Doctor Demon

Chapter 49 - Guiding The Ghost


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"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?" Taejoon shouted at Jina. They were in his office and he had heard about her undercover operation with the team. He was furious that they kept it a secret from him, completely ignoring the fact that the precinct Captain had already given them the written approval for it days ago.

"Captain Gwi gave us the permission-" Jina began but Taejoon slammed a file in front of her.

"You took the witness with you to the place where the murderers were!" he accused her.

"I had my entire team there who protected her!" Jina argued. "We got permission from the Captain! And my teammate was hurt while apprehending the murderer, showing that she did her job well!"

"You dare to talk back?" Taejoon snarl.d "Do you have any idea how much trouble I was in when the Captain asked me about the covert mission and I had no clue about it?"

Jina resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Taejoon was on a two week leave. How the hell would he know about the mission anyway? 

"The Captain simply asked you to hand over the report once I arrive," she pointed out. "We caught the criminals with due procedure! I already prepared the report and I will submit it to you."

"You think a mere report is enough?" he barked at her. "This is a breach of trust between me and your team!"

"From now on, all cases will be approved by me," he went on. "You're not allowed to take on any case on your own! Do you understand me?"

Jina glared back at him. Cases were assigned as per which team was the closest to the crime scene. The Chief of the department would intervene only when necessary but Taejoon was breathing down her team's neck nor allegedly 'breaching' his trust which made no sense since he was not around.

"Fine," she said curtly. "My team will only respond to the distress calls after you assign us. So even if a person is dying, my team will only go to the crime scene after you sign the papers to assign us. That way, if the victim dies or the murderer gets away, it'll be your responsibility."

She did not back down and instead drove him to a corner. Taejoon tried to look intimidating but in reality, he was gulping and already regretted his choice of words. Hwang Jina knew the procedures like the back of her hand and was aware that if the police team was late to the crime scene, then the Chief of the department was questioned first.

"Is that okay, with you, Chief?" she asked, deliberately stressing on the word 'Chief'. 

Taejoon scowled at her. "Go ahead and take whatever case you have to!" he snapped. "Don't come crying to me when you fail or end up harming a civilian-"

"Did we ever fail or harm a civilian?" she shot back. "You claim to be our Chief but you don't trust us! My team has been busting their asses day and night to find that little boy's killers and now that we've succeeded, at the cost of Jiwoon's injuries, you're trying to threaten us? You've taken civilians undercover too! That too without the Captain's permission."

In one of his early cases, Taejoon had taken civilians undercover to catch a gang but had to face the heat because he did not follow procedures. He was watching Jina with disgust but she did not care.

"If that's all, I'll go back to work," she stated. Turning on her heels, she left Taejoon there, completely speechless.

"Tough time with the Chief, boss?" Woohee asked when Jina sat down at her desk. 

"When does he not give me a tough time?" Jina grumbled. "I'll finish off this file and visit Jiwoon. Anyone coming?"

"I'll go!" Chanmi spoke up. "I promised her that I'll bring her clothes."

"I'll go too," Woohee said. 

Jiwoon's injury was not serious but there was some internal bleeding so the doctors advised her to stay at least two nights. They put her on medication to stop the bleeding and would observe her condition.

Jina quickly finished her work and put the files aside. Chanmi and Woohee followed their boss out of the precinct, towards the latter's car.

"What's gonna happen to the little girl?" Woohee asked as they got into the car.

"Well, she was badly drudge so the doctors are detoxing her," Jina sighed. Siwan had been giving her hourly updates on Haeji's condition. She was healing rapidly and her adoptive parents were relieved as well. They were paying for her full treatment and her adoptive mother was also with her at the hospital.

Half an hour later, they pulled up in front of the hospital. Getting out of the car, they headed straight for Jiwoon's room first.

She was lying on the bed, looking a little bored. As soon as she saw her colleagues, her eyes lit up.

"Boss!" she smiled. 

"Oi, the two of us are partners!" Jina reprimanded her partner. "Why are you calling me boss?"

"I got used to it," Jiwoon snickered. "And thanks for bringing my clothes, Chanmi."

"I also cleaned your apartment for you," Chanmi said, putting the duffel bag on the floor. Jiwoon thanked her and they began to chat. Jina filled her in about what happened after the murderers were caught. 

"I hope those monsters get what they deserve," Jiwoon muttered.

"We did what we could," Jina said. "Completed the investigation and handed over the files. It's up to the court now. We can't do anything now."

"But they'll get punished for sure," Woohee added. "The evidence is overwhelming. They can't escape."

Jina nodded and glanced at the door. Minki was standing there, waiting to talk to her.

"I'll go and check up on Haeji," Jina told her colleagues. "I'll be back, okay?"

"Okay boss!" Chanmi chirped while Woohee nodded. Jina left the room and ushered Minki to follow her. She walked back to her car downstairs and a few seconds later, the ghost appeared beside her.

"How's Haeji?" she asked.

"She's fine now," Minki replied. "I stayed with her all night to look after her."

He smiled at her but there was a hint of sadness behind it. Jina waited for him to speak.

"She's gonna go to her new home after getting out of the hospital," he went on.

"Yes," Jina nodded. "I heard."

"But where will I go?" he asked. "What'll happen to me, sis?"

The little boy looked at her with his pleading eyes. He was sad and scared of what was going to happen to him after this and Jina knew that it was time to have a little talk with him. But she was not the right person to talk to him.

"My grandfather might be able to help you," she finally said. "I'll tell him to come here. He won't be able to see you but I'll interpret your words to him. He'll be able to guide you."

"Really?" Minki asked in surprise. "Can he help me?"

"He will," Jina promised.

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