Divine God Against The Heavens

Chapter 700 Ch 700: The Forgotten Land Of Ancient 1

"Damn! That hurts!"

Ye Xiao touched his butt with a pained expression and muttered. And then he observed his surroundings.

He found himself standing on a mountain peak. A few hundred people were looking at him in amazement, maybe thinking how could a person fall from the sky like this!

"Cough!" Ye Xiao coughed a little in embarrassment and asked, "Can you guys tell me where am I right now?"

Before anyone could say, a young man stepped forward, pointed at Ye Xiao, and shouted, "How dare you invade the territory of my Psionic Thunder Clan? Who are you?"

Ye Xiao frowned. He didn't like the tone in which the young man shouted at him. However, thinking that he might really be in the other people's territory, he didn't say anything. He didn't expect to appear in the sky above the Blue Wolf Mountain after ascending to the Divine Realm.

Ye Xiao didn't say anything, but others had no intention of letting him go. Another one come forward and said, "Who are you? Why aren't you telling us? Are you deaf?"

Ye Xiao finally looked at these people and into their eyes. His eyes revealed a spark of light before everything returned to normal, however, the person who was just shouting at him seemed to have suffered a heavy blow. His body trembled and he spat out a mouthful of blood before falling backward.

This person was a Five Marked Divine Lord. To Ye Xiao, dealing with such a person was not difficult at all. It just took one look for him to injure the soul of this person. If he was not given a Soul Healing Pill of Divine Level soon, he'll stay laying down on the bed for his lifetime, never to wake up again.


The people who were discussing and shouting at Ye Xiao a moment ago all become silent. They couldn't come to believe what Ye Xiao just did. All of them had seen the spark in Ye Xiao's eyes, and at that time, they felt a cold chill running deep down their souls.

All of them were dumbstruck, and when they come back to their senses, Ye Xiao was nowhere to be seen.


_Psionic Thunder Clan_

"What did you say? Are you telling me that a young man descended from the sky to the mountain peak of Blue Wolf Mountain and after injuring one of our disciples, he disappeared?"

In the main hall of the Psionic Thunder Clan, a middle-aged man with subjugating aura overflowing from his body was sitting in the middle. There were rows of seats on his left and right, filled with people.

In front of them was standing a middle-aged man. This middle-aged man was Li Baihao who come to report what happened at the Blue Wolf Mountain.

Li Baihao trembled a little feeling the intimidating aura of the patriarch of Psionic Thunder Clan. However, he forcefully calmed down, nodded his head, and said, "Yes patriarch, that's exactly what happened. It was my fault for letting that person who injured one of our disciples run away. I will immediately go, look for him, capture him, and bring him back here. He doesn't look that strong anyway. He should be at most Seven Marked Divine Lord Realm martial artist."

"Shut up! You idiot!" The patriarch shouted in anger, pointed at Li Baihao, and said, "Have you forgotten what the previous patriarch said before he died. He predicted that a person who'll descend on the Blue Wolf Mountain will be able to help us search the whereabouts of Psionic Thunder King, Li Taihao."

"You yourself have told us, that person didn't climb the mountain. Instead, he fell from the sky. There are many formations laid around and on the Blue Wolf Mountain. No one can fly around and above the Blue Wolf Mountain. Then tell me, how did that person fall from the sky when no one can fly there, and how did he disappear when so many of you were present at that place. You were also unable to search for him, as if he has completely disappeared."

"As far as I can think of, this is the person in the prophecy of the previous patriarch. We have to look for that person and invite him here respect, understood!"

Li Baihao trembled. He realized his mistake, nodded his head, and said, "Yes, patriarch. I understand!"

"Hmm! Go and search for that person. Don't provoke him and invite him here with all due respect!"

"I will, patriarch!"

Li Baihao cursed the person who provoked Ye Xiao when he appeared in his heart. Then he left the main hall to organize a party of a few thousand people, and look for Ye Xiao in the surrounding areas.


At some corner in the space of Divine Realm, there was a huge land floating without any support. This land was circular in shape and had a rough outer surface. It is extremely big, around the size of a world of Lower Realm.

This land was called the Forgotten Land Of Ancient. It is said, in ancient times, there appeared a heaven-defying genius. He was able to become an Immortal at the age of thirteen, a Dao Manifestation Realm cultivator at the age of fifty, a Divine Lord at the age of hundred and fifty, a Ruler at the age of a thousand, a God at the age of ten thousand, and an Ancient God at the age of a hundred thousand years.

When that person become an Ancient God, people started calling him the Ancient God of Samsara.

He appeared at the median age of the Ancient Era and died at the end of the Ancient Era.

p He knew that the end of the Ancient Era is coming and at least four-tenth of the lives will die. He knew a calamity is coming, after all, anything that can end an era is nothing but calamity.

To let the people of the future era know that there once existed an era called the Ancient Era, the Ancient God of Samsara created land and named it Forgotten Land of Ancient and made one hundred thousand Ancient Gods leave behind their inheritances here.

The ancient God of Samsara was a genius that was said to be heaven-defying. He was not only able to comprehend the Laws of Life and Death, but he also comprehended the Profound Meaning of these two Laws. This is also the reason why is called the Ancient God of Samsara. He was someone who could control life and death to some extent. But even so, he wasn't able to change the fate that come knocking on the door of the people of the Ancient Era.

After creating the Forgotten Land of Ancient, he created the Sea of Samsara. It is said anyone who could enter the Sea of Samsara will appear in a brand new world where that person can live an entirely new life without affecting his life in reality. After dying in that new world, one can return to the Forgotten Land of Ancient and continue to live his normal life.

It is said that the Ancient God of Samsara hid the inheritances of those one hundred thousand Ancient Gods in that new world that people will appear after entering the Sea of Samsara.

He also created a hundred thousand tokens and threw them in endless space. He called these tokens, the Samsara Token.

Only fated people can get their hands on these tokens. And only people who have one of these tokens can enter the Sea of Samsara after it opens.

The Sea of Samsara opens once every million years. So, it was a very rare opportunity for the owner of Samsara Tokens. They can live an entire lifetime inside the new world after entering the Sea Of Samsara, however, only ten years will pass in reality. No matter if they die inside that world after birth, live for ten years or hundred years and then die, or live an entire lifetime, only ten years will pass in reality.

As for where their real body will be. no one knows.

No one was able to understand the profoundness of the Sea of Samsara to this day. There have been a few people who come out after inheriting the legacy of an Ancient God of Ancient Times, and they rose quickly after coming out.

However, there are countless dangers outside after all. The inheritors of Ancient God's legacies will become a common enemy to hunt down for trillions of people of the Divine Realm.

But even so, the charm of the Sea of Samsara is something that still attracts everyone to come and willingly enter.

By any chance, if they were able to stay alive after coming out, their strength will increase by leaps and bounds, and they can surely become Ancient Gods in the future.

Whenever the time for the opening of the Sea of Samsara nears, people start to come to the Forgotten Land of Ancient.

Currently, the Forgotten Land of Ancient was already filled with millions of people. And among these millions of people, only a hundred thousand can enter the Sea Of Samsara.

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