Disciple of Immortal

Act 4: Chapter 30: Three Great Dragon Saint, Zuul

Act 4: Chapter 30: Three Great Dragon Saint, Zuul

「One of the three great dragon saints, Zuul…」

Dragon Saint… That was the title given to those who acquired more than a thousand points in the 《Dragon's Trial》.

The only title higher than Dragon Saint was Dragon King.

In short, this person was one of the strongest dragonfolk in the peach dragon village, the same rank as Odio who we met 《Rock Cliff of Dragon Head》.

The dragonfolk had a rule that favored strength.

Strong dragonfolk held vast influence in this Peach Dragon Village.

I did not doubt that he was in a position of management at Peach Dragon Village.

In addition, he seems to be hostile toward Zuul.

「Why I… Come to this Dragon Gate Temple. Naturally, I have to take this matter at hand on behalf of Our indecisive Dragon King and that muscle-brained old man, I come to take care of these humans.」

Said Zuul with an eerie smile on his face.

I readied myself to face against Zuul.

… I had never expected that the other party would throw a straight ball when I tried to guess his intention.

I thought he was the pawn of the 《Ruler of The Sky》 ergo, I guess that was misplaced suspicion.

Both Raigan and Yorna had no idea what Zuul had said, thus only looking dumbfoundedly at Zuul and us.

「Fufufu, as long as they're within this Dragon Gate Temple, the place under my jurisdiction, and since no dragonfolk here, I can get rid of those humans in secret. I'm really glad that Raigan is the one who escorts them. Lend me a hand, Raigan.」

「A-Availing myself to your kind offer, Zuul-sa…! I don't think there's a reason for us to do that, the matter of 《Dragon's Jaw》 shouldn't be questioned! Going as far as getting rid of them is ju—!」

Raigan tried his best to persuade Zuul.

「No need to forgive the human who playing around and sullying our sacred 《Dragon's Trial》. Raigan, this is for the sake of Peach Dragon Village. The young Yorna still does not understand the mission of dragonfolk. Raigan, help me to arrest her. And let her stay in jail for a while to prevent this matter from leaking outside.」

Zuul looks really dumbfounded upon seeing Raigan's response and then explains the situation by admonishing him.

「L-Leaking… Zuul-sama, are you serious about that? Well, I understand that they don't seem to take the trial at heart but, all of them are the benefactors who got invited to come to Peach Dragon Village. Assassinating them behind the scenes is something that we cannot do no matter what. Please reconsider this matter!」

Raigan kneeling at Zuul, he went as far as bowing his head.


It seems I misjudged Raigan.

I thought he was a prideful, and violent dragonfolk.

But, now I understood just how much he loved and was proud of this place, the Peach Dragon Village.

Seeing Raigan's refusal, Zuul squinted his eyes, blue vein throbbed on his forehead.

「Fool… All of you are huge idiots! Not doing it and not announcing it are two different matters. In government, there's the scale of priority. We have to give up on something to achieve another thing. We must dully our hands to achieve such a thing! Raigan, you're unsuited for the title of the golden dragon. Well, enough with chitchat, things will be much simpler as long as I kill you all here!」

Declared Zuul as he unfolded his bat-like wings.


「My deepest apology. I just chose the path that I thought was correct. Moreover… This is the blunder of us, the dragonfolk.」

Raigan spoke with an anguished face.

Raigan didn't hesitate at all.

I could guess from Raigan's attitude toward Odio how inviolable the existence of a dragon saint in this peach dragon village was.

「… Ah, maybe Raigan felt that it was much saver to come to get the good side of Kanata-san, that's why he came to our side.」

Said Pomera.

It seems she ended up blurting what came into her mind.

She quickly covered her mouth the moment she realized her blunder.

「You're mistaken! And stop insulting me at this kind of time!」

「P-Pomera-san, I think you should apologize to him!」

「M-M-My apologies! I just…!」

Pomera bowed quickly to Raigan as she expressed her apology.

「Firstly… This situation put us at a disadvantage. Zuul-sama's strength aside, he's a cunning and cruel person… Who has never lost in combat?」

I-Is Zuul really that powerful?

From Raigan's perspective, he should've known that we're literally at Dragon King's level.

And yet, he still thinks that Zuul has the advantage over us.

「I alone am enough to beat the crap of that noisy lizard. Dragon king aside, that dragon saint should've just grown his hair like this Raigan. It pissed me off already when that dragon old man took advantage of me. Defeating him should've proven that I'm stronger than a dragon saint. Oi bean sprout, your turn will come after I take care of that noisy lizard!」

The bloodstained Mitsuru declared so as he came forward.

… It might be for the best if he didn't say anything like a good kid.

「Hohoho… I wonder how long you're going to have such composure. Then I shall teach you a nice lesson. Dragon statues aren't just used for combat training, they can also be used to repel evil people like you guys who aim for the dragon hole, In short, they're also our guardians since the population of dragonfolk might be insufficient.」

Zuul raised his left hand to the sky after he said so.

The golden bracelet on his left wrist glowed with brilliant golden light.

「Now then, dragon statue! Heed my order and eat those people who disturb the peace of Peach Dragon Village! Hohoho!」

The eyes of the dragon statue bathed in that golden light and then glowing in red color.

Thus, over one hundred dragon statues in the Dragon Gate temple were moving at once.

The 1000 points statue which was used as Zuul's stand raised its' head and then howled to the sky.

「I see… This is a tricky situation indeed.」

The most troublesome fact was the fact that Zuul could activate all dragon statues in Dragon Gate temple at once.

Now that I think about it in the previous trial, that statue might've power rivaling a 【Level 1000】 opponent.

Not to mention that there were many more opponents aside from that one.

This was undoubtedly a tricky situation if we had to fight while protecting Raigan and Mitsuru.



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