Disciple of Immortal

Act 4: Chapter 31: Deadly Ambush

Act 4: Chapter 31: Deadly Ambush

The dragon statue raised a warcry like a real, living dragon, and then rushed toward us.

More than over hundred,,,,,, of monster rushed at us.

But, most of them were level 300.

No need to use a big move. Anyhow, I need to get rid of the low-level one too.

「… I'll stall them. You guys use that opportunity to escape. This is an internal problem of Peach Dragon Village.」

Raigan told us quietly.

「No, Raigan-san, there's no need for you to do that…」

Raigan scoffed upon hearing my remark.

「Don't worry. This is Zuul-sama's arbitrary decision. There's no way the three dragon saints will make an unanimous decision to eliminate you. Just tell Odio-sama about what Zuul-sama trying to do here.」

「Uhm, actually…」

Raigan shook his head.

「Humph, do you think that I'm unreliable? Let me tell you one thing, this 《Thunderfang Raigan》… Ain't go down that easily. I still have my trump card too. And don't misunderstand, I'm not doing this for you guys, I'm doing this to protect the honour of Peach Dragon Village, and stop Zuul-sama's rampage. No more, no less.」

「Thank you for the feeling but, uhm, I don't think you have to go that far…」

At least let me finish my sentence.

And yet, it seems he was raring to protect us at the cost of his life.

「Spirit Magic, 8th-Rank《Laelaps Fang》」

Beast-formed thunder materialised in front of Pomera.

The beast ran along the ground, prying the ground in its wake and swallowed the dragon statue.

Eight dragon statues got wrecked as the thunder beast ran past them.

「L-Lass… You turned out to be so powerful!」

Raigan spoke with a shocked face.

「Kanata-san, we'll be in big trouble if we don't cull their number at once!」

Pomera spoke as she turned around toward me.

I nodded at her, unsheathed 《Hero Sword; Gilgamesh》, pointed its' tip at the dragon statues and slashed to the side.

「Time-Space Magic, 10th Rank; 《Dimension Slash(Room Slash)》」

The dragon statue who rushed at me got bisected right at their mid-section.

Raigan was left dumbfounded upon seeing such a spectacle, his body stiffened as he looked at the dragon statue.

「And Raigan-san, please take Mitsuru-san and Yorna-san to get away from this place.」

「You've done it… Monster! But, there's still a 1000-point dragon statue! losing a measly dragon statue isn't a big deal!」

The moment Zuul said that the 1000-point dragon statue flew toward us.


Then a giant white arm came out from the ground and pierced the abdomen of the giant dragon statue.

It was Philia's upper.

The dragon statue who got punched through their guts crumbled at once into pieces.


Zuul raised a shriek upon seeing that.

「As expected of Philia-chan…!」

Now it was only a matter of time before we cleaned up these hundreds of dragon statues.

The strongest of them, the 1000 points statue had already been defeated.

Now we just need to deal with the rest.

The moment I heaved a sigh of relief, the statues with a span of ten metres came at me.

Either of them had 【500 Points】 written on their forehead.

I responded with a big swing.

Creating huge cracks on both dragon statues' abdomens.

Those cracks spread on their entire body as their body crumbled down.

There weren't that many 500-point dragon statues.

According to my observation, there were only five of them.

Zuul's war potential dwindled at a rapid pace.

That moment, I saw Zuul rush at me with a spear in his hand from the edge of my field of vision.

Zuul glared at me as he ran past the rubbles with an inverted stance.

Now I knew why two of the 500-point dragon statues which number limited attacked me.

Because Zuul's target was me.

He leapt toward me from my blind spot by using the rubble as his cover while I got sandwiched by two dragon statues.

「An opening! You're the leader! But, no matter how high your level… It's nothing before this spear! Hohoho… This is my trump card that has been sharpened using the stomach stone of the venomous evil dragon, Vergif!」

The purple-coloured stone speartip.

Zuul kicked the rubble of the dragon statue and leapt up as he drew a parabola in mid-air.

It seems he makes full use of his wings, drawing parabolas in midair which is hard to read.

Just when I thought his speed changed, his figure blurred to left and right before another two Zuul appeared.

「Dragon Art, 《Multi-Shadow Flash》!」

I wouldn't be able to react to his attack with my current posture. 𝘧𝘳𝓮𝓮𝓌𝘦𝓫𝓷𝘰𝘷ℯ𝑙.𝓬ℴ𝘮

Zuul wasn't the only one who came to me, the two dragon statues were also heading toward me.

I was at a loss for words.

Raigan was right, Zuul was truly a formidable opponent.

He realized at a glance that I was the highest levelled person in our group at glance by seeing my battle against the dragon statue, and concluded that he had to finish me off in a short-term decisive battle, pinning two of his 500 points dragon statues to attract my attention before he leapt toward me.

He then stabbed his poisoned spear which would work against a high-level opponent like me from my blind spot.

It was by no means an admirable attack.

But, Zuul had completely outwitted me when it came to the desire for victory.

Level had nothing to do with this, it was a matter of experience.


I stretched my leg and unleashed a kick to each of Zuul's clones.

Two of his clones vanished as one of Zuul vanished.

Zuul collapsed on the ground with his tongue sticking out.

「I-Impossbile… How can you see… Through that?」

I grabbed the speartip of Zuul's spear.

I felt a tinge of pain run in my palm.

Maybe I wouldn't have any problem even if he managed to score a hit with this pear.

Because no matter how cunning Zuu's tactics are, the reason is useless simply because of the difference between death.

It seems Zuul was 【Level 500】.

Skill aside, his physical abilities were almost on par with those 500 points statutes.

Alas…If it was Zorophilia or the Red King who unleashed that surprise attack, I would be in deep shi*t if I relied on my status.

Nyarlhotep was targeting my life after all.

Thus I had to raise my vigilance.



Journey of The Childhood Friend Who Got Betrayed by Sword Saint

The Protagonist of Isekaied Story With Cheat And Harem Has No Idea That All Of The Heroines Has Already Been Stolen By Me~Urgh, My Stomach Is Killing Me~

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