Doupo: Life Simulator System

Chapter 368: Leaving the Remains

Chapter 368: Leaving the Remains

The dismantled skeleton of the Battle Saint was presented to Xiao Ming by the Sky Demon Puppets.

Xiao Yi Xian and the others approached and carefully examined the bone fragments. With her keen eyes, Medusa discovered a rib bone with hidden inscriptions and picked it up.

After examining it for a while, Medusa realized that the information recorded on it was incomplete. She furrowed her brow and handed it to Xiao Ming.

As Xiao Ming held the rib bone, he felt its cool and smooth surface, devoid of the rough texture typically associated with bones. Instead, it felt like the most exquisite jade, smooth and cool to the touch, providing a delightful sensation.

The rib bone was covered in small and peculiar characters, appearing extremely mysterious and enigmatic.

"It should contain records of a Tian Class Dou Technique, but it's not complete," Medusa guessed, voicing her speculation.

"Hmm, let's see if there are any remaining parts on the other rib bones," Xiao Ming suggested.

Soon, Xiao Ming had two more rib bones in his hands.

He carefully examined the three rib bones, memorizing all the strange characters in his mind. However, he couldn't decipher them. His soul power spread out, but as soon as it touched the rib bones, it was immediately repelled.

"There's a seal on these. We'll have to try to break it later when we return," Xiao Ming said, experimenting a bit before looking up at the women who were watching him intently. "There's a seal..." The women sounded somewhat disappointed. Tian Class Dou Techniques were rarely seen.

Xiao Ming currently had no way to immediately make everyone learn this Dou Technique, even if the Great Heaven Creation Palm didn't have a seal.

According to his knowledge, cultivating the Great Heaven Creation Palm required tempering, and the tempering material could only be found in these rib bones.

To enable all the women to cultivate it, he would need to decipher the composition of the tempering liquid or create a substitute. As an eighth-tier alchemist, Xiao Ming was confident in creating a substitute, but he needed to understand the principles first.

In other words, he needed to learn the Great Heaven Creation Palm, which would take a considerable amount of time.

"Alright, don't be disappointed. We can remove the seal when we return. Take out the scrolls we obtained earlier. Although they were bait, they should still be quite valuable," Xiao Ming smiled and reassured them.

"Oh, right!" As he mentioned the light clusters, the disappointment in their hearts vanished, and each of them took out the scrolls they had obtained earlier.

As it turned out, Xiao Ming's words were correct. One out of ten scrolls contained the refining method for the Ancient Human Puppets, while the others contained High Di Dou Techniques, Qi Methods, and Secret Techniques.

They kept the appropriate Dou Techniques that suited them, and Xiao Ming collected the rest.

Having obtained the greatest gains from the Dou Saint's remains, Xiao Ming led the group out.

Before leaving, Xiao Ming provided each person with a black robe that could conceal their presence and changed their aura with a pill.

Although Xiao Ming didn't know the situation outside, once news of the Dou Saint's remains spread, it would be difficult to keep it a secret. It could be imagined that many people would be waiting for the remains to open in the outside world.

Although Xiao Ming wasn't afraid of those powerful individuals, he didn't want to invite unnecessary trouble.

Therefore, it was necessary to conceal their presence and change their aura. Even if conflicts arose and someone was killed, Xiao Ming wasn't worried about others seeking revenge.


In the spatial cracks, Xiao Ming had Zi Yan assess the situation, and as he expected, the Beast Bone Mountain Range was now occupied by a mixture of human and magical beast forces.

In addition to the Nine Serene Deep Ground Python Tribe and the Heaven Demon Phoenix Tribe, there were several lesser-known but powerful magical beast tribes with strong bloodlines.

Among the humans, there were numerous factions, both known and unknown, sending people to investigate. However, since it was not yet time for the remains to open, there weren't many truly powerful individuals present, and only a few Dou Venerates could be found. The strongest among them was a lone cultivator at the five-star Dou Venerate stage.

Releasing the twenty-six Sky Demon Puppets, Xiao Ming turned one purple. He then donned a black robe and announced, "Let's go, it's time to leave."


Outside, in the Beast Bone Mountain Range.

The once serene mountains had transformed into a bustling marketplace, teeming with a dense crowd of people. The constant noise filled the air, turning the area into a cacophony of voices.

"The Iron Blood Mercenary Corps is recruiting cannon meat... Oh no, I mean, recruiting mercenaries! Brothers, come and join us to enter the secret realm!"

"Is this the Jade Maiden Sect? We are from the Thundercloud Pavilion..."

"Bloodthirsty Old Ancestor! I've been searching for you for a long time. I didn't expect to encounter you here. You're as good as dead this time!"


Amidst the clamor, a man sighed and turned to his female companion. "I wonder when these remains will open."

"Perhaps only the major sects can sense it," his companion replied. As she spoke, she glanced at the spatial door and suddenly paused.

Above the door, a spatial vortex slowly rotated, and seven figures in black robes emerged, one after another.

The man spoke a few more words but received no response. Perplexed, he glanced at his female companion, who had a vacant expression. Following her gaze, his pupils contracted.

"People are coming out of the remains!"

Simultaneously, people in various parts of the Beast Bone Mountain Range noticed the black-robed figures appearing in the sky.

For a moment, the once lively Beast Bone Mountain Range fell into an eerie silence. Then, in the next instant, it erupted with a deafening uproar.

"Who are those people? Has someone already entered the Dou Saint Remains?!"

"How is that possible? Even Dou Venerates would struggle to break through the seal. How did they get in?"

"I can't sense their aura!"


As the tumultuous noise erupted, over a hundred figures soared into the sky, blocking the path of the figures about to leave.

The person at the forefront was an old man with white hair wearing a purple robe. He was the five-star Dou Venerate that Zi Yan had discovered.

"Friend, I am Yu Ting from the Northern Region. Could you kindly inform me why you are coming out of the Dou Saint Remains?" Yu Ting's eyes had a gloomy expression on his face, but he couldn't sense the aura of these people, so he remained restrained in his tone.

The others surrounding them had flickering gazes, each containing different meanings - some greedy, some resentful, some jealous.


A soft laughter echoed as Xiao Ming glanced at the crowd that blocked their path. There were over a hundred individuals, none of whom possessed wings. They were formidable figures, all above the Dou Ancestor realm, with more than a dozen Dou Venerates among them. It was evident that these newcomers were not friendly.

"Why are you laughing?" a powerful member of the Nine Serene Deep Ground Python Tribe asked coldly, his chilling gaze fixed on Xiao Ming.

Among the gathered individuals, the Nine Serene Deep Ground Python Tribe was the least pleased. This Beast Bone Mountain Range had originally been their territory, and they had reluctantly agreed to share the Dou Saint Remains earlier due to the circumstances. Now, with a high probability that someone else had entered the remains first, they desired to kill the black-robed figures before their eyes.

"Enough nonsense. If you want to make a move, do it quickly. I'm pressed for time, and I don't have the patience to play with all of you!" Xiao Ming, not bothering to waste words, used his altered elderly voice and spoke disdainfully.

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