Disciple of Immortal

Act 4: Chapter 32: Conclusion of the Event

Chapter 32: Conclusion of the Event

I knocked out Zuul, the culprit of this incident.

The only thing left was to destroy the rest of the dragon statue.

Upon looking around, I realized that from the initial more than a hundred dragon statues, there were only around thirty of them left.

It might take quite some time to defeat all of them.

And none of the 1000-point dragon statues was left.

It seems I killed quite a lot of them with 《Room Slash》 While protecting Raigan and co.

I should’ve destroyed the high-point dragon statue as much as possible.

I used 《Room Slash》 for the medium range and 《Hero Sword; Gilgamesh》 for melee.

With Pomera and Philia’s assistance, the number of dragon statues quickly decreased from twenty to ten.

「Okay, just a few I will do that!」

Just when I thought we were about to be done, Mitsuru who was covered with a wound rushed forward.

He managed to shake off Yorna and Raigan who tried to stop him, and rushed toward the huge dragonic statue.

「O-Oi, stop it! You seem to lose your sense of reality after they beat you down but, the strength of those dragon statues is no joke!」

「Stop it, Mitsuru-san! Come back here!」

Raigan and Yorna quickly chased after Mitsuru.

Just when I thought that Mitsuru was forcing himself again… I saw a 250-point dragon statue attacked the former.

Mitsuru had proven himself to be able to lift 500 points of dragon head rock.

So his real level should be around half of that.

Meaning that the 250-point dragon statue was no threat to him even without his skill.

I looked away from Mitsuru and focused back on the opponent before me.

「《Double》… Assault Mode!」

I was startled when I heard that.

Mitsuru’s 《Double》 wasn’t something as simple as doubling his stats.

The other stats decreased to compensate for his increased stats.

Though he could one-shot the 250-point dragon statue in his current state, in the case his attack was missed, he had to receive the other party’s attack when his defense got weakened.

Not to mention that he had already been injured.

I had no choice but to look at him again.

Mitsuru’s sword cut the dragon statue’s left shoulder.

Smashed the left arm down to the ground.

「Tch… Missed the target!」

Mitsuru sweating like a waterfall when he realized his mistake.

His sword wasn’t cut on the left shoulder.

The statue defended itself with its left shoulder.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, the dragon statue even jumped back to kill the force behind Mitsuru’s attack.

Since Mitsuru’s speed was slowing down, he couldn’t keep up with that development.

Mitsuru tried to readjust his crumbled stance.

But the fangs of the dragon statue were faster.

「Darn, stay away dammit!」

Yup, he shouldn’t use 《Double》 for his previous attack.

To begin with, he is already strong enough to match that dragon statue even without 《Double》.

Knowing Mitsuru’s personality, he might be trying to defeat the dragon statue in one hit.

I tried to assist him with magic from behind alas, a 300-point dragon statue suddenly jumped before me, blocking my field of view.

I gripped 《Hero Swor; Gilgamesh》 with both hands and leaped up to the air.

「I’ve never used this outside of the mirror.」

And brandished the 《Hero Sword; Gilgamesh》.

Just like that, the slash sliced the 300-point dragon statue along with the ground, traveling all the way and slicing through the dragon statue that was about to attack Mitsuru too.

The slash kept going on, slicing a few other dragon statues along the way and reaching the point beyond the Dragon gate temple.

A giant crack formed on the building.


Since it was an emergency, I forgot to adjust my strength.

And ended up tearing down an entire building.

I hope no one is inside that building right now but… No, this wasn’t the time to worry about that.

If there was dragonfolk inside that building, they would come out immediately, Zuul had also mentioned before that dragonfolk rarely come to this place.

「That’s too amazing, Kanata!」

Philia was making merry innocently.

She stood on top of the mountain of rubbles created from the dragon statue that got defeated by her.

It seems we finally destroyed all of the dragon statues.

「Uh, ehm… Are you okay, Mitsuru-san?」

Though Mitsuru was dumbfounded for a moment, he was startled when his eyes met mine and he retreated in a flash.


Mitsuru stood as if being propped by Yorna as he muttered those words.

「I did tell you to get a thousand or two points but, I had never expected that this would be the result. Well, you saved our asses though…」

Raigan commented dumbfoundedly.

「Raigan-san… Uhm, there’s no problem with the Dragon Gate temple due to this incident right?」

「How can you say that? You sliced the temple in half.」

「Uhm, I don’t mean that way… I mean… Is the value of the place…」

「It’s valuable indeed. Our founding fathers built the temple with thousands of years old wood. The value of the building is immeasurable.」

Said Raigan, heaving a deep sigh while massaging his temple.

Pomera and I covered our faces with our hands the moment we heard that.

「Well… We cannot blame you for this either. The matter of dragon statues can’t be helped since they’re made to be defeated, as for the rest, let’s just dump the responsibility to Zuul-sama. Fortunately, the said person is passed out right now.」

Said Raigan as he looked down at Zuul who sprawled on the ground, passed out.

「Thank you very much… Raigan-san. Uhm, you turned out to be a kind person.」

「Honestly I’m already exhausted from the antics that you guys have committed since you came to this village… To be honest, I don’t care anymore at this point.」

After saying so, Raigan looked at Mitsuru.

「And you… You said that you’re going to have a rematch against Kanata after you take care of Zuul-sama. Are you sure that you still want to fight him after you see THAT DESTRUCTION?」

Raigan spoke casually while pointing at the dragon gate temple that had already been sliced in half.

Mitsuru was startled upon hearing that, color drained from his face.

His eyes were darting quickly between the Dragon Gate temple and me.

「Eh… No way, are you still going to do that…?」

Honestly, I am also tired of seeing Mitsuru’s antic.

If he still insisted on fighting me after this, I was prepared to his his solar plexus to stun him and run from this place.

I didn’t want to hurt him but, my patience had already reached its limit.

Mitsuru was startled again when I moved my hand to return 《Hero Sword; Gilgamesh》 back into its’ scabbard.

「《Double》… Speed Mode!」

Yellow steam floated from Mitsuru’s body.

The next moment, he carried Yorna under his arm and ran down along the stairs.

I could only look at those series of actions with a dumbfounded look on my face, I lowered my gaze to my hand and wondered that Mitsuru might have mistaken me for trying to attack him with 《Hero Sword; Gilgamesh》.

「… Did he escape huh? Shall we take Zuul-sama and leave this place too?」

Added Raigan while heaving a deep sigh.

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