Doctor Demon

Chapter 48 - The Dungeon


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Darkness. Wherever he looked it was just darkness. His senses were alert and he was sure that it was a dream but the eerie silence was daunting. The place was dark but he could make out shadows of stone walls which held him a prisoner. There was no furniture except a bed and bamboo closet. The stone walls were cold and he felt suffocated. The window was high above, far away from his reach.

Hobin tried to walk towards the window but to his shock, he was chained to the walls!

"What the hell?" he muttered. A small mirror stood right across him and he was shocked to see his appearance.

His hair was black and long. He was not wearing only a pair of torn pajamas and his eyes were glowing red. 

But to his horror, the raven-like wings were now larger, reaching almost fifteen feet high and twenty feet wide. They were black in color with sharp edges which could cut anyone down. The thick feather on them smelled a little like sulphur and he was totally shocked to see himself in that state.

"Where am I?" he gasped in panic. "What the hell are these?"

The wings were attached to his shoulder blades. He tried to free himself but there was something acidic on the metal chains, burning his skin. There was a salt circle around his feet. Hobin tried to step on the salt but felt a jolt of electricity as soon as he touched it.

"AGH!" he screamed in pain. The salt was also burning him!

Panting heavily, he looked around but there was no escape. For some reason, he felt that he must escape that room not simply to be freed but rather for something else. His heart was enraged and he had no idea why. 

The sounds of several bells echoed from somewhere, alarming him. It was going to start!

Start? What was going to start?

Hobin racked his brain, trying to remember what he was supposed to do but came up with nothing. The bells were getting louder and his ears were starting to ache in pain.

"AGHHHH!" he screeched as the bells tormented him. His ears were bleeding by the sounds as if a thousand knives were piercing them. The sound was torturous to him and he must get out of there at once!

But the bells were too much to handle and he was going to lose his consciousness. He kneeled on the floor, his hands struggling to be freed from his binds. 

"Shut out the bells!" he gritted in pain, closing his eyes. "SHUT THEM OUT!"

Suddenly, something flew in front of him. He felt a soft touch on his forehead and looked at the mirror. 

A blue butterfly sat on his head, fluttering in despair. It kept on softly bouncing against his head as if trying to tell him to wake up from the dream. 

Hobin felt his consciousness fading as the butterfly helplessly poked him. He tried one last time to free himself but the chains were too strong even for him. As he descended into an eternal slumber, a familiar face flashed in front of him. He wanted to reach out and touch her but before he could do that, the darkness engulfed him once more.


Hobin slowly woke up. A pair of brown eyes were staring at him. He blinked several times, frowning as the face of a little girl appeared in front of him. She was staring back at him with her deep brown eyes with a deadpan expression.

"Burn," she said. "Bald."

He slowly got up and crossed his legs. The girl looked oddly familiar…

"Kid, who are you?" he asked groggily. "Where are your parents? How did you get in?"

The girl pointed at his half open door. Hobin groaned.

"Ugh that door!" He facepalmed himself. "I completely forgot to fix the lock!"

He turned back to the kid who was still observing him.

"Gingy!" she said in awe, pointing at his hair. 

"You like the color?" Hobin smiled. The little girl nodded but then she looked around as if searching for something. 

"What's your name?" he asked in a gentle tone. "Where are your parents?"

"Miyoo!" she replied. "Mom, dad not here. They far away."

Hobin studied the girl carefully. Why does she look so familiar? He wondered. He had seen those eyes somewhere…

Then it hit him.

"Tinkerbell!" he realized. "Are you Tinekerbell- I mean Hwang Jina's relative?"

They looked very similar only that this kid had chubby cheeks and dark hair, similar to the twins. Her nose was also smaller. Miyoo was wearing a bunny hoodie with shorts. Unlike the other siblings who were loud and spunky, the little girl was more subdued. Probably the only normal one in the family, Hobin thought.

Miyoo was still looking around as if she was expecting to see someone when her eyes lit up. She reached out for the bedside desk and picked up a coin.

"Penny!" she said in awe. "Money!"

"I take that back," Hobin sighed. "You're definitely their relative."

He grabbed his phone from the nightstand, letting the child play with the coin. He dialed Jina's number. She picked up after a few rings.

"What is it?" she hissed. "I'm busy! The Chief is going to scold me now!"

"Who's Miyoo?" he asked. 

Jina frowned. "That's my sister," she replied. "Why?"

"She's in my apartment," he stated. "Playing with a penny."

"Huh? Mrs. Ahn was supposed to watch over her. How did she get out of that place? Anyways, just take her back to Mrs. Ahn's! She'll get worried."


Hobin hung up the phone only to see that the little girl had fallen asleep on the floor. He sighed and scooped her up in his arms. She was still holding the penny in her hand but he did not bother to take it from her. 

He went downstairs and ran into Mrs. Ahn, who looked worried.

"I guess you're looking for her," he said, pointing at the sleeping child.

"Yes!" Mrs. Ahn exclaimed in relief. "The door was closed! I don't know how she got out…"

She took Miyoo in her arms and let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Doctor Ohm," she said gratefully. "I'm sorry for the trouble."

"Don't mention it!" he said with a bow. Hobin watched as Mrs. Ahn carried the child away. Miyoo briefly fluttered her eyes open and saw a pale figure standing behind Hobin.

"Burn," she sleepily mumbled. "Bald."

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