they are earning"that women explain as she looked athena.

Athena remained calm as she heard that woman, she was barely holding herself and controlling the anger" what is your personal take,what do you think about him"athena asked as she looked at that woman with a serious gaze.

"My lady forget my rudeness, but people like us don't have their own opinion, I am not in the conditions to say anything about young master yohan and lord Nicholas,i am just an old lady who wants to spend my remaining days peacefully" that old woman smiled towards athena as she responded.

Athena nodded her head as she could understand her situation,"Okay, you can go now,if i need anything, i will tell you,"Athena said.

Hearing Athena, that woman slightly bowed her head, and left the room, Athena remained there standing while clenching her fist, thinking about yohan.

"That bastard is a trickster, he did the same thing with me, he was all along behind the void core from the starting, and he pretended to play innocent, and when times come, he used some kind of wild move to run away, I should have killed him when I first saw him, "athena exhale deeply and cursed yohan.

Meanwhile, inside the hundred poison Valley mansion.

"I want to hear more, "Amelia looked towards Alena as she said with anticipation. Hearing her, Yohan and Alena exchanged glances, both of them became surprised when they heard her, seeing those curious little eyes, Alena couldn't hold her laugh.

"Are you interested in hearing the story," Alena asked with a smile, hearing Alena, Amelia shook her head while redness could be seen on her face.

"Yes, I want to hear the story, please tell me more," she responded in a cute voice, hearing her bitter smile appear on yohan's face, she must have misunderstood their conversation with some kind of story.

"Mother will tell you a story later, but before that, we are going to eat something, those three big sisters must be waiting for us" Yohan responded to her, hearing Yohan become sad.

"Don't worry, kiddo, I will tell you stories as many as you want to hear, but before that, let's go for dinner, everyone is waiting for us, and there are people who wanted to meet you,"Alena responded to amelia, hearing her a broad smile appeared on her face as she looked Alena, and then her gaze shifted on yohan, he also smiled at her, and the next moment he looked towards her mother.

"Let's go, mom," he said, Alena nodded in response and the next moment, three of them left the room, sometimes later walking in the hallway, their gaze landed on the jasmine which was coming towards them.

"Oh, I came looking for you, What took you so long,"Jasmine said as she looked at yohan.

"It's nothing, we were having some chat, "Yohan responded to Jasmine,Alena also smiled as she heard her son.

Hearing Yohan, Jasmine nodded her head, and then her gaze landed on lady Alena, seeing the lady Alena her face became red, she was looking different.

"My lady, you are looking beautiful in this white robe," Jasmine said as she looked at Alena, who was wearing beautiful white attire.

Alena smiled towards jasmine and took a step towards her"you are also looking wonderful in this blue dress, people of the lin clan will be jealous when they see you with yohan, did you pack your things for tomorrow," Alena asked.

Jasmine was taken aback as she heard lady Alena,yohan bitterly smiled as he heard his mother, seeing those expressions on yohan and jasmine's face Alena became confused.

"Don't tell me you are not coming with us, I am thinking of talking to you about this but couldn't get a chance," Alena said.

"Mother, we will talk about it later, this is not the time to discuss these things.. "Yohan placed his hand on Alena's shoulder.

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