The young man sounded polite enough, so Leonel turned back. Although he didn't have a great relationship with the Oliidark family, that didn't mean that he had to be hostile to everyone in it. Anya's words still seemed to play at the back of his mind from time to time.

The young man smiled when he got Leonel's attention.

"This is a bit inappropriate, don't you think?" He continued, his head pointing toward the demon corpse.

It was indeed inappropriate no matter how you looked at it. To leave a corpse in front of the Oliidark's family estate… were you trying to wish ill upon the family? In fact, it wasn't even at the front of the estate, but the door to the main home. It was even more exaggerated.

"I think it would be more appropriate for you to clean this up. I can also see that you've caused quite a mess on your way here. The workers have their hands full everyday as this is quite a large estate to care for, we shouldn't casually give them more work like this.

"Also, I hope that you would also apologize to Miss Athrae. Your actions startled her gre—"

Leonel turned back and opened the door, disappearing into the home.

The young man fell into silence. He didn't seem too shocked and he didn't even look angry. He seemed quite difficult to read.

Even after the door closed, he didn't say much, looking back toward the unicorn demon corpse.

Still, although he didn't say much, didn't mean that Athrae wouldn't.

She stomped her feet angrily, her cheeks practically puffing as though she was a toddler. She didn't look like much of a young lady at all. Or, maybe she looked exactly like one depending on how you viewed such noble young women.

"He's always so rude!"

The young man looked back to Athrae. He already had some guesses of his own, but Athrae's words seemed to expose some more stuff. He was actually a bit curious about a person who was clearly here in the same capacity as himself, but dared to be so rude to Athrae.

"Do you know him?"

"Of course I know him! He's just a bunny—!"

Athrae was about to expose Leonel as a male escort, but she suddenly remembered her grandmother's stern reprimand from earlier. Her grandmother rarely got so cold with her, but whenever she did, it was very important.

"Bunny?" The young man raised his eyebrows.

"Forget it, he was just a servant yet he's so arrogant. Grandma invited him into the family, but he actually dared to glare at grandma!"

The young man's heart skipped a beat. What had Athrae just said?

He tended to believe what the young mistress was saying, but in that case, why was Leonel still alive? For the first time, he became serious.

"He's so full of himself! He thinks he's so great just because he looks a little good! Of course, he doesn't look as good as you, Slaton. He just has an overinflated ego."

Slaton smiled lightly at this, but didn't say much. Objectively, there was no gap between his looks and Leonel's, they were both quite handsome. Clearly, Athrae just didn't like Leonel, and it seemed more due to the fact that he had been rude to her rather than because Leonel had been rude to her grandmother.


"Anyway, let's go! You promised to take me out of the estate today! I didn't get to have all my fun last time!"


"What did you say?"

Mistress Oliidark's uninterested expression changed. She looked up toward the shadow making the report. In the end, the shadow could only reiterate what happened.

"A single spear strike for a Five Star Demon. That much is shocking, but still acceptable within the realms. A single spear strike for a Tier 1 Six Star Middle Demon while in the Fifth Star…"

Mistress Oliidark didn't know how to accept this information. She asked question after question, but in the end, the only response the shadow seemed to have for her is that it looked like a profound spear technique.

A profound spear technique could bridge the gap between the Fifth and Sixth Star? Mistress Oliidark didn't know how to take this.

"Did you find information on this Morales family?"

From the moment she learned of this family name, she had sent the Dark Branch on a task. But when it came to destroyed families, she had to be exceptionally cautious. The web of ties and interests associated with such a fall could become very complex, very quickly. And now, judging from this technique, it might be even more complicated than she had originally thought.

The more powerful this Morales family, the more trouble there could be lurking in the shadows. If it was bad enough, Mistress Oliidark would even have to cut her losses and kill Leonel directly.

If Leonel brought their family more trouble than help, then there was no use in keeping him around. Raising up the only remaining Heir of a destroyed family, especially if that family was powerful, was like raising a ticking time bomb.

"We have been cautious, making sure that no one can follow our traces, so progress is slow. We haven't found anything yet. It likely will be several months before we find anything."

"I see… In all likelihood, since the brat dared to appear here and even speak out his family name, it's either he's arrogant and overestimates himself, or that there are no enemies that can threaten him here.

"Forget it for now, let him reap his rewards and keep him happy. The more he works, the better. Before he knows it, he'll be helping our Oliidark family far more than he's taking from us."

The shadow nodded and turned to leave.

Left to her own devices, Mistress Oliidark's gaze narrowed, her mind still on the profound spear technique. If it was good enough, she would also force Leonel to hand it over.

Since they were sheltering him, the price he paid couldn't be allowed to be too small. 

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