Dual Cultivation God Returns

Chapter 274 Human God Sovereign

Chapter 274 Human God Sovereign

Short note: there was a slight change in language in the previous chapter, Spirit God Emperor > Spirit God Sovereign


Wu Long returned from his trip around evening, and even if there was no outward change that let people around notice, it was quite obvious to his women that he was perturbed. They felt the subtle change in him thanks due to their stronger bond.

When asked about the meeting Wu Long briefly recounted the events up to revealing the mark of the Spirit God Sovereign and produced the bottle containing the said precious item. By this time he more or less calmed down as being surrounded by his beauties had a soothing effect on him, especially since they were attentive and worried because of his turbulent state earlier.

While he was away the Cao mother and daughter were told about his identity and the existence of the world beyond, since they now were part of the Dao Family, so they were in the group that gathered around him as well. The only beauties in the mansion who were now not here were the Gong sisters, being treated to tea by Butler Bang in a separate room as they discussed their further plans.

"Um, this Spirit God Sovereign, sounds like someone important"

Wu Mengqi said with a little curiosity in her gaze.

"He is, the politics and composition of the population of the Seven Boundless Worlds is quite complex, with many races existing alongside each other. Thus there inevitably arise moments when tensions rise between entire races due to a conflict between two influential representative parties.

Thus there is a need for diplomacy and mediation, in order for the Seven Boundless Worlds to not descend into complete chaos. The most influential member of any particular race is always titled 'God Sovereign' after the name of their race, signifying a sovereign among Gods of their race. They are generally considered as sort of a leader with a large say in the affairs of their entire race"

Ye Ling answered, still astonished that Wu Long knew someone that high in the hierarchy of the Seven Boundless Worlds and was even close enough to receive a soul mark, a sign of deep trust since the bearers of that mark would have the trust and support of the race in case it was unified like the Spirit Race was.

"Hee~ so a bigshot, huh"

Wu Mengqi said with a grin.

"Not just any bigshot, the Spirit Race has a special status in the Seven Boundless Worlds. They are the ones considered closest to the Heavenly Daos"

Ye Ling said while Luo Mingyu's eyes shone.

"You mean that their comprehension of the Daos is more profound than human Dao Cultivators?"

The purple eyes looked at Ye Ling who slightly paused at the question.

"In a way, but not in the meaningful one for Dao Cultivators"

Wu Long explained for Ye Ling who could not answer.

"What do you mean?"

"Spirit Race is quite different than others and members of their race do not have a set lifespan. Many races have different natural lifespans than humans but none are quite as close to the word 'everlasting' as them.

Their cultivation, much like other races, is completely different from human cultivation, but theirs does not even have realms. Their cultivation is usually measured by humans in units of ten thousand years since that is a discernible difference, even though the Spirit Race themselves do not have any classification at all.

The one I met was a ~40 stage Tree Spirit by human standards. Meaning he has lived four hundred thousand years and at the same time that is his cultivation"

Luo Mingyu's as well as everyone else's eyes widened.

"Doesn't that mean that he is incredibly proficient in the comprehension of the Dao?"

She then asked and Wu Long shook his head.

"Not in a way we humans can understand. The Spirit Race live the Dao, not perceive it, they are in a way a manifestation of the Dao. If you ask him about the Dao he would not be able to explain it"

Wu Long said with a rueful smile since Dao Cultivators would have sold their souls to be able to spend their time in conversations with the Spirit Race if that was true.

"Not to mention that they are quite different from one another. Some are more lively and have human-like emotions and behavior, while others are more of an otherworldly being, whose thoughts you would not understand even if they told you.

Although there is a general tendency depending on the type of origin of the Spirit. Stone spirits tending to be almost impossible to talk to, and plant spirits tending to be a little... too tranquil and so on"

He then added and a wry smile appeared on Ye Ling's face since the 'too tranquil' meant that they was just like a plant, enjoying just being alive and rarely bothered by anything.

"But... can they fight?"

Shen Min asked since the way Wu Long described their cultivation made them sound like non-combatants.

"Some do, but not most of them, even though they do have unique abilities based on their origin"

"Then how can they then maintain their place?"

"Spirit Race is being protected by very powerful non-human races, including the Dragon Race, and many Spirit Beast Races consider them sacred beings. The retribution for mistreating a single member of the Spirit Race is quite severe, often going way beyond the offender and spreading to their connections"

Wu Long shrugged and she nodded since that would explain why Ye Ling told them they had a special status.

"Do the Azure Eagle Race not pledge protection of the Spirit Race then?"

Hua Ziyan asked since she remembered Wu Long telling them that the ones backing the Azure Eagle Empire were the Spiritual Beasts of that name.

"They do, but the ones guarding the Tree Spirit I met were members of the White Ring Revenant Python Race, and generally reptile and bird Spiritual Beast Races have a complex relationship, even while both treat the Spirit Race as sacred.

My guess would be that the White Ring Revenant Python Race presence was stronger than the Azure Eagle Race post-calamity, so they took up the role of protecting the Tree Spirit while the Azure Eagles had to separate since they could not both peacefully coexist"

Wu Long smiled since it was truly a strange relationship where both respected one entity while being hostile to each other.

"Does the title Spirit Lord mean..."

Cao Xiang asked, feeling a little overwhelmed by the sudden revelations.

"It means I am recognized by the Spirit God Sovereign as someone trustworthy"

Wu Long nodded with a light smile, telling her to take it slow and get used to everything gradually.

"So... there is a Human God Sovereign?"

Hua Ziyan asked next and Wu Long's expression revealed a slightly disgruntled look.

"There is, though he is not someone I am on good terms with"

He briefly answered, not delving into details causing Ye Ling to slightly pale.

"Y-you are on bad terms with the Human God Sovereign?!?!"

"Uh... I wouldn't say bad... just a tad not so great"

Wu Long shrugged his shoulders as Ye Ling placed her hand on her forehead since she knew from this answer that the one in question probably wanted Wu Long dead a thousand times over.


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