Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 988: Advanced Meeting

Chapter 988: Advanced Meeting

People were hotly discussing what happened in the past 2 days in the streets and alleys of Jaqda City.

Gossip always spreads the fastest. The Viswo ‘bird-burd’ matter had spread all over Jaqda City long ago. Clerk Pabo was plotted by Viswo to commit suicide by owing gambling debts. Viswo tried to snatch Pabo’s daughters, Tess and Kili, in the name of debt collection. Tess’ fiancé, Caldilla, who just returned from Starlight College, tried to rescue Tess with all his strength.

Just when Caldilla, Tess and her sister were besieged by the fighters sent by Viswo and in danger, Lild, 1 of the 3 Saint magicians of the Magician Tower Group, happened to pass by with 2 friends and helped them out righteously. Then, Viswo personally brought people to arrest him. However, Lild was not there. Viswo was knocked down by Lild’s friend, and Viswo actually launched a magic scroll of mass destruction, [Flame of Hell]. Fortunately, Lild arrived in time and stopped the scroll explosion. Otherwise, hundreds of people present would have died.

After Lild stopped the [Flame of Hell], the veiled lady among Lild’s friends attacked indignantly and exploded Viswo’s lower body. At this time, Rialdo, who was also 1 of the 3 Saint magicians of the Magician Tower Group with Lild, came and made rude remarks to the lady.

It was said that Rialdo’s mother was the collateral concubine of the Mogaus Family and died very early. Patriarch Moya of the Mogaus Family and Rialdo have had a good relationship since childhood, so Rialdo joined the Mogaus Family. After becoming 1 of the 3 great magicians of the Magician Tower Group, he became the solid backer of the Mogaus Family.

Rialdo’s foul language aroused the wrath of the veiled lady. As a result, this 1 of the 3 Saint magicians followed in Viswo’s footsteps and got ‘bird-burst’ sadly. Then, it seemed that an important character from the Magician Tower Group joined the fight. Following that, Rialdo, the mysterious lady and the important character disappeared at the same time. Lild arranged Caldilla, Tess and her sister to stay in Bright Trading Company to avoid being harmed by the Mogaus Family. Then, he left with another friend who didn’t seem to have combat power.

Patriarch Moya of the Mogaus Family immediately reported to City Lord Vanil, claiming that the family inheritor, Viswo, was persecuted by the Mordeng Family and lost his male function, which also cut off the ability to continue the bloodline. The nature of this incident was extremely vile, so Vanil immediately sent an army to surround the Bright Trading Company.

The Mordeng Family was 1 of the giants of the Blue Glory Empire, and they had a considerable right to speak in the House of Representatives in congress. Moreover, Lild was 1 of the 3 Saint magicians with a lofty status and great strength. The 2 sides were at a standoff for a while after the Bright Trading Company rejected a manhunt request.

City Lord Vanil personally came to monitor. Just as a conflict was about to break out, the Saint magician Lild appeared and prevented the conflict from happening. The statement involved a more important event at this time, and it needed to be reported to the capital. After a brief negotiation with Lild, Vanil left with the troops, and the confrontation came to an end for the time being.

Viswo of the Mogaus Family had a lot of bad deeds and had harmed a lot of people. It was very satisfying that he was ‘bird-burst’ in this incident. Moya was obviously the villain who sued the victims, and now Tess, her sister and Caldilla had become ‘fugitives’. This had caused much indignation among the people.

However, those who had reached certain levels were aware that whether Viswo was crippled or the Tess sisters turned into fugitives, these were all trivial matters. At best, they served as a trigger event. The real focus would be the collision of the 2 giants, the Regianna Family and the Mordeng Family.

This might cause a series of chain reactions across the entire territory of the Blue Glory Empire. However, before the reaction started happening, an unexpected accident happened.

Among Lild’s 2 friends, the mysterious woman who ‘burst’ Rialdo in seconds was undoubtedly a powerful Demi-God who surpassed Saint (In ordinary people’s cognition, above Saint was ‘Demi-God’); while the other weak man was a more important figure for ordinary empires and kingdoms.

The third prince of the Dragon Bright Empire, the lord of the Golden Estate, the top mechanic grand master of humans, Arthur. Roland!

For the Blue Glory Empire, Arthur also had the most important identity, and that was the fiancé of Princess Landbis. Sherbert of the Blue Glory Empire. This time, he came to participate in the engagement ceremony.

So the correct version of the previous ‘bird-burst’ event became – Viswo frantically released the scroll of [Flame of Hell] in the dense crowd, which greatly frightened Prince Arthur, so his’s bird was burst by Prince Arthur’s guardian as a punishment. Then, Rialdo came and spoke disrespectfully to the mysterious lady, so the mysterious lady made Rialdo ‘burst bird’ as well in a rage.

Then, a truly horrible thing happened. The important character behind the Magician Tower Group, that was, Rialdo’s teacher, appeared, confronted Prince Arthur’s guardian, and took Rialdo away.

Despite Lild’s protection, Prince Arthur was still affected by the battle. His spirit power was severely damaged, and he almost lost his life, so the guardian chased Rialdo’s teacher all the way into the Magician Tower Group. After an earth-shattering battle, another madam from the Magician Tower Group came out to mediate, and the dispute was temporarily resolved.

Now that Prince Arthur’s injury had not recovered, he was temporarily unable to participate in the engagement ceremony with Princess Landbis. The Dragon Bright Empire envoy team made a solemn protest to the Blue Glory Empire.

The Blue Glory Capital responded quickly, promising to punish the perpetrators severely, and ordered Duke Vanil, the lord of Jaqda City, to quickly rectify the security in the city and fully protect Prince Arthur. At this time, Gralin, 1 of the 3 cardinals of the Holy Light Mountain, was visiting the Blue Glory Capital. At the request of the Blue Glory Empire’s King Klongter, Gralin, accompanied by the first prince of the Blue Glory Empire, Durandal, had gone to Jaqda City.

The Dragon Bright Empire’s ‘bride escort’ envoy team made an unpredictable change in the whole situation. Vanil, who had planned to plot against the Mordeng Family, felt depressed. Although Lild was 1 of the 3 Saint magicians of the Magician Tower Group, he was usually a low-key person. He never expected to get an unexpected punch from Lild this time! Lild quietly got acquainted with the third prince of the Dragon Bright Empire who came to participate in the engagement ceremony, then this prince happened to be involved in the dispute, was this really just a coincidence?

In any case, the third prince of the Dragon Bright Empire was severely injured in Jaqda City, and the vicious incident of Viswo’s [Flame of Hell] had made the city lord take the blame. Now, many eyes of the empire were fixed on Jaqda, so they must not act rashly anymore. They could only try their best to appease the unfortunate Prince Arthur, and the original plan to deal with Lild had been forced to abort.

A few days later, Prince Durando and the Holy Church’s Cardinal Gralin finally arrived in Jaqda City. Accompanied by City Lord Vanil, they immediately arrived at the Sleeping Rose VIP Inn. Now this VIP inn had been heavily guarded. Residents not related to the Dragon Bright Empire’s envoy team were asked to leave.

Gralin was taken aback when he saw Chen Rui. The third prince looked haggard. His eyes were sunken, and the spirit power he radiated fluctuated unstably. He clearly suffered a lot.

Durando was still thinking about the role of the Dragon Bright Empire’s envoy team in this incident while on the way here. When he saw the appearance of ‘Arthur’, he couldn’t help being shocked as it was much more serious than expected. He hurriedly asked Gralin to start treatment immediately.

In fact, the 2 of them never imagined that ‘Arthur’ was still in the room energetically eating and drinking with Paglio and Dodo just a few minutes before the 2 came. This ‘tragic situation’ was really pretending.

Gralin knew exactly what this Prince ‘Arthur’ meant to the Holy Light Mountain, so there must be no mistakes. Now, he fully activated the purest light element power to help Chen Rui nourish his soul and spirit power. Due to the [Body of Light Glory], the treatment was quite effective. Chen Rui’s spirit suddenly lifted a lot.

Gralin breathed a sigh of relief. These days, he had been rushing all the way days and nights, so he had been exhausted. After he had fully activated the power of the light element, he couldn’t help showing his fatigue. The elderly Durando was also tired. Since it was getting late, it was inconvenient to disturb Chen Rui, so they reassured him and left.

However, Gralin did not go to the city lord mansion to rest with Durando, but stayed in the inn so that he could treat Arthur’s injuries at any time.

“You don’t have to pretend now.” Paglio looked at Chen Rui with contempt when he returned to the room, “It’s a shame that you are using such a powerful transformation technique to pretend to be sick!”

Chen Rui shrugged, “You just be jealous.”

Paglio glanced at him sideways, “I am jealous of you?”

“Bring a bunch of female dragons and fly above my house then, you dare?”

“Bah!” Master Poison Dragon almost jumped up. Anyway, this room had a soundproof magic circle, so he was not afraid of being heard by the next door, “I’m loyal, so what?”

“Really not jealous?”

“Hmph! Narcissistic guy.”

“I’m talking about Zola…”


Paglio was speechless. This was really hitting the sore spot. It would be false to say that he was not jealous. When went separate ways from the Black Rock Mountain Range, the woman was only at the peak stage of the Kingdom level. It was only a few days, and she broke through to Demi-God!

Although the madwoman was brutal back then, she was on the same level as Master Poison Dragon. In just a few years, Master Poison Dragon had broken through from Demon Overlord to the intermediate stage of Kingdom level. It was reasonable to say that this speed was already excellent compared to his peers. However, this madwoman is now actually a Demi-God!

Black potions, law fragments, quasi-artifacts, star conferring… The benefits of this human are not only for Zola; everyone has a share. So why am I so far back? Is it necessary to have sex with that cunning human… Yuck! Thinking of this, Paglio shivered in horror. He was about to speak when there was a knock at the door.

Chen Rui immediately returned to his ill appearance as he opened the door. It turned out that Proyo came to report, “Your Highness, a messenger who claimed to be under Prince Durando asked to see you. He brought a letter, and he has a few words to convey to Your Highness in person.”

“A messenger?” Chen Rui expressed doubts. Why didn’t Durando give it to me in person? He even has to send a messenger?

“I checked that the letter was stamped with the magical seal of the Sherbert Royal Family; it is not fake. The messenger is now in the VIP reception room.”

“Okay, let’s go meet the messenger.” Chen Rui nodded and came to the VIP reception room with Proyo and Paglio.

The messenger was a slender man with bright eyes. When he saw Chen Rui’s arrival, he immediately bowed.

“You all retreat.” Chen Rui stared at the messenger for a moment, then he suddenly spoke up, “Turn on the soundproof magic circle in the living room. No one is allowed to approach here without my order.”

Proyo was greatly surprised as he didn’t expect Royal Highness ‘Arthur’ to make such a decision when he saw the messenger, “But, the safety of Your Highness…”

“I know what I’m doing.”

Proyo saw Chen Rui’s determined look, so he didn’t ask any more questions and bowed before retreating. Paglio naturally didn’t bother to pretend to be a bodyguard here. After the 2 left, Chen Rui waved, “Please sit down.”

The messenger sat down accordingly. Chen Rui didn’t ask any questions related to the letter. He just looked at the messenger’s face and smiled, “We haven’t seen each other for many years, I didn’t expect you to come here in disguise… This is an early reunion, Princess Royal Highness.”

The messenger was slightly shocked, “How did you recognize me?”

Chen Rui smiled without saying a word. The messenger’s face began to change rapidly, turning into a beautiful girl’s face with a bit of determination in her eyes. It was the fiancee that ‘Arthur’ was going to marry this time, the Blue Glory Empire’s Princess Pearl, Landbis!

TL: Landbis also doesn’t want this marry?

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