Divine God Against The Heavens

Chapter 678 Ch 678: Queen's Discovery

"I don't agree with you guys!"

At the time, when everyone was shaking their heads and thinking that Ye Xiao won't be able to comprehend the Law of Destruction, Queen disagreed with them.

The six ancestral dragons looked at Queen in surprise. They didn't expect Queen's point of view to be different from theirs.

However, at this time, two more dragons come forward, supporting Queen. They were Heaven Devouring Divine Dragon and the Divine Soul Emperor Dragon. Both of them said in unison: "I also don't agree."

These two dragons were the two of the dragons awakened by Ye Xiao at the very start. They are also the ones who have been with Ye Xiao at his weakest. They had been the ones who saw Ye Xiao struggling and almost get shot to death by the Eye of Heavenly Dao. They were also the ones who witnessed Ye Xiao falling into the black hole, enduring the endless torture from the countless spatial blades in the black hole, and falling to the Holy Beast Continent where he was saved by Su Xue Er. Though, it is another matter that he was completely healed by Queen.

As for the third dragon, Celestial Poison Imperial Dragon, it was somewhat conflicted in its heart. It was neither standing in support of Ye Xiao nor was it disagreeing with the other three Ancestral Dragons.

The Blood Slaughter Abyssal Dragon was in support of the World Exterminating Demon Dragon and the Nine Hell Serenity Dragon. It also thinks that Ye Xiao wouldn't be able to comprehend the Law of Destruction.

Queen once started explaining without waiting for the three dragons in opposition to ask any questions. She said, "Ye Xiao got the Heavenly Pearl by coincidence. Before he got the Heavenly Pearl, there was no destiny between him and us. At the start, when I got to know him, even I thought he'll not be able to achieve many things. But you know what, he proved me wrong, not only once or twice, but many times."

"When he fall into the black hole, I thought he was going to die. However, he was able to endure the pain of being cut by countless spatial blades. He had also retaliated against those spatial blades for some time which is impossible for any Martial Emperor Realm martial artist (Fifth Level of Mortal Realm) to achieve. There come many times when he was on the verge of death but was able to deal with those situations."

"Even you guys have to admit that when it comes to luck, I think there is not a single person who can compete with Ye Xiao. He is an extremely lucky person from the start."

"When he got crippled, he come across the Heavenly Pearl that not only healed him completely and restored his dantian, it also gave him the opportunity to rise to the top of the Heavens. This is also the greatest opportunity he has gotten till now."

"When his Small World was destroyed, we all thought that his cultivation path is over. You three dragons at that time even started to wait for Ye Xiao's life to come to an end so that the Universe of Heavenly Pearl can be passed down to another person. At that time, even I thought it was over for Ye Xiao, however, he never gave up. He kept looking for ways to restore the Small World. In the end, not only did he was able to recreate the Small World, instead, he was able to create an entire Universe. It is another thing that his Universe is lacking many things such as the manifestation of laws, lives, and other such things. It is also incomplete right now and needs Ye Xiao to expand it further to be completed. Well, in the end, he'll be able to completely create a true universe or not is still unknown."

"However, no one can deny that he did create a universe in the place of a small world, causing his fighting prowess to rise further."

"There are many such things and it'll waste our time if I were to explain them one by one."

"I'll come directly to the main point. You are all saying that he can't possibly comprehend the Law of Destruction, right? I ask, on what basis do guys say so?"

"Think about the time when he was in the Black Desert of the Green Blood Demon World. He has fallen into the state of enlightenment and almost comprehended the Law of Destruction at that time. Although he failed, he did use the Law of Destruction to deal with a powerful demonic beast, completely destroying it. There was another time when he almost comprehended the Law of Destruction."

"Although his cultivation time is too short, when it comes to luck, I think there is no one who can defeat him in this. If he is lucky again this time, he'll definitely be able to comprehend the Law of Destruction."

"Also, don't you guys feel that something is different this time. Instead of only observing, sense carefully. I can sense as if all the Laws of Heavens have somehow presented themselves in front of Ye Xiao as if wanting him to comprehend them. Although I don't know the reason, this seems to be the current situation."

Hearing Queen's remarks, the six ancestral dragons started sensing the surroundings of Ye Xiao carefully. As expected, they were also able to sense thousands of laws around him, presenting themselves in front of him like a huge net of laws.

"This is...?"

"What is happening?"

"How is this possible?"

"It is impossible for Heavens to help Ye Xiao in any way. From the moment Ye Xiao started cultivating the Nine Dragon Universal Circulation Technique, he's already standing against the Heavens and the Dao of Heavens also knows this point. This is also the reason why it tried to exterminate him many times."

"Then why are so many laws, almost all the laws of heavens, presented themselves in front of him like this?"

The Six Ancestral Dragons were confused. They couldn't think of any reason for the Laws of Heavens to present themselves in front of Ye Xiao.

Queen seems to think of something and muttered, "In the past few years, I've been busy developing the Second Universe, and it seems in this amount of short time, he has also gained a secret that is unknown to us. Previously, I had clearly sensed a noble aura bursting out from his body, which is also what attracted me to come here. That aura felt more like the aura of Heavenly Dao."

"But... Why would the aura of Heavenly Dao burst out from his body? No, it is impossible. I must have sensed wrong."

At this time, her gaze once again fell on the net of Laws of Heavens as she muttered, "This must be it. These laws somehow appeared around Ye Xiao, causing me to sense as if the aura of Heavenly Dao has burst out from his body. In fact, it must have come from these laws. Since these laws are surroundings him like a net, it caused me to misunderstand!"

Queen started explaining the answer of her own question. However, her doubt didn't vanish. Light shone in the pair of Queen's angelic eyes as she looked into Ye Xiao's body once again.

However, all she could see was the Divine Nascent Soul that didn't dare to again disrupt her carelessly and remained motionless. She could also see the Embryonic Form of the Dao Fruit. Other than these two things, she can't sense anything.

"What is this thing?"

Suddenly, Queen sensed the ball of black light in Ye Xiao's Divine Sea that caused the Universe of Heavenly Pearl to move away from it, occupying half of Ye Xiao's Divine Sea. At the same time, a membrane was also covering it, as if protecting the Universe of Heavenly Pearl from the invasion of the black ball of light located somewhere in the other half of Ye Xiao's Divine Soul.

She seems to feel that the Universe of Heavenly Pearl was scared of the black ball of light inside Ye Xiao's Divine Sea.

"This thing, what exactly is this?"

Queen tried to investigate the black ball of light and after some time, her eyes lit up. She muttered, "This black ball of light seems to be the same as the Source of Heavens and the Source of the Second Universe, but more powerful. It is as if this thing belongs to another universe, however, this universe is more powerful than the Heavens and the Universe of Heavenly Pearl."

"How did he get his hands on this thing?"

Queen muttered and kept observing the strand of Source of Void God Realm. Just as she was observing it carefully, an entirely new world appeared in line of her vision, and this is also the moment when she suddenly felt an extremely strong suction force from the new world, as if it wanted to pull her soul out from her body and swallow it.

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