Disciple of Immortal

Act 4: Chapter 2: Three Masks

Act 4: Chapter 2: Three Masks

I was conducting an alchemy experiment to create 《Ether》 with the materials stuffed into the huge kettle

Leaning on the wall was three 《Dream King’s Mask》 conjured by Philia.

Honestly speaking, looking at Zorophilia’s mask again after a long time sends a chill running down my spine.

I wouldn’t be able to sleep if I saw them at night.

《Dream King’s Mask》 was an extremely wonderful item that released a certain type of magical power that can aid the transformation process of all kinds of alchemy.

In short, it was the ultimate catalyst

Properly speaking, there was only two such mask in this world, it was an item that trigger a world war every time it appeared at a turning point in history.

Though for some reason, another three masks appeared right in this room.

There were three main ingredients for 《Ether》 was 《Brain of High-Rank Devil》, 《Yggdrasil’s Droplet》, and 《Adamant Ore》.

《Brain of High-Rank Devil》 Could be procured from 《Distorted World of Cursed Mirror》.

I still have a lot of 《Yggdrasil’s Droplet》 left from the one given to me by Urzottle.

And I’ve already established a way to make 《Adamant Ore》 with alchemy, naturally securing enough amount of the said ore too.

The other side ingredients had already been prepared by Gannet.

「Now, everything has been prepared. Even if we fail, we can retry it as much as we want, failure is the mother of success after all. Let’s start the creation of 《Ether》.」

「… Uhm, Kanata-san. It won’t explode like before right?」

Pomera asked timidly.

I shook my forefinger to the side, smiling at her as I say.

「It’ll be okay. Even if it DID explode, I can contain the power of the explosion with barrier magic immediately.」

「So it’s going to explode…」

Pomera was visibly dejected after hearing my reply.

「Kanata, is three masks really, enough?」

I looked at Philia with a wry smile on my face after hearing her question.

「Hahaha… I’ve realized that the speed and transformation process is way too fast for me if we used four masks… Look, even with three, we might fail like before…」

In fact, I did a simple alchemy experiment with five of Philia’s 《Dream King’s Mask》 three days ago.

On paper, applying a strong restraint during the decaying process of 《Ether》 could raise the efficiency of manufacturing.

Since we had yet to create 《Ether》 with this method, I could heave a sigh of relief to see that the loss in the failure of the first experiment was insignificant.

By the way, a little incident did happen back then.

It was a problem with my calculation, when I used five 《Dream King’s Mask》 before, the transformation power of 《Dream King’s Mask》 went over the chart and caused an extremely unbelievable incident.

All the ingredients fused together with the help of 《Dream King’s Mask》, and turned into a slime-like creature.

It then suddenly grew giant feet and rampaging inside the room, Pomera and I had managed to somehow subjugate the mysterious homunculus that I created by accident.

If we let it out, it might end up causing another uproar in Manarak.

The reason for that incident might lie in the 《Brain of High-Rank Devil》.

Since I had no idea what going to happen next time, I decided to not use five 《Dream King’s Mask》.

I’ve tried to use four but, it was also beyond my capabilities.

The speed of the transformation was still way too fast for me to catch up.

Both my knowledge and brain couldn’t handle four or five masks.

I stirred the big pot while injecting my magical power to start the transformation.

「If I’m not mistaken, this much should be enough…」

Pomera’s smile twitched upon hearing my remark.

She was clearly anxious.

「Uhm, shouldn’t we ask your teacher, Lunaire-san to help us with this?」

「… That was my intention.」

「Was? Is that mean your teacher has already left Manarack?」

「Nope, she might be still in this city. I can’t explain it very well but… She seems to avoid me… She might be confused since she had never gone out to a human settlement before.」

My last conversation with Lunaite was right after I defeated the demon king of spiders, Mother.

I tried to tease her a bit back then but, I guess I went too far that time.

Even though I could give her a tour if she wanted to take a walk, it seems her past still haunting her to this day.

Maybe I had no choice but to find her first and prevent her from leaving before I had a proper conversation with her.

But then… Lunaire was my master in both magic and combat arts.

There was an insurmountable gap between our power.

Should I wait for her to visit and then ask the prepared question? I mean, what other choice I had?

In short, it would be depending on my own luck.

「S-Snap it out Kanata-san! The content of the kettle is reaching boiling point! I don’t know what happens but… It let out quite an amazing sound!!」

The lid of the kettle made rattling sounds as something inside hit it.

「Woah, sorry!」

I hurriedly regulated my magical power to calm the chaotic reaction inside the kettle.

「W-Well, no problem so far…」

When I said so, the three 《Dream King’s Mask》 leaning on the wall made rattling sounds.



As if it was cackling.

「H-HIIII! K-Kanata-san, they’re not some sort of fragment of the devil, right!?」

Pomera’s face paled, embraced my arm as she asked me.

Philia on the other hand was looking happily at the laughing masks.

「Everyone seems to be really happy!」

I unsheathed 《Hero sword; Gilgamesh》 from its’ sheath, pointing it at the 《Dream King’s Mask》.

In case something happened, I had to return the mask to 《Dream Sand》 immediately.

I feel bad for Philia for doing this but, something terrifying might happen if I didn’t make my move immediately.

And I couldn’t afford to take such a huge gamble.

Yup, maybe three 《Dream King’s Mask》 was a bit over the top.

Well since one seems to be more than enough, maybe I should decrease their number.

But then, the 《Dream King’s Mask》’s enigmatic cackling which scared Pomera and I settled down immediately.

I returned 《Hero Sword; Gilgamesh》 into its’ sheath after making sure that nothing really happen.

「Kanata-san… Isn’t that mask a bit too dangerous?」

「… I think using more than two is beyond my capabilities. It’s just my estimation but, those masks might be capable of something like Zorophilia’s Offshot, or high-rank Devil…」

I tried to open the lid of the kettle to see the result.

The kettle was filled to the brim with green-colored liquid.

I reflexively took out 《Akashic Recod》 from my magic pouch.

I didn’t waste any second and opened it…


【God’s Blood; Ether】《Rank : Myth》

A miracle drug whose ingredients were composed of the concentrate of a high-rank devil’s brain.

That concentrated composition is said to closely resemble the atmosphere of the god’s world.

It sharpened the mind of the one who drank it and restore their mana.

An archmage who drank 《God’s blood; ether》 long time ago claimed that he saw the truth of this world.



Since the opened page was 《Ether》, it means our experiment was a success.

「W-We did it. Yeah!」

「Did we really pull it off, Kanata-san!? Is that mean we can make the drug that recovers our magical power on our own!」

「Meaning that there was no problem with the method. The laughing mask is still giving me a goosebump though…」

Pomera frowned a little bit upon hearing my remark.

「Kanata-san… Are you still thinking about using three 《Dream King’s Mask》 next time? You said it’s too dangerous and yet…」

Pomera was staring at me as she spoke.

… Yeah, that was a dangerous situation, no doubt about it.

But still, we did it.

Decreasing the number of masks meant that we had to go through so much hassle to change the ratio of the ingredients.

Decreasing the number of masks might affect the transformation process, meaning that we can use the current measurement for producing the next batch of 《Ether》.

I mean, the cost of the ingredients alone was already exorbitant.

Surely, the cackling of the mask was scary but, nothing happen in the end.

「Pomera-san, do you want to measure the ratio of ingredients again for two masks?」

「Err, Pomera will be troubled if you asked me to do that though…」


Journey of The Childhood Friend Who Got Betrayed by Sword Saint

The Protagonist of Isekaied Story With Cheat And Harem Has No Idea That All Of The Heroines Has Already Been Stolen By Me~Urgh, My Stomach Is Killing Me~

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