On top of the mountain inside the Forbidden Land of the Spirit Martial Sacred Land, Ye Xiao was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed and was cultivating diligently.

Suddenly, the sky rumbled however there was no cloud in the sky. The sky above the entire Spirit Martial Sacred Land shone with resplendent light and the next moment, a giant figure manifested.

This giant figure's facial features couldn't be seen, however, one could see a light halo radiating with divine light and surging with a divine aura. This figure was holding a spear in his right hand and a blade in his left hand. And behind this figure were floating nine ferocious giant dragons' shadows.

The next second, the sky once again rumbled and shone with resplendent light. All the people saw the giant figure in the sky waving his hand that was holding the spear and countless falling stars appeared in the sky, enlarging rapidly and soon transforming into countless illuminating and beautiful worlds.

Now, the giant figure was standing in the middle of hundreds of worlds and behind him were still floating the shadows of nine ferocious dragons.

The nine ferocious dragons roared loudly in the sky and started flying around the giant figure before entering his body. Then, the giant figures, whose facial features couldn't be seen, roared in the sky, causing cracks to appear everywhere.

This roar was too loud. It made all the people inside the Spirit Martial Sacred Land bleed from their ears and noses, at the same time, it also caused them to kneel down on their knees in fear. No one was an exception, not even Ye Xiao's women. Everyone was kneeling down while enduring the terrifying pressure that suddenly descended on their bodies like a mountain the moment the giant figure roared at the sky.

Everything happening in the sky was a phenomenon caused by Ye Xiao's breakthrough. Actually, it was caused only after he formed his own Divine Domain and gave birth to another little Nascent Soul.

Unlike Divine Nascent Soul which was both intelligent and powerful, this Nascent Soul was like an ant that can be trampled by anyone. Ye Xiao needed to nurture this Nascent Soul slowly and evolve it into the Divine Nascent Soul after cultivating to the Nine Marked Heavenly Divine Lord.

Right now, he could already feel a pulling force that belonged to the world itself. The world was pulling him upwards and wanted him to ascend to the Divine Realm.

But Ye Xiao forcefully stayed behind and wanted to see his women first.

He opened his eyes and looked at the phenomenon caused by his breakthrough while waiting for the five girls to come and meet him for the last time in the Upper Realm. He knew his women must have understood that he has broken through to the Divine Lord Realm after seeing the phenomenon in the sky and will come to look for him.

He was not wrong, after the roar of the giant figure in the sky ended, the pressure descending on all the people of Spirit Martial Sacred Land disappeared. For a moment, everyone felt as if they were standing in front of a domineering king who can dominate anything and any place if he wants.

After the pressure disappeared, Xue Xiaofei, Zhao Qing'er, Zhao Yufei, Yue Ying, and Su Xue Er looked at each other and left, wanting to go and meet Ye Xiao.

While they were still on their way, they suddenly heard another series of rumbling in the sky and saw a huge shadow coming out from the back of the giant figure. This huge shadow was more than ten times larger than the shadows of nine ferocious dragons. The most shocking thing was that this huge shadow actually had nine heads that were looking at the sky arrogantly.

The phenomenon continued for a short while and then it slowly disappeared. Everything returned to normal.

Ye Xiao watched everything unfolding in the sky. He was shocked because he found six shadows of dragons among the nine shadows very familiar. They looked too much like the six ancestral dragons that appeared after he cultivated the Nine Dragon Universal Circulation Technique to the Sixth Layer.

Ye Xiao once again received another message from the Domineering God Stone that told him the giant figure in the sky was actually a glimpse of the future him.

How can Ye Xiao not be shocked when he heard this? The future him is actually so domineering, tyrannical, and autocratic, how can he not be surprised?

At this moment, because of the rejection he was feeling from the world, he started floating on his own in the sky. He knew he was going to ascend to the Divine Realm at any moment and become anxious as he had not seen his future wives yet.

Fortunately, he soon saw them entering the Forbidden Land. The five girls also noticed Ye Xiao who was floating in the sky. They already knew Ye Xiao has become a Divine Lord, however, seeing his floating figure with their own, they still couldn't help but widen their eyes in amazement.

Maybe, Ye Xiao himself didn't notice at some point, a white halo of light appeared behind his head and was radiating a divine aura.

In the eyes of the five girls, Ye Xiao's current figure was a lot similar to the giant figure in the sky that appeared during the phenomenon which appeared after Ye Xiao broke through and become a Divine Lord Realm martial warrior.

Ye Xiao knew he had no time, he waved at his girls and said his goodbyes. The next moment, his figure disappeared.

It was the time when Ye Xiao left the Upper Realm for real and went to the Divine Realm officially.


_Divine Realm, Divine Vault World_

_Eastern Region, Blue Sky Empire, Blue Wolf Mountain_

Since ancient times, the Psionic Thunder Clan had lived in Green Wolf Mountain. After countless years, it had gradually formed a large clan of tens of thousands.

At the edge of the cliff, a middle-aged man stood with his hands behind his back.

Hundreds of young boys and girls were sitting cross-legged while looking at this middle-aged man with respect. He was the teacher responsible for teaching them martial arts and showing them how to cultivate Divine Marks.

Every single person present here at this moment was at least Three Marked Divine Lord.

The middle-aged man took a few steps forward as he turned his gaze onto the young girl sitting in the center.

He was very satisfied with this little girl, Li Mingxue. She was only a thousand a few hundred years old and had already cultivated to the Seven Marked Divine Lord Realm which is very rare.

"Li Mingxue, tell me what do you know about the Psionic Thunder Emperor?"

Li Mingxue was dressed in white and her facial features were exquisite. Her every frown and smile was like a string that tugged at the hearts of the youths present. Hearing the middle-aged man's voice, she slowly stood up and smiled, "According to the ancient records of our Psionic Thunder Clan, in ancient times, there was a genius with a monstrous talent. One day, he observed the movements of the sun and moon. He seemed to have comprehended something and gradually created a new cultivation system. That senior's name is Li Taihao, and is revered by the world as Psionic Thunder Emperor."

"Psionic Thunder Emperor has experienced many difficulties in his life and was worshipped by the world as a god. He was like an ancient expert lamenting the passing of time. He was also the very first person to control the power of thunder with his thoughts. Even the Heavenly Thunder can't do anything against him, he was that strong in his prime."

"Unfortunately, he disappeared about a million years ago and no one has seen him ever since. Some people say he has died tragically while trying to break through to the God Realm and become a God."

The middle-aged man, whose name was Li Baihan, nodded his head in satisfaction and said, "Yes, you are right. Do you know why I asked this question all of a sudden?"

Seeing everyone shaking their heads, Li Baihan proudly raised his head, looked at the distant sky, and said, "It is because our previous clan leader peeked at the secret of Heavens and predicted that a benefactor will descend from the sky to our clan and help us find that monstrous genius of our clan, Li Taihao."

While he was saying this, he suddenly noticed something and frowned. Then he strode forward, his gaze penetrating the sky as if he was looking at something unbelievable.

All the people there also shifted their gaze, followed the eyes of Li Baihao, and looked in the sky.

Unlike Li Baihao, they were unable to see anything.

But very soon, they saw a beam of silver light flashing in the sky and was descending rapidly in their direction.


Very soon, that beam of light finally descended and collided with the surface of the mountain peak.

Dust flew everywhere and when the dust settled down, a young man appeared in front of everyone who was touching his butt with a pained expression on his face.

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