Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 874: Demi-God Battle! The Final in Advance

Chapter 874: Demi-God Battle! The Final in Advance

The shaking of the ground finally stopped, and a circular pit with a diameter of 200 meters appeared on the small plain as if a meteorite had fallen. In the center was a red figure.

Lalaria at the opposite looked down at the tens of meters of drag marks under her feet with an unbelievable look in her eyes.

Lalaria. Tostanofamiat, the next Dragon Emperor of the Dragon Island, Demi-God powerhouse, is actually forced to retreat by this stinky man’s momentum whose strength is only at the peak stage of the Kingdom level!

Not to mention dozens of meters, even if it’s just 1 centimeter, it’s a retreat after all!

Lalaria’s eyes were fixed on the figure of the red armor shining with starlight. Compared with the sacred elegance of the blue armor a year ago, this red armor looked more majestic and the style appeared to have more visual impact. The blade-like ornaments protruding from the arms had an aggressive and dangerous feeling. The original pair of wings on the back had become 2 pairs. Even his breathing seemed to exude a fiery destructive breath.

A breath of this level is by no means Kingdom level! Lalaria’s pupils contracted slightly – Demi-God?

Could it be that he hid his strength a year ago? But I remember the situation back then is not fake. What is actually going on?

“Never mind!” Lalaria roared, and a white light appeared on her fist, “I will not lose to you again!”

As soon as the words ended, the figure of the flat-chested loli instantly appeared in front of Chen Rui, punching his chest.

The speed and the massive power contained in this punch were by no means comparable to the previous ‘game’. Even Octopus King would be annihilated by this punch.

Chen Rui didn’t evade or parry, and the punch hit his chest firmly. His body just swayed, but a triangular area on the ground behind him collapsed radially.

A tyrannical strength; a law close to the origin; a deeper power of nature.

This was Chen Rui’s realization from this punch. Lalaria was secretly shocked when her punch didn’t actually shake Chen Rui. Her fist was full of white light, and her power had suddenly increased to 80%. She punched both her fists.

This time, the fist did not hit his chest but on a red palm. Both sides exerted force at the same time, and the ground began to vibrate violently again. Under the influence of this huge force field, the nearby gravel or dust was free from gravity and rose toward the sky.

In the tremor, a petite figure flew out at lightning speed. The retreat was actually faster than the advance. There was a red ‘star’ chasing closely behind the figure. The impact wasn’t frequent, but every time a hit was connected, an exaggerated trace of destruction appeared on the ground. There were shocking collapses and cracks along the way.

Under the strength of the Demi-God level, even the environment where the enchantment was set was fragile.

In the distant sky of the small plain, Raizen, Catherine, Red Pipit, Zola, Paglio and others appeared one after another.

Although most of these people were Kingdom-level powerhouses, the breath ahead was too powerful and dangerous, so no one dared to get closer.

“I can’t believe it, that guy…” Looking at the red figure and feeling the terrifying oppression, Red Pipit gave a bitter smile.

When he first met Chen Rui, he was still the ‘Black Sea God’, who easily controlled the life and death of that mere Demon Overlord (actually Demon Emperor) in his palm. In just a few short years, the ‘mere Demon Overlord’ had become a Demi-God-level powerhouse that he needed to look up to.

Raizen was also smiling bitterly. He had experienced the power of Lalaria himself. At that time, Lalaria could easily defeat him with just a random punch. However, at this moment, Lalaria was obviously going all out, but she was still suppressed by ‘Aguile’.

Is the red figure really the man who vomited blood after being punched by me at the Warlock Fortress 2 years ago? When he thought he had surpassed his opponent, the man had already left him far behind.

“This is the real final.” Paglio said with emotion without giving any face to Catherine on the side.

Catherine didn’t care about this. She just stared at the red figure quietly. An inexplicable brilliance flashed in her serene black eyes.

Lalaria made a vigorous attack, and her body dashed out, finally pulling away from Chen Rui.

“Are you bullying me naked?” The mustached flat-chested loli gasped slightly and blurted an outrageous sentence. Chen Rui paused and was a little speechless. You are doing fine. What naked?

The answer was quickly revealed. The mustached flat-chested loli raised her hand, and the phantasms of a huge island appeared behind her.

The phantasms spread quickly, and the entire battlefield turned into an island scene, exuding rich dark elements and vitality. This huge island should be Lalaria’s ‘base’ on Dragon Island.

The kingdom of Demi-God was no longer a pure energy space, but a true projection of life and faith. Every plant and tree could become the source of strength for Lalaria.

The huge and dangerous power breath forced Raizen and others to activate various protective power to protect themselves.

Chen Rui could clearly feel that the traces of vitality mixed with faith power quickly gathered toward the mustached flat-chested loli. The loli’s body began to emit strong white flames. The flames turned into ribbons which intertwined with her body and quickly condensed into a silver armor.

This armor did not cover the whole body like the [Pole Star Transformation], but it was a half-armor without a helmet. Besides the main body, there were boots and bracers.

[Armor of Faith]! Chen Rui suddenly understood, the difference between Demi-God powerhouse and kingdom powerhouse was that Demi-God powerhouse had true believers and kingdoms with faith. They could absorb and use the faith power to condense into [Armor of Faith]. This could not only be used by themselves, but they could also bestow [Armor of Faith] to the most devout believers.

Compared with the star armor of [Pole Star Transformation], what Lalaria had now was the real Demi-God [Armor of Faith]!

After equipping the [Armor of Faith], Lalaria had a pair of pale golden gloves on her hands. She seemed to be reborn, and her momentum had a great leap.

In the blink of an eye, Lalaria had already appeared above Chen Rui, slamming her fist with white flame into the air. A cluster of white light whistled at Chen Rui like a meteor. Chen Rui parried with 1 hand, and a majestic force struck him. His figure was suddenly unable to maintain the suspension as he fell down like he was being smashed down by a mountain.

Lalaria swiftly punched with both fists, launching several meteors. Chen Rui’s figure turned and moved to one side in time, but those meteors locked his figure firmly. After taking a big turn, they approached him again.

This kind of evenly matched long-range energy attack was like 2 ordinary people shooting each other with firearms, and it was difficult to dodge continuously. Seeing that it was unavoidable, Chen Rui put his arms in a defensive posture.

“Boom boom boom…” Under the terrifying explosion strike and pressure, Chen Rui’s figure had already fallen to the ground.

The aftermath of each blow left shocking marks on the protective power of the Kingdom powerhouses watching from a distance.

In contrast, the ground and surrounding environment that were covered by the island kingdom had become unimaginably strong and not as badly damaged as before.

“Har!” Lalaria took advantage of the situation. Her fists were getting faster and faster. Even if Raizen and others had maximized their eyesight, they could only see vague shadows. Chen Rui was bombarded by countless meteors and could only defend without fighting back.

At this time, red starlights suddenly appeared in the sky of the huge island, and the phantasms of countless planets appeared in the sky. The hot and dazzling sun was like the sun in the human world, and there was more than one such ‘sun’. The entire sky was all shrouded in [Galaxy Territory].

Before Lalaria could react, the hundreds of ‘meteor’ in front suddenly stopped as if being pulled by some powerful strength. One could faintly see the red figure in the center slowly spreading out the wings that were wrapping his body.

“Pong!” The speed of the spread of wings seemed to control the flow of time, from ‘slow’ to ‘rapid’ suddenly. Lalaria only felt a terrifying power burst out, and all the meteors were actually reflected back.

[Pole Star Transformation]’s defense killing move —— [Star Guardian Wings].

Lalaria’s both fists hurriedly parried in great shock, and a white protective crystal curtain appeared around her. In the next second, her vision was shaken by the blasted back meteor. Countless cracks were left on the protective crystal curtain, but thanks to the kingdom’s faith and vitality, it was constantly repaired automatically.

After a while, the shaking finally stopped. Lalaria put away the crystal curtain that was on the verge of collapse. She gritted her teeth while looking at Chen Rui who was safe and sound. This guy’s strength and means are unpredictable. He actually reflected my ultimate move which almost made me suffer a severe injury. “Bastard, if you have any other moves, just use them!”

“You’ll see, Lalaria.” Chen Rui showed a smile from behind the visor. Actual combat and my own training are 2 different things. Although the outcome of the battle against the lesbian dragon has not been decided yet at his point, the actual gains have been considerable.

As he raised his hands, the movement of the stars in the sky became more and more mysterious as if a huge power was charging.

The mustached flat-chested loli pointed to the stars’ phantasms in the sky and sneered, “Don’t think that you can fool me with an illusion. Demi-God’s kingdom is the kingdom of true faith and life, and it can continuously provide faith power to support the battle. The Kingdom level illusion tricks are not comparable at all. Unless you suppress me with the real Demi-God kingdom, I will be invincible in the kingdom of this island.”

“Demi-God kingdom, faith’s support and application… It turns out to be like this.” Chen Rui suddenly understood the misunderstanding. With a thought, the [Red Star Kingdom] shone brightly, and the projected starlights shone on the island. All of a sudden, there were collapses in many places in the phantasm of the island.

Lalaria felt that the starlight contained enormous pure and vast faith power which invaded her kingdom. Her kingdom power suddenly became disordered, and the dark element environment that was most suitable for her to exert her strength was also rapidly weakening.

“Impossible!” The mustached flat-chested loli looked up at the [Red Star Kingdom], and her eyes shone with incredible light, “This kingdom is actually real?”

Demi-God’s kingdom is based on real projections. Could it be Chen Rui… owns the stars in the sky?

That kind of incomparable faith power and vast vitality breath is definitely not an illusion!

This is simply incredible… Only the legendary god…

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