Dual Cultivation God Returns

Chapter 275 When has that ever been a problem?

Chapter 275 When has that ever been a problem?

As they spoke a little more they were relieved to see Wu Long's mood lighten up as he spent time in their company. "I still need to cultivate using the technique with you both so it is normal that it is a little vague for you"

The Cao mother and daughter have yet to cultivate using Dual Extremes Infinite Union Art with him, and as the two were discussing the technique they were taught today alongside his identity, Wu Long nodded with introspection. They both blushed while lowering their gazes while the others started to smile.

"Oh! This reminds me, I am now sure there will not be a problem even if we disclose how the later layers work ahead of time.

There will also be no problems you initiate the bond with two people at the same time"

Luo Mingyu said as the topic of the mysterious technique came up.

"You comprehended something in the third layer?"

Hua Ziyan asked as the others, including Wu Long looked at Luo Mingyu with surprise and she nodded.

"Only a little though, but I can say with certainty that the bond will not be affected by either of those things"

She said and Wu Long chuckled.

"That is great news, since it means that while we initiate the bond I can attempt a breakthrough to the next level"

Cultivating with two partners who were blood related was actually a lot more efficient than with two partners in the same realm who were not related, since their Yin Qi would resonate while he refined it. So while he might not be able to attempt a breakthrough if he cultivated with them in succession one at a time, he would be able to if he cultivated with both at the same time.

cultivated with them in succession one at a time, he would be able to if he cultivated with both at the same time.

As the two hazel-eyed beauties looked at the others with perplexed expressions since they were not yet explained about the bond, Luo Mingyu supplemented the lecture she gave on the technique today. The two reddened even more as they timidly looked at each other realizing what he meant by initiating a bond with both of them at the same time, and seeing the embarrassment in each other's eyes became red to their ears. while lowering their gazes once more.

"Hahah, I am joking, though I would not refuse your joined company if you wish"

He smiled as he saw that, since he was mostly just teasing them but...

"I... I don't mind"

"M-me too"

The two meekly said while still looking down as a few widened eyes looked at them.

"Oh? ... Then I suppose it is settled"

Wu Long first slightly raised his eyebrows, and after looking at them and determining that they indeed were not forcing themselves and were just shy, he smiled at them as their heartrates accelerated.

"Wu Long, is it okay for you to attempt a breakthrough so early after the last one? I remember you made continuous breakthroughs..."

Ye Ling asked with some worry on her face. An unstable foundation was a sure way to sever one's road to higher realms.

Wu Long's bad talent in cultivation had three manifestations.

The first was that he needed enormous amounts of Spiritual Qi or Yin Qi of his partners, preferably higher than him in realms, to advance, and that amount increased exponentially the higher in realms he advanced.

The second one was that even with the massive amounts the speed of cultivation itself was slow, and, similarly, became slower the higher in realms he was. It was not that noticeable while he was still in the first half of the Nine Mortal Realms, but he would gradually need more and more time cultivating to advance.

And the third was that his realm was consolidated very slowly, thus requiring him to pause his progress for significant amounts of time between being able to move forward, otherwise risking making an unstable foundation for further cultivation.

"Un, in truth I have a theory about the third layer of the technique as well..."

Wu Long nodded and the beauties held their breaths in anticipation as a certain guess made them expectant of his next words.

"When I advanced with Mengqi, my foundation definitely became unstable but when the bond of the third layer was strengthened with Ziyan I felt it consolidate a little..."

The hearts of the beauties around started to beat a little faster as this could be potentially a game changing theory.

"... so my guess is that since there is now a bond between my Yang Root and your Yin Roots, they help stabilize my foundation, and the stronger the bonds are and the more of them there are, the more stable my foundation can become"

Wu Long finished and a joyous explosion of cheers erupted around him as he smiled. If true, it would at least solve the third manifestation of his bad talent, though not affecting the first two.

After some more discussions and cheerful laughter the others went off to join the Gong sisters, and only Ye Ling stayed behind.

"You are not telling something"

She said as she looked at him.

"Heh, you really do know me well"

Wu Long chuckled as he did not make any attempts at hiding at this point since she hit the nail on its head.

"What made you so troubled that even the others could tell?"

"Hmm, we would need to travel to the Cloud Piercing Continent after I finish treating Song Mingfu's daughter it seems"

He spoke not directly answering but implying that the source of his concern was connected to a trip that they would have to take.

"The fact that you are not planning the trip now even though it concerns you means that you are not yet prepared... is it that serious?"

"Hmm, it is indeed a little tricky, but I think I may able to handle it peacefully if I play my cards well. I just want to be prepared in the worst case scenario so I need to raise my cultivation to at the very least Revolving Qi Realm, better if even higher"

He nodded as he indeed was not ready for a worst case scenario for that trip as of yet.

"You will need to cultivate quite a lot"

She smiled and a wide smile appeared on his face.

"Heh, when has that ever been a problem?"

She started laughing and he chuckled as well as they went to join the others.


When Gong Liwei heard that the prince who she once wanted to kill have been dealt with she sighed with relief since she was finally free of worry about him.

"What are your next plans?"

Ye Ling asked the Beauty of the Eastern Forest Province with a glint in her eye that did not escape Wu Long who inwardly chuckled.

"Hmm, I am not yet sure... I probably have to find a small or medium sect and try to become a disciple"

"Eh? Then why don't you join the Profound Music Palace?"

Gong Cui asked with a surprise since it would be much easier that way.

"I don't have talent for Music Dao like you do Cui'er, and my martial skills are mediocre to become an auxiliary disciple here"

The older sister smiled and Gong Cui lowered her face with a saddened expression.

"Hmm, how about you join the Yin Yang Unity Palace? I think you have the necessary talent"

Ye Ling smiled as she proposed and the other beauties looked at her in surprise.

"Hm? Is that a sect nearby?"

"No, that is our sect on the other continent"

Gong Liwei widened her eyes as she heard that, but then shook her head with a wry smile.

"Even though I am grateful for the offer, I must decline. Even if I cannot be in the same sect, I would at least prefer to be close to Cui'er where I can visit her"


As she declined Gong Cui's eyes glittered and she hugged her older sister who chuckled as she patted her on the head.

"Hmm, why don't we take Fairy Gong Cui as well then?"

"Oh! There is that way!!!"

As Ye Ling relentlessly pursued the topic Gong Cui excitedly exclaimed since then she would be in the same sect as her sister. In her mind, the calculation was simple, if Gong Liwei could not join her sect, she could just join the sect which Gong Liwei could join. The fact that she could also stay in the company of these nice people that she had fun interacting with was an absolute win for her.

"Cui'er! Don't spout nonsense, you cannot ruin your future just to be in the same sect as me"

"But Sister..."

As the sisters talked the others looked at Ye Ling with a little suspicion starting to crawl into them. The theory Wu Long spoke out not long ago starting to swirl in their heads.

"In fact, your sister's future would be even brighter with Wu Long and Luo Mingyu around than in this place"

Ye Ling proclaimed and Gong Liwei raised her eyebrow.

"You mean to say that you can help her in the Music Dao better than the Profound Music Palace? How can that be possible?"

"It's possible. In fact how about Wu Long and Mingyu help her advance tomorrow?"

Wu Mengqi looked at Ye Ling with a glint and chimed in. Luo Mingyu eagerly nodded as her purple eyes shone with determination. The others also started to nod in agreement and Wu Long wryly smiled as they were now all led by Ye Ling on an unexpected path.

"Eh? Well..."

"See? Sister, it seems that its even better! We have to at least try!"

Gong Cui spoke while her sister was hesitant, trying to sway her while she still did not say no.

"Haa~ do as you please, but if you cannot make an advancement tomorrow it will count as their loss"

Gong Liwei finally sighed as she was pushed by all the eyes of beauties that concentrated on her as well as her little sister's pleading eyes.

They spoke a little more and then parted to their rooms as Wu Long went to his room with two hazel-eyed beauties on his sides, his arms wrapped around their waists.


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