Dimensional Descent

Chapter 1523 Dream Unify

[Sorry for the super late chaps everyone, I didn't like how chapter 2 and 3 came out originally, so I re wrote them since they were important. Anyhoo, onward!]

Leonel entered the library of the Oliidark family without even checking in with Mistress Oliidark. He didn't feel the need to show such courtesy. He had done his job, now it was time to reap the rewards they would very soon regret giving him.

If they thought that restricting his reading time would really work, they were sorely mistaken.

Very few had ever outright guessed what Leonel's ability was. And, as his Lineage Factors grew more powerful, it got even more difficult to tell. Those of the Dimensional Verse had an easier time because they knew which families he was born from and could, as such, deduce which of his strengths came from them. But those in this Zone clearly had no idea, or so Leonel hoped.

This world was too unlike the one he was used to. Since this was a Zone, it was definitely a point in history at some time or another. So, the idea that a Morales family could exist here wasn't impossible. But Leonel just wasn't sure…

The main reason for his confusion was precisely their naming convention for the Dimensions.

A name might sound insignificant, but after what Leonel learned about constellations, he started to pay more attention to them. Also, even if he didn't care to do this, the change was far too jarring.

Leonel was no longer the ignorant pup he had been in the beginning. After reading so many books from the Void Library, his knowledge foundation was far too solid. This was why he knew that in the history of the Human Domain, no one had ever called the Dimensions "Stars".

This was a jarring realization alone, one that Leonel was firmly grappling with. It was something he obviously had to accept, but it was also just as hard to do so. The implications weren't something that he even knew how to wrap his head around.

There was, of course, the possibility that this wasn't the Human Domain at all. He had only seen a small segment of this world, after all. What if there were other races acting as overlord?

The issue was… he had never heard of "demons" either. Such creatures, especially since they seemed so tied to the Anarchic Force of this world, should have definitely been detailed in the Void Library. After all, it had detailed every other race.

Plus, there was the fact that this Anarchic Force was far more powerful than what Leonel was used to, even being capable of attacking the mind. How could there be Anarchic Force more powerful than what you could find on a Void Battlefield? It didn't make sense.

There was an obvious answer to all of this: this was a Mythological Zone.

It was the only answer that made sense to Leonel and he gave it a better than 97% probability to be the case. This had to be a Mythological Zone based on a myth of the Human Domain, one that Leonel wasn't familiar with.

It's not like the Void Library would house fairy tales in it, so it was very much possible that Leonel wouldn't be aware of it. Since Leonel was born and raised on Earth, there were many obvious things to others that probably wouldn't be so obvious to him.

Leonel shook his head, regardless of what this place was, he needed more information. And, he would have to source that information from this place.

The Ollidark library was quite bright. It had a dome of glass as though it was a greenhouse rather than a library and it had countless shelves, even the shortest of which were twice Leonel's height.

These short shelves were located on the far walls, though. The main shelves were grandly used as centerpieces, towering upwards of 20 or so meters and have dozens of ladders between them to accommodate those that might want to reach books near the top.

The library was separated into general knowledge sections and technique sections, the latter second giving off a much more profound pressure in Leonel's direction.

Leonel was given exactly one hour for his efforts. Though no one had stopped his march here, he was absolutely certain that they were monitoring this. They wouldn't let him take any more, lest they believe him to be getting too full of himself.

Such a large store of knowledge couldn't possibly be consumed in just an hour. They expected Leonel to have to work harder and harder for his time and his benefits. Practically the only thing they would give him for free was food, water and a place to stay, with no guarantee for any of them to be worth much of anything.

Well, a normal person, anyway.

This wasn't the Void Library that forced Leonel to construct and organize his own network. This was a library, already properly organized, and written not even on pendants, but on sheets of paper.

It was almost too easy.

Leonel walked to the first shelf and ran his fingers along the books, looking at the spine of each one as though he was looking for something in particular. 

An hour later, he had touched every book in the library and he walked out just as the final second ticked down. There might as well have not been anyone else around him as he didn't spare any of them a single glance. In fact, there were even times he walked up to individuals already reading a book just to check the cover without a word.

He didn't know why this world that seemed so much more powerful was using such primitive methods, but he also didn't care. Even if they had used pendants, it would have been just as easy.

Leonel didn't give anyone the opportunity to reprimand or find fault with him. He simply left, turning through several corridors and hallways until he found his supposed room once again.

The door clicked closed behind him and fell to the floor, snoring away without a care.

As he slept, his mind quickly organized itself, his mind of fluttering books moving about as though they had minds of their own.

Dream Unify. 

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