Chapter 367: Dismantled

A purple-colored Sky Demon Puppet!

Unlike Xiao Yi Xian and the others who were puzzled, Xiao Ming wasn't particularly surprised by its appearance.

According to the usual classification, Sky Demon Puppets were divided into three levels: Heaven, Earth, and Human.

The Human-level puppets were bronze-colored, ranging from one-star to four-star Dou Ancestors. The Earth-level puppets were silver-colored, ranging from five-star to nine-star Dou Ancestors. And the highest-level Sky Demon Puppets were generally golden, ranging from one-star to five-star Dou Venerates.

Of course, nothing was absolute. The classification of Sky Demon Puppets was based on the materials used. If the puppet's materials were of superior quality or had undergone sufficient lightning refinement, then purple-colored puppets could be created on top of the golden ones. And if a Dou Saint's corpse was used for refinement, black-colored puppets could be created.

The appearance of the purple Sky Demon Puppet was due to Xiao Ming using the formation he obtained from the remains to gather the energy of all the Sky Demon Puppets into one, enabling it to break through its own limitations. Xiao Ming roughly estimated that its strength should be above nine-star Dou Venerate, but he couldn't determine the exact stage.

However, it didn't matter if Xiao Ming didn't know the exact strength of the purple Sky Demon Puppet. Wasn't there a test subject right in front of him? Or rather, the purple-colored Sky Demon Puppet was specifically prepared for the Dou Saint skeleton.

Xiao Ming silently manipulated the actions of the purple-colored Sky Demon Puppet.

The statue-like Sky Demon Puppet before him suddenly opened its eyes, and a dark golden light slowly circulated within them. Its body trembled, took a slow step forward, and in the next moment, the puppet transformed into a purple light, colliding violently with the transparent spatial barrier in a stunning manner.


The collision created a terrifying gust of wind, and the resulting explosion echoed throughout the entire area!


As the powerful gusts overflowed, fine cracks began to appear on the transparent spatial barrier. With the cracks spreading, the barrier eventually shattered with a loud crack!

Bang! Bang!

The Sky Demon Puppet and the spatial barrier collided fiercely, causing the puppet to stagger back several steps. Each step left black footprints on the ground. But as the puppet's final step landed, it shot forward like an arrow released from a bow, rushing toward the Dou Saint skeleton and delivering a forceful punch!

Upon the appearance of the purple puppet, the Dou Saint skeleton on the main seat had been crackling, seemingly on the verge of standing up, but it had yet to make any movements.

However, as the Sky Demon Puppet appeared by its side, the skeleton seemed to sense the danger. The crackling intensified, and in an instant, it raised its head. Blood light flickered within its empty eyes, and a low and deep hoarse voice, reminiscent of ancient times, emitted quietly.

"Great... Heaven... Creation... Palm!"

The ancient hoarse voice reached Xiao Ming's ears, causing his expression to change. In an instant, he turned around, and a red light flashed under his feet as he dashed towards the entrance.

"It's using a Dou Technique! Let's retreat first!"

Xiao Yi Xian and the others didn't dare to be careless and quickly followed suit.

Suddenly, a strange black glow spread across the entire skeleton's body, converging into its palm. In an instant, the palm appeared as though it had been immersed in blood for countless years - dark and deep, sending chills down one's heart.


As the final trace of blood gathered on the right palm, a soybean-sized black dot appeared. The dot was incredibly pure black, capable of swallowing one's soul with just a glance. It had an eerie and mysterious aura.

With the appearance of the black dot, the Dou Saint skeleton raised its right palm and forcefully collided with the punch from the purple-colored Sky Demon Puppet. The collision produced no sound, only a sudden emergence of a black light circle, which... violently expanded!

Sizzle! Sizzle! Sizzle!

Everything within the range of the black light circle, including the stone slabs, pillars, and other objects, vanished instantly, leaving no trace behind. It felt as if a mysterious and terrifying black hole had swallowed them.

The black light circle acted like a grim reaper, swiftly spreading from the large hall and obliterating it completely.

"Heh, luckily we ran fast. Otherwise, this would have been our burial ground!"

Venerable Tian Huo wiped the cold sweat off his forehead as he surveyed the scene before him. Even the skeleton of a partially awakened Dou Saint was not something they could provoke. The aftermath of the battle was truly terrifying!

Xiao Yi Xian, even as a seven-star Dou Venerate, was also terrified, realizing she wouldn't have been able to withstand such an attack.

Medusa, Zi Yan and the others nodded slightly upon hearing his words.

As for Xiao Ming, he wasn't thinking about the terror of that attack. He was concerned about whether his purple-colored Sky Demon Puppet could survive!

With the puppet having absorbed the energy of twenty-seven Sky Demon Puppets, any damage to it would result in severe losses, regardless of obtaining the Dou Venerate skeleton.

After the black light circle completely obliterated the hall, it extended about three meters further before gradually dissipating.

As the black light circle vanished, a massive abyss, roughly six hundred meters in size, emerged before their eyes.

Xiao Ming's gaze fixated on the enormous abyss, where a jade-white skeleton floated suspended. On the other side of the abyss, the purple-colored Sky Demon Puppet had lost an arm and was covered in cracks.

"Phew~ It's fortunate that it didn't break completely!" Xiao Ming breathed a sigh of relief upon seeing that the purple-colored Sky Demon Puppet had only lost an arm and sustained cracks.

While the puppet was damaged, its energy remained intact. As long as the energy was still present, Xiao Ming could replace it with another Sky Demon Puppet as the vanguard and create a new purple-colored puppet. Essentially, he had only lost one Sky Demon Puppet.

With this in mind, Xiao Ming released the Sky Demon Puppets he had brought with him during their escape and transferred the energy of the purple puppet back into them.

Soon, the energy of the twenty-six Sky Demon Puppets was restored to its original power, albeit slightly weaker. Unfortunately, the energy contained in the lost arm had dispersed, making it impossible to recover.

Zi Yan and the others were astonished that the purple-colored Sky Demon Puppet had survived the attack. However, this could be attributed to the fact that the Dou Saint skeleton was hastily dealing with the situation and had not fully awakened.

The purple-colored puppet, now devoid of energy, gradually returned to its golden color and was collected by Xiao Ming.

At that moment, Zi Yan eagerly suggested, "Xiao Ming, shall I go and pick up those bones?"

"Let the puppets handle it," Xiao Ming shook his head. Who knew if the Dou Saint skeleton had any other tricks up its sleeve?

As Xiao Ming spoke, the seven deepest-colored Sky Demon Puppets stepped forward, each engaging in various pulling actions to dismantle the Dou Saint skeleton.

With the relentless efforts of the Sky Demon Puppets, the Dou Saint skeleton was directly dismantled.

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