Chapter 324: Misty Valley

Because there were no obstacles in the skies, the Thunder Birds flew effortlessly and covered a lot of ground in no time. If Xiaolang continued to run on the open plains, they would get caught and Long Chen would undoubtedly die if there were that many experts surrounding him.

So he needed to adapt.

Long Chen looked around. He was trying to get his bearings and remember the terrain he had seen on the map. They had just exited the wilderness and were currently in the plains. He remembered that there was a valley covered in mist towards the left of the plains! Since the mist was so thick there, normal cultivators would have a hard time navigating the area, much less the Thunder Birds soaring in the sky. There was a sliver of hope to escape from the people chasing after him!

Go to the left! Long Chen shouted to Mo Xiaolang.

Long Chen was busy thinking about what to do, and Xiaolang was playing his role perfectly. It was just that he hadn't managed to come up with a plan yet. If Long Chen wanted him to go left, there was no reason not to do so. The Sun Devouring Wolf's massive frame suddenly turned and ran towards the left. Dust trailed behind him as he ran as fast as he could. A normal person wouldve just seen a blur running past them.

The Thunder Birds in the skies changed direction too and followed Long Chen. The net made of lightning crackled ominously in the sky.

Xiaolang was running at max speed!

A grand chase occurred on the endless plains.

Long Chen hugged Ling Xi tightly and felt how anxious she was. He knew what she wanted to say, but he covered her mouth.

Dont say anything until the victor has been decided.

He was calm, but the sense of authority he was exuding was absolute. Ling Xi knew that Long Chen was like a volcano waiting to erupt. The influence of the Ancient Bloodsoul Dragon was slowly turning him into a killing machine! There was only a single word in his mind: kill!

The Thunder Birds chased after Xiaolang for more than an hour. They almost caught up a few times, but Xiaolang managed to shake them off when he increased his speed at the last moment. Long Chen smiled when he saw the valley shrouded in mist in front of them.

The Thunder Birds cannot fly in the mist, so their speed will be drastically slower! Xiaolang, however, can navigate it easily!

XIaolang realized what Long Chen was planning and agreed that the Misty Valley was their best chance to escape.

The commanders knew what Long Chen was planning when they saw the Misty Valley, but they never once thought that he would be able to escape. There were five of them, and two of them were extremely strong. The two of them, one male and the other female, had starlight twinkling in their eyes.

Is he planning to run into the Misty Valley? What a naive brat. Does he think we wont be able to chase with the Thunder Birds if he runs inside?

The other strong cultivator, the woman, said, Haha, Second Brother, hes not just a brat, he killed Song Yuefeng, the Ninth Prince, and even our Seventh Brother. I dont think a brat can do all that.

The two of them were stronger than the other commanders. It was unbelievable that the imperial family had dispatched the Second Commander all the way down to the Seventh Commander to capture Long Chen. It was clear that they really wanted Long Chens head.

Xiaolang managed to enter the Misty Valley! But the commanders were confused as to why Long Chen had jumped down from the Sun Devouring Wolf. He was glaring at the commanders descending with the Thunder Birds.

With their speed, they would be able to catch up to him with ease. There was no need for them to use the Thunder Birds anymore.

Why is he staying back?

Everyone was wondering the same.

They couldnt see through Long Chens thoughts.

But it was a good thing to be able to capture him sooner. They laughed at his bravado as they expanded the lightning net to capture Long Chen.

Long Chen moved at that exact moment. He had told Xiaolang to enter the valley while he would distract the enemies. The moment some of the Thunder Birds descended, he shouted and threw his Azure Dragon Halberd upwards. It shot up like an arrow.

What the fuck!? None of them had expected Long Chen to be targeting the Thunder Birds of all things. Because they were landing, the Thunder Birds were not as swift as before. The Azure Dragon Halberd pierced into one of their chests.

The Thunder Bird cried out in pain from having its heart punctured. It then fell onto the ground, dead.

Seeing that his objective had been completed, immediately ran into the Misty Valley with Mo Xiaolang.

Long Chen had another advantage when it came to navigating the Misty Valley, and that was his Soul Swallowing Gaze! The third stage, Sight, granted him the ability to see through the mist and look at living creatures. Even though Xiaolang was ahead of him, he managed to find them easily.

Long Chen only wanted to delay the commanders by killing one of the Thunder Birds, but he never thought it would work that well.

The five Thunder Birds used the lightning net to increase their speed. While descending, Long Chen had killed the one that carried the Sixth Commander. Even though he wouldn't die even after falling a hundred meters or so, his bones would be fractured from the impact.

The remaining five Thunder Birds could not maintain their formation and lost control of their lightning net. They hovered around for a while more before landing.

Even then, the amount of time bought by Long Chen was enough for him to shake them off.

Sixth Brother, command the others to surround the Misty Valley! I will lead the others inside to find Long Chen! the Second Commander grumbled after realizing they had been tricked by Long Chen. He took the other commanders and ran into the Misty Valley.

Long Chen led the way using Sight, and Xiaolang followed him. There were many beasts in the valley, and some of them were very strong. Long Chen did his best to avoid all of the stronger beasts.

There were various stone formations in the valley, but not a single strand of grass grew here. It was very desolate.

Even though they didnt notice anyone chasing after them, Long Chen dared not slow down. He was still trying to come up with a plan. The Misty Valley was not a huge place, so if the five commanders mobilized an army of ten thousand people to surround the area, they would not be able to escape undetected. Even if he broke through the encirclement, they would not be able to shake off the commanders. He needed to use the terrain here to kill the commanders one by one!

I have to risk my life again for a chance to survive! Long Chen searched for a place to hide Ling Xi amidst the rocks.

As long as she could be hidden away, Xiaolang could guard her while Long Chen fought the five commanders in guerilla warfare. He had three big advantages here: the Soul Swallowing Gaze, Blood Warp, and Divine Fire Clone.

No one could stop him as long as he used Blood Warp!

This was Long Chens plan!

He suddenly saw the ground sinking lower and heard the sound of water. It sounded like a waterfall! Long Chen was going in that direction already, so he went ahead and investigated.

He soon saw the waterfall. It was not large, but it looked magnificent. The water fell thirty meters before splashing into a deep pool. Water sprayed everywhere from the impact.

Long Chen wanted to go past the waterfall to find a place to hide when he suddenly saw a massive beast hiding inside it. More accurately, there was a cave behind the waterfall, and he saw that the beast was resting inside of it.

The beast was roughly a Category Seven Earth-tier based on the pressure it exuded.

Long Chen speculated that it used to be a normal cave until a river diverted and covered it with the waterfall. It wouldve been a perfect place to hide, but the beast was occupying it!

He suddenly saw that the beasts aura was slowly weakening. The auras strength didnt match that of a Category Seven demonic beast.

Is it injured?

Doge & Chacha's Thoughts

Keep running!

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