Disciple of Immortal

Act 4: Chapter 1: 《Invisible Hand of God》

Act 4: Chapter 1: 《Invisible Hand of God》

In the northern part of the continent where Kanata and co-reside, There was a huge wilderness without any owner.

It was a land filled with powerful monsters, definitely an undesirable place for humans.

In fact, this kind of land was common in Lochlore.

In the first place, Lochlore had always been under constant regulation to make sure that the monster was in a dominant position over humans.

The sole reason why the human race had yet to extinct in this world was simply because of the management of the high rank gods who loves to toy with humans and make sure that they survived by the skin of their necks.

Those kinds of areas are usually dubbed as savage land by the human, and feared as monster territory, when several of them lined up together, they tend to turn into a dungeon.

And then, in the innermost part of the north part of the continent, there stood a huge structure.

The man who was also the owner of that structure called it, the 《God’s Arm》.

「Uhm, how many years it’s been I wonder since all of us… The 《Finger》 of 《Invisible Hand of God》 gathered like this?」

Said the man who sits on the throne inside of the 《God’s Arm》.

The man’s face was hidden with a round-shaped mask, he put a crown on his head and donned it in luxurious clothing.

In his hand was a huge cane glowing in golden color.

The 《Invisible Hand of God》, it was the organization that ruled Lochlore from behind the scene, they were composed of five people who gained the recognition of the god, the higher being.

They, the 《Invisible Hand of God》 had never appeared on the stage.

It was also the order of the higher being.

But, every single one of them was strong enough to destroy the world if they felt like it.

The reason why they were so strong was to allow them to make a correction in accordance to the will of the higher being.

「《World King; Veranta》, the gathering of small fries alone should be enough. But, why are you calling for me too? You must have a proper reason for that right? Otherwise, I might have to kill you if you call me a trivial reason.」

The one who spoke to Veranta, the man who sat in the throne was a three metres tall man.

His forelocks were behind and then tied up in a bun.

The giant man was armed to teeth, and on his back was three huge blades.

He had an atrocious, demon-like face, his glowing red eyes were a testament of his inhuman nature.

「You’re not even coming hundred years ago, 《Demon King of Sixth Heaven; Nobunaga》. If you keep acting like that, we’re authorized to erase your very existence. No matter how powerful you are, you… Can’t win the will of the world. And you, of all people, should understand best what I mean. O King of Yamato, whose dream of world unification… Was crushed by us.」

「Tch, even though none of you can win against me in one on one battle.」

「Humph, Nobunaga, in my opinion, you’re at most the second strongest among the five of us.」

「And you’re stronger than me? What a joke.」

Nobunaga exposed his hostility.

「I’ll leave that matter to your own imagination.」

Veranta shifted his gaze at another person.

It was the figure whose entire body was shrouded in an oversized black robe with numerous magic circles engraved on it, that figure was so mysterious to the point that not even its skin was revealed.

Their name was Zero, otherwise known as 《Nihility of Silence》.

The strangest thing about them was the fact that they never spoke.

Zero was even older than Nobunaga, and not even Nobunaga knew their identity.

Neither he ever spoke to them.

「That guy… Is stronger than me?」

Zero’s body was clad in a black robe that covered literally everything about them, no one knew if they are elderly or a kid.

They are definitely not a martial artist.

Zero didn’t even react to Veranta and Nobunaga’s banter.

As if to say that they’re not interested at all.

「Can we back to the topic already? I’ve no interest in your brat-like quarrel to decide who’s the stronger one. Veranta, you’ve called us since this matter is really important right? Are you by chance receiving an oracle?」

The lightly dressed woman with long ears cut into the quarrel.

She was a long-lived high-elf, otherwise known as the 《World’s Recorder; Sophia》.

She has been living for more than ten thousand years since the creation of Lochlore, every event and historical record of Lochlore was recorded in her memory.

She was an existence that was equivalent to the world’s record itself.

「I received an oracle. It said to kill an otherworlder called Kanata Kanbara… Who are currently in magic city Manarak? We may use everything at our disposal.」

「… Say what? The oracle… Has actually pointed to a single person? What’s the meaning of this, Veranta? There is a rule that forbids us to get ourselves involved directly with otherworlder right?」

「I’m just as confused as you. The oracle usually comes in a roundabout way. But, it means only one thing. To use everything at our disposal means that we… Can be directly involved in this matter. I have no idea what kind of a mess that happen this time but, this guy must have made an enemy of the higher being. And it also means that person isn’t a pushover either.」

Nobunaga revealed a belligerent smile as he heard Veranta’s remark.

「Now that’s what I call interesting. Leave this matter to me.」

「Nope, you stay Nobunaga, the damage is simply beyond imagination if I leave this matter to you immediately. An entire continent might become scorched land if I leave this matter straight to you.」

「C’mon, leave this matter to me, you’re the one who calling me after all. If you have no intention to leave this matter to me, you shouldn’t call me in the first place.」

「Let’s send the 《Ruler of The Sky》 to scout our target first. Honestly, we’re lacking the information about him.」

Veranta looked up as he spoke.

There was a huge dragon with jet-black scales and a long tail that pronged on its’ tip.

This dragon was also a member of 《Five Finger》.

『Leave it to me, my dear 《Wordl King; Veranta》. Kihihihi… But still, do we really have to be on guard like this? Well, I happen to have two servants who fit the scouting role. They should be enough to raze Manarak to the ground.』

The dragon spoke directly into the other four’s minds.

「That’s reassuring. Our opponent this time around is an otherworlder. Just to be sure, bring the aforementioned crystal with you. It’s something that I developed.」

『Uhm? I don’t think we have to go that far though.』

「 You made a blunder a hundred years ago. You have to be prepared for everything. Your evaluation of the higher existence might be the lowest among us. You might be replaced if you fail to handle this case.」

『That’s going too far. Dragon is the king among kings. I hate it when someone uses such a high-hand method on me. But well… A job is a job after all. I don’t think it’ll be enough to make me break a sweat though.』

Nobunaga scoffed after hearing the telepathy from the dragon.

「Humph, sure enough, that guy isn’t worthy of my attention if her can’t even defeat the likes of the 《Ruler of The Sky》. But, Veranta, if this lizard got defeated by that guy, It’s going to be my turn next.」


Journey of The Childhood Friend Who Got Betrayed by Sword Saint

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