Disciple of Immortal

Act 4: Chapter 27: Dragon King Riddler(Side: Riddler)

Chapter 27: Dragon King Riddler(Side: Riddler)

The innermost part of the peach dragon village is the Dragon King’s Castle.

It was the place that protected the dragon hole, the gathering place of the magical power of the world, and the dragon king’s castle at the same time.

In the 《Dragon Hole’s Room》 which connected directly with the dragon hole in the basement of the dragon king’s castle, a barrier was erected to protect the place by using the magical power of the dragon hole itself.

One dragonfolk was currently meeting the Dragon King inside the 《Dragon Hole’s Room》, the best place in the Dragon King’s castle.

It was an old dragonfolk who bore the title of dragon saint, Odio.

「Raise your face, Odio. What business do you have for coming to visit me? If it’s for some idle chat, I don’t think you have leeway for that.」

Asked the dragon king… Riddler Ladon Dravic to Odio.

Appearance-wise, Riddler looks like a handsome youth with long, pale green hair.

There was a pair of huge, branched horns on his head, and golden wings on his back.

Riddler was sitting in his luxurious chair, leaning on his elbow on one of the armrests, looking at Odio with his slit, snake-like eyes.

「I have something to report… Dragon King-sama. Four humans is visiting the peach dragon village. And three of the four… Managed to score 500 points in the 1st trial.」

「Hou, interesting.」

Side Riddler as he let out a chuckle.

「Are they famous figures in the outside world? Like 《Humanoid Dragon》 for example? The criminal who walks on the demonic path with their human body and gains dragon’s power. Excess contact with those people should be forbidden by the law on Peach Dragon Village.」

「We’re not too familiar with the human world… But, according to Yorna, our girl who loves to go out into the human world, none of them are 《Humanoid Dragon》. One of them(of the fur) is even an S-rank adventurer, and hero who possessed 《Double》.」

「Is the other two(of the three) famous people? Interesting… So they can score 500 points in the 1st trial. To guide such human with uncommon power so that they won’t be lost their way is one of our, the dragonfolk’s missions after all. Odio, try to get more information about them.」

「Yes, already doing that.」

「Maybe the gear of time is moving again. In the history of the human world. Since the immemorial time, the rare brave gathered together when the army of darkness is flourishing… That’s how the history of humans spun until now. But, the opposite is also true. When the hero gathered together once in a hundred years… That’s the omen for the coming of great darkness.」

「Exactly, it’s just as you say.」

Odio nodded in agreement.

「We will only directly lend our hand when humanity is truly in danger. Otherwise, we will only be looking over them. That’s our pledge with the dragon. They have to overcome the trial imposed by the will of the world on their own. It’s truly a cruel thing for such a harsh trial to be imposed on those powerless humans.」

Muttered Riddler in lonesome as he covered his face.

But then, he smiled till he exposed his fangs right after that.

「That matter aside, the guests this time is really interesting. Three people scored 500 points in the 1st trial. One of them might surpass my 2200 points. Man, it’s been a really long time since someone appeared to challenge me for the title of dragon king. And it isn’t a dragonfolk, but a human instead! Yeah, this is why I can’t never get bored of humans. Maybe it’s time for me to flex my power again after a long time. Not that I have the intention to lose against them either.」

「Riddler-sama… I’ve yet to finish my report, and this is the most important part of my report.」

「Hm? Is something the matter, Odio? Feel free to tell me.」

Riddler asked curiously.

「Three people managed to get 500 points in the 1st trial… And the last one got 1000 points! And since Riddler-sama has been itching to flex his wings, I’m sure that the last person will satisfy your craving for combat. I can’t wait to see his fight against Dragon King-sama.」

「A thousand points… In the simplest 1st trial?」

Said Riddler with a twitched smile on his face.

「Yeah, that’s right! He’s breaking Riddler-sama’s 900 points record!」

「I-I see… That human must be quite powerful.」

「Yes! There’s a kid among them but, even that little kid can lift 500 points’ dragon head rock so easily! According to my estimation, that little kid might be able to get 1000 points too in the 1st trial!」

「This… This must be a scam. You must be scammed, Odio. Deceit during the dragon’s trial is a felony, the human seems to forget about that over time. I’m really sad to know that they use deceit in our sacred trial.」

Said Riddler as he wiped the sweat on his forehead.

「No, I saw it in person! I can vouch that they’re not cheating at all! My master isn’t the kind of person who will do that!」

「Your… Master? That’s what all the swindled people said at first.」

「Dragon King-sama, you look rather unwell… Are you okay?」

Riddler shook his head and raised his face.

「Well, everything will be cleared in the 2ns trial. By then, we will know whether they really are powerful people or just muscleheads… Or, just a lowly swindler.」

At that moment, the door of the 《Dragon King’s Room》 opened up.

Following that, a tall dragonfolk entered the room.

It was a man with peculiar long, purplish hair.

He was one of the dragon saints, Zuul.

「Dragon King-sama! We have a report!」

Zuul spoke with a high-pitched voice.

「Calm down, Zuul-dono! You’re acting improperly in front of Dragon King-sama!」

Odio scolds his peers.

That scolding managed to calm Zuul, thus he proceeded to bow at Riddler and then looked up at the latter.

「The three humans who challenged the 2nd trial managed to reach the bottom of 《Dragon’s Jaw》 and defeated the 《Red Violence; Ettin》 in the lowest floor! With this, one of them has already scored 2000 points, and the other two are 1500 points! Every single one of them broke the record set by Dragon King-sama! This will become a big scandal that sullies the pride of us, the dragonfolk! I-I-I cannot tolerate this!」

Said Zuul as he raised his arms with a bright red voice.

Riddler’s facial muscles were twitching again.

「What about the other one? The one called Mitsuru-dono who scored 500 points in the 1st trial too?」

「He got crushed under a falling rock during the 2nd trial and only managed to score 20 points. Well, that person aside! Dragon King-sama, let me say this on behalf of the dragonfolk! We really should revoke the right of those lowly humans to participate in the dragon trial! Please revoke their right to participate in the trial and expel them from Peach Dragon Village immediately! And then, please rethink our policy to accept the human in the future!」

Zuul screamed hysterically as he bowed to Riddler.

「What are you talking about, Zuul-dono! We’re the dragonfolk, expelling our guest just because we’re afraid of their strength is the greatest shame on us! We welcome strong people regardless of their race! That’s the pride of our dragonfolk.」

Odio yelled angrily upon hearing Zuul’s outrageous remark.

「Silence, old man! The likes of humans won’t even be able to live for a few hundred of years, they’re just lowly and greedy beasts who crawling on the world! To honor strong people, we have to give him the title of honorary dragonfolk! You’re the only one who feels that way! Now take a look, they’re about to surpass the score of our Dragon King-sama! This will affect our pride as the dragonfolk!」

Then Zuul replied with his machinegun talk.

He even exaggeratedly waved his arms.

「The one who has to shut up is you! Like hell, we can allow your radical thought to replace the tradition of our dragonfolk!」

「I’m being realistic here, if we let them do as they please, they will forget to pay respect to Dragon King-sama which in turn will disturb the order in Peach Dragon village! We can’t let those humans do as they please, our original mission is to guide humans under the premise that we’re much more powerful than them, there’s no meaning in guiding the humans who are stronger than us! I’m being realistic okay!」

「Only weakling will have such a mentality! If that’s what you feel, we’re going to be defeated for sure, meaning that we really need to train the mind of most dragonfolk! Zuul-dono, are you going to escape with a tail between your legs in front of a strong enemy? How delightful! How can a sissy like you become a dragon saint! Shame on you! You should be captured for having such petty thought and conceit! Dragon King-sama isn’t the kind of person to worry about that!」

「W-W-W-What did you say!? You’re looking to die… Stubborn old man!」

「Come at may, I’m ready! Just right when I need itchy for some real combat! Your blood is just the right thing to sharpen my fangs! Come and let me reeducate that rotten attitude of yours!」

Both Odio and Zuul were glaring at each other.

Though both of their opinions often clashed with each other, their clash reached a whole nother level today.

While the two dragonfolks had such banter, Riddler was sweating like a waterfall.

「2000 points, in 2nd trial… 2000 points huh… Meaning that the person level isn’t as simple as 1000. What should I do now? Are they going to challenge me after they take all the trials, or just left as it is?」

And muttered so with his head hung down.

For Riddler, it was rude to treat strong humans with impunity.

Though not as extreme as Odio, Riddler had the same kind of philosophy as the former.

But, this recent incident had already indicated that something was amiss.

Thus, Riddler stood up from his chair.

The authority of the peach dragon village would fall to the ground if they announced that the dragon king got beaten black and blue by humans.

In this situation, Zuul’s opinion was right.

The fall of the authority of the Dragon King wasn’t a problem for Riddler alone.

If that happened, the dragonfolk would be dubbed as weak and incompetent who couldn’t protect the dragon hole.

Some of the dragonfolks who had lost their pride might cause some sort of incident by using that.

Not to mention that they might be pressured by the dragon if they couldn’t do their job properly.

If the three humans who scored over a thousand points left as it was, it wouldn’t be a problem for Riddler and the dragonfolk.

But, the situation might deteriorate if he interfered with them.

And he couldn’t expel them either since it would affect the reputation of Peach Dragon Village.

「Dragon King-sama! Please say something to Zuul-dono! We cannot life such a frivolous life!」

Odio made a plea to Riddler.

Hearing that, Riddler grits his teeth as he looks distastefully at Odio.

He seemed to hesitate for a while but then, his eyes suddenly opened and he started to clutch his IT’S HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURT!」

Riddler suddenly screamed loudly.

Seeing that, Odio and Zuul forgot about their quarrel for a moment and looked dumbfoundedly at Riddler.


Both Odio and Zuul were at a lost for words, they could only watch Riddler’s antic with gaped mouths.

「As for the human, until I re— I mean, no one shall be allowed to enter the Dragon King’s castle until my illness is cured! That goes for both of you too, leave this 《Dragon King’s Room》! This is not a request, this is an order from me, the Dragon King.」

To protect the dignity of the dragonfolk without having to expel the human.

The method chosen by the dragon king, Riddler Ladon Dravic was―― Faking an illness.

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