Dimensional Descent

Chapter 1207 What Value?

Chapter 1207 What Value?

Leonel's gaze sharpened, but he couldn't find who had spoken.

The temple the Bronze Tablet was housed in was completely empty, but Leonel wasn't very surprised by this. It was likely that it took an enormous amount of merits to step foot in here to begin with, so it was rare for anyone outside of the Star Order Elders to come here, and likely maybe Myghell since they care for him so much.

However, judging by the shift in Leonel's Lineage Factor just now, the reason one would exchange so much to meditate upon the Bronze Tablet was for the sake of helping their Awakenings along. For people on the level of the Star Order Elders, the likelihood of receiving more breakthroughs was minimal at best. The result of this was a treasure that was rarely put to use for anyone outside of the pride of the Luxnix family, Myghell himself.

This was all to say that Leonel was alone. Or, rather, he should have been. So, where was this voice coming from?

"You can stop looking around, young one. You likely wouldn't be able to see me unless you had a special pair of eyes."

Leonel took this advice almost instantly and activated the Second Awakening of his Wisdom Branch, taking the Snowy Star Owl's eyes for himself. But, even then, he couldn't see a single thing.

The voice chuckled. "Unfortunately, our Snowy Star Owl's gaze can't be considered special enough. We are quite insignificant in the grander scheme."

Hearing this, Leonel gave up and calmed himself. If he had been exposed by an elder of the Luxnix, he would just accept it. Regardless, now that he knew this tablet was here, he would definitely get his hands on it eventually.

This was only the second Tablet he had confirmation of. As of now, the third Tablet, which he speculated was in the possession of Aina's father, was just that: speculation. He had no way of knowing if his deduction was reality just yet.

"There's no need to be so on guard, my descendant. Didn't I say that I've been waiting for you?" The voice chuckled once more.

"… Waiting for me? Why is that?" Leonel finally spoke, realizing that there was probably no harm in entertaining this… spirit? For a bit.

"Because you're the light that will bring us to glory."

Leonel's gaze narrowed. "Who are you, exactly?"

"Me?" The voice chuckled. "Just a fallen elder."

Leonel's Dreamscape released several sparks, his gaze lighting up.

"You're Wise Star Order? The most recent Wise Star Order from three generations ago?"

The voice fell into silence, clearly not having expected Leonel to make such an accurate guess so swiftly. But, very soon, he came to an understanding.

"I see, so your ability is so helpful in this regard. This is a very good thing. Your natural talent already comes with so many strengths of its own. Your ability being more cognitive will give you good balance."

Leonel's brows shot up. It was rare for people to see through what his ability was. In fact, most assumed that one of his Lineage Factors was his true ability. But, that was a good thing for him. After all, one should keep their ability hidden for as long as they could do so.

However, this man had to have earned the title of Wise Star Order for a reason, right? As for how this man had protected his consciousness for so long… Leonel assumed it had to do with the tablet. After all, didn't his current Silver Tablet have thousands of lives waiting for him to resurrect?

Unfortunately, Leonel was wrong this time. But, it would likely take more information for him to understand this.

Leonel took a deep breath. "My relationship with the Luxnix is quite complex right now, I don't know how easy it will be to lead them to glory, as you say."

"I'm more glad to hear that you aren't adverse to it." Wise Star Order almost smiled through his words. "I was partially ready for you to demand our destruction."

Leonel shook his head, confirming that Wise Star Order was indeed aware of what had happened to him.

"Not everyone is at fault for this."

"I'm relieved. I am truly… relieved." Wise Star Order's voice carried a doting air to it. The more he observed Leonel, the more satisfied he seemed to become.

Without even meditating upon the Tablet, Leonel had actually already completed so many Awakenings. How could he not feel gratified?

"Ancestor Wise Star Order, I'm very curious about this Tablet, though. This is my very first time seeing it. Can you tell me about it?"

"Of course, of course. This was always my intention.

"This Bronze Tablet was found in a Zone by our Ancestor and can be considered to be the root of our family's origins because it was from it that our Lineage Factor was birthed."

Leonel's brows rose. Did that mean his Silver Tablet also had a Lineage Factor hidden within it? But something about that deduction felt off. Leonel was uncomfortable because he had so little information. Him drawing conclusions now felt like throwing darts blindfolded.

"Everything we take pride in as a Luxnix originated from this starting point… But, it is exactly just that… A starting point. I'm ashamed to say that in our millennia of progression, none of those who share our blood has ever been able to dig up the truth behind it all.

"After my death, I made use of my ability to tether my soul to the Bronze Tablet so that I could continue to analyze and understand it. Before my time came, I had come to grasp a timeline for the words written upon the Tablet and understood that these matters would take place three generations later. It was only after my time, though, that I grasped some deep rooted truths.

"Of these truths, I can only say that I've understood a small inkling…

"Have you ever wondered why the representation of our Lineage Factor is a Twelve Sided Star and not a feather or an Owl? What value does the Northern Star have for us…?"

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