#Doctor Player #347

“I spent 2,000,000 pence on raw materials because I was rushing to buy them.”

The cost of raw materials alone is 2 million pesos.

On top of that, if you calculate distribution costs or the cost of mobilizing wizards, the cost goes up.

If it doesn't sell, it will pile up as a loss.

Rune spoke even more worriedly.

“Also, the money. You got a loan from a bank for chogori, right?”


Raymond did not borrow money from Lady Rose's bank this time.

It was because it was embarrassing to borrow Lady Rose's hand any longer.

‘… … Already astronomically indebted. I would have nothing to say even if I was sold to a shrimp fishing boat.'

Raymond almost fainted when he checked the amount of debt he owed to Lady Rose.

It was because he had to spend money for one reason or another in the Peninsula Kingdom and incurred additional large debts.

I won't tell you the exact amount. because it upsets me In fact, Raymond also closed his eyes while calculating, so he didn't know exactly.

Anyway, it was a huge amount.

‘Oh, it's okay because I'll pay it back soon anyway.'

Raymond thought while breaking out in a cold sweat.

Anyway, it was difficult to lend a hand to Lady Rose.

Instead, she borrowed from another bank, but unlike Lady Rose, who had an interest rate close to zero, the interest rate was staggering.

I took out a loan of 2 million pena, but the short-term interest rate was a whopping 20%.

Even compound interest, if you can't pay back the money, the amount is supposed to go up exponentially.

‘As expected, the Peninsula Kingdom. What kind of vicious loan sharks are doing business with the name of the bank openly.'

Raymond trembled.

Normally, I would not have dared to take out a loan.

But it was fine.

Because Raymond has a cure for hair loss!

Two million pennies will be paid off in an instant and you will be swimming in gold coins.

“Rune, you are worrying unnecessarily.”

Raymond shook his head.

“There is no way that hair loss treatment will not be sold.”

Yes, it will never sell out.

Even if it's 5,000 pennies instead of 1,000 pennies per tablet, people will line up to buy it.

‘Should I change my course at this point?'

It means a career path as a player.

Currently, he is climbing the ‘Tower of Medicine', but he said that it is possible to change jobs when he wants.

‘I'm going to focus on making money for the time being. Let's change it to Golden Road. I'm sure you'll get skills that will help you make money.'

With that in mind, I opened the system window and selected it.

‘Former Golden Road!'

A message immediately surfaced.

[I have chosen the former Golden Road!]

[Qualifications determined! I analyze your commercial potential!]

Raymond put on a confident expression.

Last time, I got a ‘minus hand' rating and failed.

But this time it was different. I'm already prepared to make a lot of money, so I'm going to get a ‘Midas Hand' rating, not a ‘minus'.


[Your commercial potential is ‘absolutely negative'! We recommend cultivating commercialism!]

[Job change failed due to insufficient qualifications!]

“… … .”

Raymond kept his mouth shut.

‘What kind of nonsense.'

His pride was hurt, but he snorted.

‘it's okay. I will prove that I can do well without the help of the system.'

Yes, swimming in a bathtub full of gold coins, I will shout proudly at the system. that you are wrong

All preparations had already been made.

“I set up a promotion to make sure.”

“A promotional event?”

“huh. Is that right, disciple?”

Christine appeared.

She was wearing an unusually elegant dress.

Her originally beautiful face shone with splendor.

“Yes Master. As you said, I prepared a banquet for nobles at the best hotel in La Pentel.”

A splendid banquet!

It was a promotional event prepared by Raymond!

Raymond was planning to invite a lot of nobles to advertise a cure for hair loss.

‘It's not just a hair loss cure. Skin wrinkle improvement supplements, nutritional supplements to eat, etc. I'm going to reveal all my treasured goods.'

Raymond smiled again.

to finally be rich

I was happy just thinking about it.

“… … also the prince It must be so good to care for the patients.”

“What are you talking about? A Master's joy is only in his patients.”

“Master is sexy.”

“Does anything other than beef come out at the master banquet? I want to eat lobster.”

“… … Master, sorry for being useless.”


Rune Christine May Lyndon Elmud Myen murmured, but Raymond didn't hear a thing.

His whole mind was focused on the rosy future ahead.

‘Even though I spent a lot of money preparing for this banquet. are you okay.'

The money spent preparing for this banquet is a whopping 100,000 pennies.

It was because the splendor of the banquet was beyond imagination, befitting the Peninsula Kingdom, the richest country in the Crusader Federation.

In particular, it cost more because Raymond wanted the best banquet to match the historic moment.

Normally, my hands would shake, but it was okay.

He's super rich now.

I don't tremble for money like this!

The fateful banquet day, when the curtain of wealth and honor will rise, has arrived.

It was the day a new life began.

* * *

But... … .

That didn't happen.

It was right before the banquet started that I noticed something strange.

The night before, Raymond was so excited that he couldn't sleep.

‘Huh. What if there is too much competition? Shall we put the initial stock at an auction? Is that a bit like that?' He hadn't slept so well, but Raymond's face was full of happiness and vitality.

I arrived at the hotel a few hours before the banquet to check the arrangements.

Is it because of the money? The banquet hall was gorgeous and beautiful just to look at.

It was a fitting sight to greet the new future that was soon to come.

The food is also prepared with the finest beef.

The disciples were also having a conversation with me beforehand.

“By the way, Master set the price of hair loss treatment at an unusually high price?”

“That’s because the profits left from selling drugs are for the poor. The name of the drug is also Lux.”


It is an ancient word meaning light.

It is a name built to rejoice in the upcoming shining wealth and glory, but the disciples misunderstood it differently.

“This hair loss treatment is a medicine containing the spirit of Noblesse Oblige. That's what this banquet means.”

“As expected, Master.”

“As expected, the light… … .”

The disciples were talking nonsense, but Raymond didn't care at all. It was just as good.

‘The world is so beautiful. Yes, the world was beautiful.'

Raymond held a wine glass in one hand and looked out at the view outside the hotel.

As the name of the city of water, the water of the canal was flowing beautifully in green light. It was a beauty that seemed to bless his future.

But when it was an hour before the banquet started. Something felt a little strange.

no one was coming

‘… … hmm. Because it's still an hour ago. of course.'

Raymond thought calmly.

But 30 minutes ago.

it was still quiet

‘Yes, someone come early to the banquet. I will come just in time I'm guessing they're not all precious bodies.'

By the way, those who were invited to this banquet were the nobles of Marquis Rodrigo and the grand dukes of Gideon.

It seemed cute and dainty that everyone was trying to come along just like the high-nosed people.

Today, Raymond was extremely generous and could look at him with love, even if he was an enemy.

But it was 10 minutes before the banquet started.

Still no one came.

“… … .”

Raymond kept his mouth shut.

There was definitely something odd about this.

The faces of the disciples also hardened.

Then, finally, the first guest came.

“Your Highness Lawrence!”

shouted the waitress welcoming the customer.


He was the head of the Royal Faction and the first heir to the throne until Raymond came.

He entered the banquet hall with a gentle smile, just like the last time we met.

“Are you here, uncle?”

Lawrence was Raymond's mother's cousin. So the two decided to treat each other privately as uncle's nephews.

“Yes, thank you for inviting me. I'm sorry for being late. however… … .”

Lawrence looked around the banquet hall and tilted his head.

“Did I come at the wrong time?”

Raymond kept his mouth shut.

“that is… … It's not time to start yet.”

“Is it polite to arrive 30 minutes before the banquet and greet the host?”

“… … .”

Raymond's heart sank.

It made me face the reality I had been ignoring.

This was a strange situation for anyone to see.

“Who did Raymond invite?”

“Marquis Rodrigo and Archduke Gideon… … And other nobles.”


Lawrence crossed his arms.

His expression darkened.

“Okay, let’s wait a little longer.”

Lawrence went and sat down.

But there was no change.

Even though it was time to start, no one came.

The manager of the hotel cautiously approached Raymond.

“… … It’s time to start charging, what should I do?”

“… … .”

Raymond couldn't answer.

He turned his gaze to the banquet hall.

All kinds of rare dishes, splendid flower decorations, and a specially invited musical band.

All of that was left unattended.

The faces of the disciples who grasped the situation also hardened. Linden, who was carefully stealing the lobster, put her hand down.

“… … I'll wait another 30 minutes.”

“all right.”

But it was still the same.

no one came

Only then did Raymond have to accept.

Even if I wait for the next few hours, no one will come.

The reason this happened was obvious.

Finally, Archduke Gideon and Marquis Rodrigo began to check Raymond.

* * *

That's how the banquet ended in the worst way without even starting.

‘I can't forgive you.'

Raymond clenched his fists.

I checked and it was as expected.

Grand Duke Gideon and Marquis Rodrigo forbade their nobles from attending the banquet.

Even Raymond was very upset about this.

‘I spent 100,000 PENANA to prepare for this banquet.'

All the prepared food was distributed to the poor, but in the end 100,000 pence was blown into the air.

Money is money, but the wounds in my heart were great.

How much did he expect from this banquet?

It felt like a dream that was right in front of me had been trampled on.

The disciples were also greatly enraged.

But the problem wasn't the banquet.

‘This means that he will seriously interfere with my work from now on.'

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