Dragon Blooded War God

Chapter 323: Ghost Horse Riders

Chapter 323: Ghost Horse Riders

The trees in the valley trembled from the bellow. The imperial guards in the red Blood Devouring Domain forced themselves to remain calm. However, the guards at lower cultivation levels exploded under its influence. The moment it spread, one-tenth of the people died. Blood mist was everywhere, and everyones minds went blank at the gory sight!

The Blood Devouring Domain was undeniably the bloodiest way to commit massacre. It also proved that the Ancient Bloodsoul Dragon truly was the dragon of massacre and violence. Since Long Chen had received the Ancient Bloodsoul Dragons Inherited Blood Essence, he was fated to step on the path of killing. This was unrelated to good and evil; in his mind, there was only one metric: his values. Anyone who threatened him and his loved ones would face his wrath, no matter how kind they were!

The guards who could barely survive the terrifying domain were mostly paralyzed with fear. They controlled their Qi with great difficulty, suppressing the blood boiling in their bodies. Only the Heavenly River Realm experts could withstand the force, though also with great difficulty!

A path was slowly cleared through the crowd, and a thunderous boom came from far away, then something arrived in the blink of an eye. Ten-plus large, black stallions appeared. They were muscular and powerful, their eyes fully red, and even the thick air they exhaled was blood-colored!

They were Crimson Ghost Horses, Category Nine Earth-tier!

The horses were covered in thick black armor, making them look regal and dangerous. A tall warrior in similar black armor sat on top of every horse, radiating cold violence. Every warrior held a vicious-looking weapon!

When the riders rushed over, a thick scent of blood emanated from them. They were undeniably the famous Ghost Horse Riders! The Category Nine Earth-tier horses paired with Heavenly River Realm warriors gave them the ability to annihilate most military forces! Even at a ratio of one to one hundred!

However, their enemy was Long Chen, who was even more vicious than they were! The nearer the horses got to Long Chen, the more anxious they felt due to the Blood Devouring Domain. When they were twenty meters away from him, all the horses lifted their front legs, let out earth-shattering neighs, and then turned around in terror!

Long Chen, like a gust of wind, dashed at the Ghost Horse Riders! There were many obstacles in this valley, and he would only be able to truly scare everyone enough after he killed the riders. Then he would be able to dash through the valley as fast as possible!

Damn it! When the horses became disobedient, the riders cursed angrily. They quickly turned around and charged at him with blood-red eyes!

Long Chen, it is indeed you! It took no effort at all to find you when you came to us! You killed an imperial family member, so even if you grow wings, youll find it difficult to escape!

The warrior at the very front was the Seventh Commander, who was at the Sixth River Stage! Leading the group of Ghost Horse Riders, they roared as they charged at him. All of them were tall and muscular, so even the guards were stunned by the fierceness of the charging horde!

Long Chen was alone. Waving his Azure Dragon Halberd, he lowered his head. There was a glint in his eye, then he accelerated and appeared in front of the Seventh Commander in an instant!

Die! The Seventh Commander charged at him furiously! He was confident he could flatten Long Chen with just one punch. However, he underestimated Long Chen too much. And underestimating Long Chen, who was in his almost-insane state, was a terrifying thing to do!

A red line flew out of the Azure Dragon Halberd, and at that moment, the Seventh Commander saw the coldness in his blood-red eyes, as if he was ready to swallow his soul!

In that brief pause, Long Chen used his most powerful attack, Dragon King Burial, to neutralize his attack, then slammed his halberd on the commanders arm so it shattered. Blood, flesh, and bone exploded, flying in all directions!

The Seventh Commander let out a scream that shook the skies, and it made everyones scalps go numb, instinctively stepping back!

Did Long Chen just defeat the Seventh Commander with just one strike? Everyone was shaken by this question!

But that was not all. After shattering his arm, Long Chen rushed up to him and, before his opponents terrified gaze, punched the commanders head, which exploded, scattering red and white goo on the ground!


Everyones hearts sank when they saw the violent scene, hurriedly retreating. The most powerful amongst them, the Seventh Commander, had been killed in a second; who else would be a match for him? Who would risk facing Long Chen, who seemed to be massacring everyone around him?

Long Chen did not stop there. Only the remaining Ghost Horse Riders dared stand in front of him. They were all Heavenly River Realm warriors, but their hearts were trembling after seeing Long Chens devil-like killing!

Not even one breath after killing the commander, his halberd had already pierced through a warriors chest. And in the next breath, the halberd sliced another persons head off. The head flew very far, and the other guards who dared not move all screamed, avoiding the head. Even more people started to retreat!

Long Chen was now drenched in blood, and like a meat-grinding machine, he rushed into the crowd and killed one person with every move. The commander was the only one who couldve withstood a strike from him, so they all died instantly!

Ten-plus Heavenly River Realm masters were killed by him in a tragic manner. Long Chen cleared a bloody path while Xiaolang rushed out behind him!

Other than the Ghost Horse Riders, the rest of the people watched as Long Chen ran off. It was not that they did not want to stop him, it was that the Blood Devouring Domain and Long Chens terrifying violence had made them lose the ability to move!

When he was long gone, everyone stared at the dead Heavenly River Realm cultivators in shock, and some of the ones who were new to battle started to vomit!

Indeed Only a vicious character like that would dare to kill the Ninth Prince

There was only silence in the valley!

Of course, the Thunder Birds in the sky noticed the commotion, including their riders, who were at the Seventh River Stage! Long Chen had successfully broken free extremely quickly, but it had attracted the birds attention. They screeched furiously as a gigantic web of electricity shot towards Long Chen!

While they fled, Long Chen sat on Xiaolangs back. Since he had full control over blood, there was not even a drop of blood on him even after the bloody massacre.

Right now, he was covered in shining, red dragon scales, along with awesome bony spines. Ling Xi felt genuine awe when she saw him like this. Faint images of ancient dragons appeared on his dragon scales, roaring and twisting. The hysterical violence that radiated from him came from the images!

Ling Xi had witnessed the extremely gory killing, which Long Chen had done to truly shock the enemy, but also due to the killing instinct from his Inherited Blood Essence. That was why Ling Xi did not blame him for the violence. With tears in her eyes, she looked at the teenager who was risking his life for her and touched his perfect, uniform scales. She sobbed.

The proud teenager who refused to surrender would be the man she gave her heart to for the rest of her life.

However, with so many obstacles ahead, would she be able to stay with him forever?

This was Ling Xis most tragic memory, but it was also one of the most memorable events of her life.

Ling Xi, Im so sorry. I cant control myself when Im slaughtering anymore. My body can only achieve its most satisfied state after shattering my enemies to pieces After the killing, Long Chen was briefly awake once more. However, he knew that due the Ancient Bloodsoul Dragons influence, he would turn into a killing monster!

I wont blame you. Brother Chen, Im just worried Will you forget everyone in the future? Will you turn into a killing machine who cant differentiate between good and evil? Who only kills Ling Xi asked sadly, biting her lip.

Dont worry. Long Chen stood up on Xiaolangs back, looking at the web of electricity quickly approaching them, and a sudden surge of battle spirit rose through him!

Xiao Xi, I promise that even if I destroy the whole world, I will never harm you! Of course, I wont destroy the world either! Because I am Long Chen, and no one decides my fate! Even they cannot!

He pointed at the Thunder Birds and the commanders on them! The Seventh Commander was the weakest of them, so these five were Long Chens largest obstacles. Two were at the Seventh River Stage, and one at the Sixth River Stage. They were a huge threat!

The insane web of electricity, along with the shrill calls of the Thunder Birds approached!

The light from the electricity slowly covered his vision!

Long Chen did not feel the slightest hint of fear despite the fact that there were powerful enemies approaching. He was the manifestation of the Ancient Bloodsoul Dragon, the apex predator of countless beings. Not a single living being could make him feel fear!

Doge & Chacha's Thoughts

Ghost Horse Riders = Ghost Riders????

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