Chapter 875: Victory

Seeing that her island kingdom was progressively suppressed, the mustached flat-chested loli exclaimed unwillingly, “No matter what, I will not lose!”

Lalaria’s eyes flashed a trace of blood, and she transformed from a loli to a young girl. She exuded a berserk breath.

Talent power, [Berserk].

In this state, the attack and defense would be doubled, but she would suffer recoil after the effect wore out and would fall into a period of weakness.

The scene of the island kingdom had faded not only because of the suppression of [Red Star Kingdom], but also because Lalaria had almost used up the faith power in it. She obviously wanted to make an all-out blow.

Lalaria would do anything to win.

Chen Rui had an omen of extreme danger. With a tap of his foot, his body rose into the sky. The red starlight in [Red Star Kingdom] flourished, and he rapidly charged his power.

“[Wrath of the Tyrannosaurus]!”

In the rage of the Young Girl Lalaria, a giant tyrannosaurus phantasm with a length of hundreds of meters appeared in the vision. Its roar shook the entire kingdom as it flew toward Chen Rui with terrifying power. When the tyrannosaurus wings spread out, the nearby spaces showed signs of being torn, revealing the terrifying magnitude of the strength.

Chen Rui was not too affected. The red starry sky he was in was already full of powerful and violent breath with destruction law, and a blood sea emerged. This blood sea was composed of hundreds of long and winding Scorching Dragons, which were also roaring toward the tyrannosaurus.

When the 2 collided, a huge cloud of smoke resembling a mushroom rose in the sky, and the terrifying shock wave spread out. It was not the first time that [Scorching Dragon Roar] appeared. Raizen experienced this once in the battle of the Warlock Fortress. However, over time, although this was the same move, its power was no longer the same. Now even a Scorching Dragon could easily annihilate Raizen.

At the moment when the 2 collided, the spectators in the distance only felt violent tremors not only in their vision but also in their own souls, which were filled with the raging roars of tyrannosaurus and Scorching Dragon. They could not hear all the other sounds. The form of this power seemed to really have life.

There were large and shocking cracks in the nearby space. Inside this crack, there was a terrifying space turbulence. Once one accidentally fell into it, even if he was a Kingdom level powerhouse, he would be banished forever even if he did not die.

The fierce battle did not last long. Although the giant tyrannosaurus was so berserk that it tore up several Scorching Dragons with its ferocity, in the face of the equally berserk and an astonishing number of Scorching Dragons, it was unable to maintain its bravery. The phantasm in the encirclement gradually dimmed, and the momentum also began to weaken rapidly before it was soon engulfed by the Scorching Dragon Sea.

Lalaria lost? As soon as the spectators had this thought, they saw the surging Scorching Dragon Sea suddenly stopped, and everything became quiet, which was the opposite of the deafening tremor before.

This ‘silence’ lasted for about 3 seconds, and the Scorching Dragon Sea swelled up suddenly. A roar that was 10 times stronger than the previous one sounded, and all the Scorching Dragons collapsed under this roar.

The protective power in front of everyone in the distance shattered. Everyone, including Raizen and Zola, was blown far away. A few Demon Overlords with weaker strength and no powerhouse support were even torn apart, disappearing without a trace.

The figure of the tyrannosaurus appeared in the center. It grew bigger, and the eyes were burning with raging flames. The original black scale armor had turned into silver with terrifying lightning.

After the tyrannosaurus defeated the Scorching Dragon Sea, it changed back to the shape of Lalaria. The young girl just now had become a hot elder sister. The loli men’s clothes were stretched forward and backward, showing a different kind of temptation, but the red berserk light flashed in both eyes.

This was the ultimate form of Lalaria’s [Berserk] talent with greater power but shorter duration. The side effects after the state were also greater, ranging from coma to severe damage to spirit power. If she couldn’t finish off the opponent, then she would lose all combat power.

“I’ve already defeated your biggest killing move!” Lalaria said proudly with silver lightning flashing on her body, “Admit defeat now while I can still maintain my rationality…”

Before Lalaria finished speaking, her words stopped abruptly. The red galaxy in the sky began to rotate in a special rhythm. Behind the bright red figure, 2 pairs of giant wings extended into the entire starry sky. The end had turned into countless stardust, and the image of the galaxy was instantly blurred by the high-speed movement.

In the blink of an eye, everything in the vision turned into innumerable strands of red star dust running at high speed, drawing countless irregular death arcs in the air which converged into a giant storm.

Lalaria clearly sensed that the danger of this storm was far greater than the previous [Scorching Dragon Roar]. With a roar, she transformed into the silver tyrannosaurus again and pounced toward the storm.

Next, everything became blurred. The spectators could no longer see everything, and all the sense organs seemed to be useless. They only felt dizzy and disgusted. Many people couldn’t hold it and fainted on the ground.

The terrifying ‘blur’ finally faded away, and the scene in front of them didn’t seem to have changed much as if the terrifying storm just now was just an illusion.

Elder Sister Lalaria stood there dumbfounded while maintaining a stiff motion. The berserk red light in her eyes had disappeared.

The next moment, there seemed to be a cracking sound. Immediately afterward, the island of the kingdom began to split and shatter rapidly. The whole island gradually faded. Finally, with a bang, it disappeared. The entire battlefield burst apart. The ground shook and the mountains swayed while countless smoke and dust rolled up toward the sky.

At the same time, the [Armor of Faith] on Lalaria suddenly shattered. At the same time, her power collapsed. She was standing unsteadily and was about to fall down.

Before she fell to the ground, she was gently supported by someone.

“Bastard…” Lalaria looked at the red guy with hatred. If her eyes were lethal, Chen Rui was already a dead person now. It’s a pity that her kingdom had collapsed, and [Berserk]’s aftereffect had also begun to occur now, so she had completely lost her ability to fight.

“You… still have a stronger move?”

Chen Rui hesitated and nodded. In addition to the original [Star Guardian Wings] and [Pole Star Storm], the [Red Pole Star Transformation] had a more powerful [True Red Extinction] which used the destruction law power to the extreme. It was an extremely terrifying and powerful killing move.

As soon as this move was used, Chen Rui himself couldn’t control his opponent’s life and death. He didn’t want to use it unless it was a last resort, especially in the face of Lalaria, the weirdo loli, uh, now the elder sister.

When Lalaria launched the ultimate [Berserk] just now, she actually retained a trace of rationality. She did not want to kill him, but she wanted to force him to admit defeat. It could be seen that Lalaria had no real killing intent; she just simply wanted to defeat him, which also affected her combat power to a certain extent. However, Chen Rui’s previous [Pole Star Storm] also reserved some power. Otherwise, Lalaria would be severely injured even if she didn’t die.

“Damn it, I … I lost.” Although Lalaria couldn’t see Chen Rui’s face, she instinctively felt that Chen Rui was not lying. In fact, she also noticed that the power of the storm just now subsided in the end. This time, she was defeated in her peak state, unlike the tricky contest a year ago, so it was irrefutable.

The red galaxy in the air gradually faded away, and the star armor on Chen Rui also disappeared. Unlike the [Blue Pole Star Transformation], after the [Red Pole Star Transformation] was activated, he would not fall asleep as before, but the Super System would automatically go to sleep and he could not use the system’s Star Power and skills. This was somewhat similar to the side effect of the original [Scorching Dragon Possession].

“There’s no need to be so indignant. This battle is actually just a practice between ordinary friends; if you don’t mind having me as your ‘ordinary friend’.” Watching Elder

Sister Lalaria’s enraged expression, Chen Rui shook his head speechlessly, “My promise is still valid. I will return all the property to you except for the Wind Dragon Island, which is rich in thunder nitrate. As for the promise of being a fiancée… you should be clear about Sir Auglas’s true intentions, so don’t worry about it.”

Although she had the 3 transformations of the loli, young girl, and elder sister, Chen Rui had always only kept aloof from Lalaria, the weirdo and didn’t have a single thought of fantasy at all. Moreover, it was already a relief that the current harem did not shrink in size. If he added more members, even the sky would collapse.

Lalaria didn’t expect that Chen Rui would actually give such a condition after winning. She showed a stunned expression as she thought she heard it wrong, “Really?”

“Of course. I can swear with all my heart.”

Lalaria’s figure gradually ‘shrank’ into the loli, struggling to hold the eyelids that were closing, as she asked alertly, “Then what do you want? There is no reaping without sowing!”

Looking at the mustached flat-chested loli’s vigilant look full of distrust, Chen Rui shrugged helplessly and took off her loose fake beard, “This should be Madam Lalaria’s most important thing. I’ll take this as an exchange.”

Lalaria kept staring at his eyes as her gaze flashed before she finally nodded, “Now I know why the old man is interested in you. It turns out that you are all the same type of fool…”

Chen Rui was speechless for a while.

“It’s his business that the old man is interested in you. If he takes you back to Dragon Island via marriage, I’m happy to hear it.” The flat-chested loli, who lost her mustache, laughed strangely. Her voice suddenly raised, “As for you… do you think I, Master Lalaria, will be moved by such a lousy trick?”

After that, the flat-chested loli mustered up her last strength and bit a certain fool’s hand.

Chen Rui: …

The vibration of the battlefield finally subsided. In the smoke, the figure wearing a cloak and a mask appeared in the vision of the audience, holding the sleeping Lalaria in his hands. Lalaria no longer had a mustache and she was sleeping like a baby, tranquil and serene.

TL: Hmmm, think she is moved. How will the battle between Chen Rui and Catherine unfold next? Will his battle change Catherine’s heart?

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