Divine God Against The Heavens

Chapter 679 Ch 679: Space And Time

Queen's vision blurred for a moment as she felt her soul being pulled out of her body by the new world she has been seeing through the black ball of light, however, the next second, a powerful aura burst out from her body, countering the other world's sucking force immediately.

If any Ancient God was here, he or she would have been shocked to see that Queen was very close to becoming an Ancient God, and a very powerful one at that.

Queen has always been extremely powerful, to the extent where even the Ancestral Dragons respected her greatly. After meeting Ye Xiao in this era, she started recovering her cultivation base of the past.

Yes, she was not actually cultivating to increase her cultivation, instead, she has been recovering her lost cultivation all this time. Because of this, although she was only a God right now, she could easily defeat any Ancient God.

Even Ye Xiao was able to resist the suction force of the Void God Realm, let alone her. Her current strength was enough to counter the suction force easily.

"It seems to be the other Universe and this ball of black light is actually a few strands of the Source of that Universe. That universe seems more powerful than the Heavens and the Universe of Heavenly Pearl, however, it seems to be a very small universe, or should I say, it seems to be just a world. To be more accurate, it looks just like any secret realm. What kind of place is this? Can a secret realm be more powerful than a universe? Is this even possible?"

Queen once again used the ball of black light floating inside Ye Xiao's Divine Sea to look at the Void God Realm and started observing it. However, before she could discover anything, a loud shout was heard which was directed at her.

"Who is it? Who is spying inside my Void God Realm?"

This shout was extremely powerful. The kind of strength that she felt in that voice was powerful enough to heavily injure any Ancient God. This alone is enough to prove that the owner of that voice is a person who is more powerful than an Ancient God.


"Does a cultivation realm beyond Ancient God really exist?"

Queen muttered as she cleaned the bleeding from her nose. The moment the loud shout was heard, she immediately cut off her connection with the black ball of light. That shout has injured her and she knew it'll take a few months to heal this kind of injury even with her powerful recovery ability and Life Force.

Only a martial artist beyond Ancient God Realm could cause this kind of injury to Queen. Even the Nine Ancestral Dragons of the past didn't have the strength to hurt her like this.

However, this shout also let her know that there really exists a cultivation realm beyond the Ancient God Realm.

And that new world that she felt just now must be another universe of a higher level than the Heavens and the Universe of Heavenly Pearl. Of course, that might not be a universe but a single world, but more powerful than an entire universe like the Heavens.

She got confused thinking about it, so she stopped thinking and looked at Ye Xiao who was lost deep in the state of comprehension, muttering: "Is the new secret you are hiding? How lucky are you exactly to even get this kind of extraterrestrial treasure. Moreover, this is not just any ordinary extraterrestrial treasure but a few strands of the Source of a Universe, or a world more powerful than the Universe!"

Lost in thought, she muttered to herself, "It is no wonder why the Universe of Heavenly Pearl has retreated and covered itself with the cosmic membrane. If this kind of source were to invade, there is no chance for the Universe of Heavenly Pearl to save its source. Its own source will be swallowed by these few strands of the source of that new world and at that time, the Universe of Heavenly Pearl will no longer be what it is right now. Instead, it'll become just an empty shell and after a few million years, it'll be destroyed on its own."

Queen was really shocked after witnessing such a thing. However, she still didn't find the reason why there are thousands of laws surrounding Ye Xiao like a huge net of laws, letting him comprehend one of the four supreme laws, the Law of Destruction!

She tried to find out a few more times but to no avail.

"Queen, what happened?"

On the other hand, all six ancestral dragons were shocked when Queen suddenly erupted with a powerful aura to counter the suction force of the Void God Realm. They weren't able to see what Queen was seeing, causing them to be stunned for a few moments. They didn't know why Queen erupt with such a powerful aura.

They knew if Queen will never attack them intentionally, however, the eruption of such a powerful aura still hurt them. It is because their current cultivation base was the same as Ye Xiao, Middle Dao Tribulation Stage of the Dao Manifestation Realm.

As for the reason, it is most likely related to Ye Xiao and his cultivation.

Coming back to their senses, one of the Six Ancestral Dragons asked Queen why did she erupt with such a powerful aura, pulling Queen back from her thoughts.

Queen shook her head and decided not to tell the Ancestral Dragons about the ball of black light. She was confident that these dragons doesn't know about it even though they have practically become one with Ye Xiao.

She replied with a smile, "Nothing, I just have a sudden inspiration. You don't have to worry like this!"

The ancestral dragons nodded their heads. They knew of Queen's strength and her comprehensive ability. It is not a surprising matter that she suddenly has an inspiration, causing her to erupt with the powerful aura of a God subconsciously. They didn't doubt her and once again focused on Ye Xiao who now seems to be very close to comprehending the Law of Destruction.

"He is so close to comprehending the Law of Destruction. Now, even I think that he'll succeed." The World Exterminating Demon Dragon muttered in low voice, however, it was loud enough for other ancestral dragons to hear. They also nodded their heads.

The Blood Slaughter Abyssal Dragon said, "If he could comprehend the Law of Destruction, then after awakening 'him', there is a possibility that he'll also be able to comprehend the Law of Space and Law of Creation."

The Nine Hell Serenity Dragon said, "It can not be said yet that he'll definitely be able to comprehend another Supreme Law, however, there do have such a possibility."

"Sigh! It is a pity that there is no chance for him to comprehend the Law of Time. Even among us Ancestral Dragons, no one has ever even sensed the Law of Time. Heavens is too protective toward the Law of Time for some reason. Is it worried that someone will reverse the time back, go back in time, and do something that can affect the past, present, and the future?"

Divine Soul Emperor Dragon replied this time, saying, "Who knows? However, space and time can't be separated. Although there is no ancestral dragon who has ever comprehended the Law of Time or can control time, there is still him, Extreme Void Cosmic Dragon. He can control space and at the same time, he can also affect time to some extent because of his high control over space. After all, he is someone who is born with a 100% understanding of the Profound Meaning of Space Law!"

Others also nodded their heads, agreeing with the Divine Soul Emperor Dragon.

Although, all of them have now started thinking that Ye Xiao might be able to comprehend the Law of Destruction, Law of Creation, and even the Law of Space, however, none of them believed that he could comprehend the Law of Time.

They also didn't believe that Ye Xiao could affect time in any way even if he were to comprehend the Law of Space.

After all, even the Extreme Void Cosmic Dragon could only affect the time because of his understanding of the 100% Profound Meaning of the Space Law. Space and Time, these two are extremely mysterious laws and have co-existed since time immemorial. Even when the Heavens was not born yet, these two have co-existed, and the same goes for the Law of Creation and Destruction. If there is some creation, then there is bound to be destruction!

It can be said that Creation and Destruction are the son and daughter of Space and Time. Without Space and Time, these two can't exist.

However, they are still not something that other laws could compare to.

After all, they are still the Supreme Laws. Unlike Unique Laws such as the Laws of Life and Death, Laws of Light and Darkness, Devouring Law, Law of Slaughter, and many other such laws, Supreme Laws are on a completely different level, to the extent where these laws together can't even compare to one of the Supreme Laws.

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