Chapter 1206 Until...

Leonel took a step and vanished from the Lab Setting, appearing within the treasure vault of the Luxnix with he Segmented Cube hovering above his palm.

With the structure of the Luxnix estate, much of its important structures were hidden underground. This was only to be expected from a family that had been forced to lay low for three generations. After all, they couldn't remain stagnant while they waited, so much of their moves either came in the form of top secret espionage-like missions, or were conducted in hidden spaces like this one.

The treasure vault of the Luxnix was no different. It was like an enormous steel sphere buried deep within the ground. The curving silver walls made Leonel feel especially small as even with the ample lighting in the surroundings, he could still just barely make out its very highest point.

All around, the very same orbs of golden light that floated about the Luxnix estate on the surface floated here as well, outlining what felt like an infinite number of shelves.

Up above, many hollow cylindrical structures hung. At first glance, it looked like the hovered upon nothing, but Leonel was just barely able to make out that they were actually being held up by extraordinarily thin lines of Force.

These hollow cylinders had no base or top, like a piece of rolled up paper. However, their insides were lines with more shelves that carried even more treasures. From his position on the ground, Leonel could easily look up and see into these cylindrical stores. With a glance, he could tell that the most valuable materials of the Luxnix were placed up there and out of reach, and though they seemed like a single leap away, Leonel was certain that the protections were not simple.

When Leonel stepped out, his first instinct was that whatever was causing his Silver Tablet to react like this had to be in one of those structures up above. Originally, Leonel had completely ignored what was above for two reasons.

Firstly, those were all most definitely Sixth Dimensional treasures. In fact, with the Luxnix family's level and history, Leonel wouldn't be surprised if they had managed to get their hands on a few Seventh Dimensional treasures here and there. Ultimately, though, Leonel both didn't need such high level treasures to forge his Divine Armor, and even if he did, Little Tolly and he weren't quite ready yet to forge something so intricate with Ores at that level.

The second reason was so that he wouldn't be tempted to take anything. He was already making the mature decision not to take anything he didn't need, but there was no need to tempt himself any further.

But now…

Leonel shook his head. 'It's not up there. That means it's somewhere else?'

Leonel took out the Silver Tablet. After connecting the dots and finding out about the Three Finger Cult, he had been far more cautious with how he used and exposed it. So, although it had a certain usefulness in battle, he didn't use it.

The Silver Tablet looked just the same as he remembered it. A solid rectangular block, perfectly polished, and there was still writing in a language on it Leonel couldn't even begin to understand and even the dictionary was stumped by.

What was truly odd was that Leonel had a feeling that this was less and language and more like a code, as though the Silver Tablet was being encrypted. As for why he felt that way, well it was for the same reason he could grasp the Silver Tablet's abilities without trying to do so.

The Tablet seemed to have formed some connection with him that gave him a vague inkling about its abilities. Outside of that, Leonel had also gotten a vague inkling about what its purpose was as well. But, rather than getting a tangible explanation, what he instead understood was that the day he could decipher the words on the tablet, would be the day he understood what its purpose was.

When Leonel took the Tablet out, its glow grew a measure and the vague tugging became tangible.

'That way, huh? Alright.'

Leonel flickered and disappeared, not wasting time. As for the matter of who remained in the Luxnix estate, he didn't really care. His mother would probably be back soon and most were occupied with the Selection. As for those that remained, how could they ever expect someone like Leonel to be roaming about their most secretive regions?

Leonel didn't step out of the underground location. Instead, he followed a host of wandering tunnels.

The craftsmanship of the Luxnix was actually quite good. Leonel walked through numerous tunnels and he even came across a few straggling members of the Luxnix who hadn't gone to the Selection.

However, maybe it was because of Leonel's confidence and uncaring attitude, but none of the people he came across did more than give him a glance. In their eyes, since Leonel could be here, he was meant to be here. In addition, this was the location for the Luxnix's hidden forces so by necessity, most here were unknown existences to the outside world.

Plus, they could all sense dense Luxnix Blood from Leonel. It was easy to tell that he was one of their own.

"Halt. Exchange the proper merits here before continuing forward."

Leonel's good luck didn't last for very long, though. When he felt that he had come close, and could even feel what the Silver Tablet wanted him to feel on the other side, he found himself in a heavily guarded region.

The location was a temple in an underground city. Beyond it, Leonel could sense a staircase that led up, probably to the surface. It was likely one of the many entrances to that location, and it was clearly not something just anyone, anywhere could see whenever they wanted.

However, as quick as this change occurred, Leonel's mind was even quicker.

With a flip of his palm, the Snowy Star Pendant his grandfather had given him appeared in his hand.

The reaction of the guards was almost immediate. Without hesitation, they all bowed.

Leonel didn't say a word as he strode forth, his mind completely focused. He climbed up the longest set of stairs he had ever had the pleasure of climbing in his life, a keen anticipation in his heart.

A blinding golden light was waiting for him on the other side. It took just a moment for Leonel's gaze to adjust and for the room of what could only be described as worship opened up before him.

However, Leonel could only find himself focusing on just one thing…

A Bronze Tablet, eerily similar to his own. But, this one had words that rearranged in his mind and projected a tangible meaning to him. He could read the very same prophecy that the Luxnix had and feeling the same thing Myghell had. In fact, he could even feel his blood stirring, as though something deep within was trying to stir itself awake and shine through. For a moment, Leonel even felt that the Third Awakening of his Wisdom Branch was a single step away.

He couldn't help but stand in mute shock… At least he did until…

"… I've been waiting… For so long…"

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