Doctor Player Chapter 346

Without knowing what absurd thoughts King Kaslan was thinking, Raymond hurriedly moved.

I went to Houston Kingdom for a while.

It was to treat Princess Sophia.

Finally, Princess Sylvene succeeded in creating an implantable defibrillator (ICD) using her blood-blood ability.

The insertion procedure was successful and Sophia's eyes were reddened.

“… … Brother. for me... … .”

Sophia bit her lip hard.

Unlike the always cold Sophia, her emotions were intensified.

It was worth it.

I thought I would die soon, but I got a new life.

Moreover, knowing how much Raymond had gone through to save her, it was hard to suppress his emotions.

“Do not care about it. I did what I had to do as a family and as the Crown Prince of Houston.”

“… … .”

Sophia was silent for a long time.

“… … thank you.”

It was a short but heartfelt statement.

But Raymond just shook his head boldly and said:

“You just have to live a life for the people of the Houston Kingdom in the future as you do now.”

‘Please take good care of the Houston Kingdom instead of me, Sophia. Hehe.'

Raymond made a sad face.

The biggest burden (?) was to be able to leave the kingdom of Houston. In the future, when Oden retired, it seemed that he would be able to completely hand over the title of crown prince to Sophia.

‘I'm going to be free!'

Sophia made a determined face.

“… … yes definitely I will live my life for the kingdom of Houston. Following the words of my brother.”

Raymond made a happy face.

After that, he went back and forth between the Houston kingdom and the Rafal region to deal with the backlog.

‘Anyway, right now, I have nothing to do in the Peninsula Kingdom. It should be when the product distribution of the hair loss treatment is ready.'

“majesty! This Mavinson! We are doing these things to develop the Lapalde region!”

“… … Great. Yes. That will be fine. But the budget... … No, that's great.”

He praised Noh Hyeon-ja, who looks like a puppy who wants to be praised.

My eyes fluttered when I saw the required budget, but I couldn't stop it. All of these measures were necessary for the people.

Thanks to the guidance of Old Sage Mevinson and the bloody tears of Ray Bond, the La Fald region was turning into a paradise on earth.

‘what… … Now I'm making enough money that I don't even care about this kind of budget. Let's take the attitude of a rich man in advance.'

There is an old saying like this.

As long as you have money, you are a fool.

They say that the true super-rich comes from dignity.

I'd be tired of earning money anyway, so I decided to have a bold dignity in advance.

And I also met some new disciples.

In the Houston kingdom, an enormous number of healer ‘legions' were being fostered.

‘… … How many are these?'

Raymond made a puzzled face when he saw the audience filling the auditorium.

It was a staggering number, like an army.

Even the atmosphere resembled the military.

“Everybody stand up.”


As Hanson said quietly, the healers took a stand.

What a strict formula!

It was an atmosphere where you could even hear the sound of a needle dropping.

“Singing slogans!”

“We must live!”

“Let’s imitate the Master!”

A scream that seemed to be leaving shook the auditorium, but Hanson's eyebrows twitched.

Something disapproving face.

It was like a commander wiping out his soldiers in front of a respected commander in chief.

The healers let out their lion's roars.

“We must live!”

“Let’s imitate the Master!”

‘… … No, what kind of spirit is stronger than the knights?'

Raymond broke out in a cold sweat.

It was a spirit that would not be lacking even if I went to the battlefield with Morning Star right away.

“They are the first-generation training students.”

“Season 1?”

“Yes, we are currently accepting disciples for the 3rd class. In the future, they will spread out throughout the continent and practice the Master's will.”

“… … .”

When did he tell you to train an army of healers like this?

Raymond thought about it, but couldn't remember.

‘… … I just said that it would be nice if Houston Kingdom trained more students. How can you proceed with a national project like this?'

Yes, this was a national project.

A project that Chancellor Galman pushed forward and King Auden fully supported.

‘You're going to bet the future of the Houston kingdom on medicine?'

This is a story told by Chancellor Galman and King Auden.

Raymond made a puzzled face.

When I first heard the story, I wondered what the two of them ate wrong, but it wasn't.

Both were sincere.

‘Medicine is the ‘weapon' that will enable the Houston Kingdom to leap beyond the bounds of the 4 medicines.'

‘From now on, the kingdom of Houston will not be a kingdom of knights, but a kingdom of healers.'

Prime Minister Galman and King Auden spoke earnestly without blinking an eye.

Listening to the explanation, it wasn't such an outrageous story.

Already, the Lafalde region was becoming a base for producing several medical tools, vaccines and medicines.

Unbeknownst to Raymond, he also recruited dwarves and recruited alchemists and enchanters.

‘… … Why is everyone's ransom so expensive?'

Raymond swallowed another tear when he heard the report, but it had to be done.

Now, the pennin treatment center has also increased to the 4th branch, and the production of medicines and medical tools outsourced has reached its limit.

Right now I'm crying over the investment cost, but in the future, I'll make a lot of money.

Just as the Cherman Kingdom lived on magicite mines, the medical industry will become the goose that lays golden eggs to feed the Houston Kingdom.

In addition, the newly trained ‘Healer Corps'.

They will become missionaries to spread medicine and medical mercenaries to make money in the Houston kingdom.

The Kingdom of Houston, which is only a kingdom of knights, but has never had a strong point, is sure to fly with the wings of medicine... … The two were looking forward to it.

‘… … It's not an impossible idea, but it's a little embarrassing.'

Raymond cleared his throat.

Well, it wasn't a bad policy anyway. It may not be effective enough to make the Houston kingdom leap into a national power of 4 medicines or more, but it was clear that it would become a new food industry.

It was when he was about to return to the Peninsula Kingdom after finishing his work.

King Auden said.

“Be careful.”

“… … .”

A story of nothing.

But Raymond kept his mouth shut.

He was still awkward with Oden.

‘… … It's a little better than before, though.'

Auden shook his head and said.

“Things that are being done in the Peninsula Kingdom. I'm listening to everything. Whatever you choose is fine. But keep one thing in mind.”

“… … What is?”

“You are the pride of our Houston kingdom.”

“… … !”

King Oden has sent infinitely intense eyes, just like the nickname of the King of Knights.

“I, Auden and Houston Kingdom will absolutely support you. So don't be swayed by the parasitic brothers of the Peninsula Kingdom, and do whatever you want to your heart's content.”

It was a grateful and reassuring story.

Even if there was a conflict with the Peninsula Kingdom, he meant to help Raymond.

Sophia also spoke from the side.

“That’s right, brother. Don't forget that we are behind your brother.”

Sophia said strongly.

“Your brother is the pride of Houston. Never lose to those of the Peninsula Kingdom.”

Raymond nodded his head in gratitude.

“Then let’s go.”

Shutter phone flew to Peninsula Kingdom.

Looking at his back, Chancellor Galman and King Auden had a conversation.

“… … I have a feeling that Highness Raymond is getting farther and farther away.”

“Maybe. The Houston Kingdom is too small to hold Raymond.”

King Auden nodded his head kindly.


A name that was a small illegitimate child.

But now it has become synonymous with awe.

Houston's kingdom was too small to embrace Raymond's brilliant light.

Raymond's light will eventually illuminate the entire continent.

Perhaps Raymond thought that too and asked Sophia for the Houston kingdom.

“I look forward to seeing what His Highness Raymond will do in the Peninsula Kingdom.”

Chancellor Galman muttered, and King Oden nodded.

Raymond did not explain exactly what he meant by the Peninsula Kingdom.

But it was obvious even if I didn't listen.

It will surely be a brilliant thing.

Just like Houston and Drowton Catal Kingdom did.

‘I'm looking forward to hearing the news.'

It was regrettable that Raymond was gradually becoming a giant and getting farther away from the Houston kingdom, but it was unavoidable.

Because he is too bright a light for the Houston Kingdom to embrace.

Instead, those who were left in the Houston Kingdom pledged to give as much support as they could to help Raymond spread his light.

Because that is their proper calling, having been blessed by Raymond's light.

* * *

That brilliant light arrived at Peninsula Kingdom.

“I have completed a hair loss treatment! Here are the prototypes!”

‘Good! Now I'm rich!'

He was laughing as if his mouth would tear.

‘Finally, a hair loss treatment has been developed! A hair loss cure that will lead me to the world of wealth and glory!'

Raymond swallowed his tears as he looked at the small artifact the size of a teardrop.

How much have you suffered so far?

I worked endlessly like a cow, but the only thing that increased was my feverish reputation as a saint of debt and poverty.

Even the 4th Pennin Treatment Center in the Peninsula Kingdom was in the red.

Why are there so many poor patients in a paradise on earth?

Aristocratic patients did not come as expected, and the poor patients burst out, so now the 4th branch was making an overwhelming deficit compared to other branches.


at las!

He has completed a hair loss treatment that will lead him to the world of wealth and glory.

“A total of 5000 tablets were made?”

“Your prince. As you said, I bought all the Tapanis magic stones from the nearby market and made as many as possible.”

Hair loss treatment does not end treatment at once.

When applied to actual patients, it took about 10 treatments per person to achieve satisfactory hair growth.

So 5,000 tablets were a cure for 500 people.

‘I'm going to sell it for 1,000 pena per party, so even if I sell all of this alone, the sales will be 5 million pena! Hahahaha!'

Raymond was planning to sell hair loss treatment with the highest price strategy.

It was because he had already tasted the bitter taste in the vaccine business due to the low-price exfoliation policy.

‘No matter how much vaccines are sold, there is not much left. That's why I will definitely sell hair loss treatments at high prices.'

Despite the high price, Raymond was confident that the hair loss treatment would sell out quickly.

There are not a few people in the world who can pay 10,000 pennies casually.

‘Of course, if it is mass-produced over time, the price will be lower than this. For now, I'll go with this price.'

Then Rune asked cautiously.

“But maybe I made too many? If it doesn’t sell, the loss will be huge.”

Rune had reasons to worry.

A large amount of money was spent to produce the treatment in large quantities in a hurry.

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