Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 987: Self-explosion

Chapter 987: Self-explosion

Rialdo’s death was like a bomb that exploded in the midst of Shiro’s commotion. Anger and hatred instantly filled his entire consciousness. He didn’t think about why Chen Rui suddenly had such power; there was only one thought in his mind: I will crush this damn despicable human into dust!

Shiro was very close to Chen Rui. If he used all his power, even if Zola wanted to rescue him, it was too late.

It was a pity that the furious elf didn’t see the fairy dragon’s expression, and only Dursa noticed it. The fairy dragon’s beautiful face didn’t even show a trace of panic, not intending to ‘rescue’ at all.

In a split second, Shiro had already approached Chen Rui. Just when the elf elder delusionally thought that the human was about to be annihilated in his anger, a hand appeared in the vision. The next second, his neck was already held tightly, and he was lifted up. The feeling of suffocation made the elf lose his ability to react for a while. He just kicked his hands and feet instinctively.

When Shiro regained his composure, he planned to use the kingdom power to get rid of the restraint, but he felt the wave-like turbulent power from the opponent’s hand. His peak stage of Kingdom level power was repeatedly shaken by this tidal wave-like giant force and actually collapsed entirely. He could no longer successfully condense his kingdom.

Shiro shuddered as he finally realized the opponent’s terrifying power. He was at least a powerhouse with the same strength as me! The elf elder immediately realized that he had made the biggest mistake. A magician, facing an enemy of the same level who was good at melee combat, actually did not move away, but instead sent himself forward!

This mistake could be fatal!

This situation changed abruptly. Dursa, who had been on guard against Zola’s actions, did not expect that Shiro was actually restrained by Chen Rui. Seeing Shiro’s painful expression, Dursa shouted, and a blue light flew toward Chen Rui. No matter what, Shiro was the elder of the elf tribe and could not be killed by outsiders.

Zola had been on guard for a long time, and she naturally would not let Dursa succeed. The colorful light flashed, and the blue light disappeared without a trace.

Dursa was about to continue when she suddenly stopped, because she sensed a special kind of breath. This breath seemed familiar with a fresh and pure force of nature. Her soul seemed to be cleansed, and her spirit was refreshed.

Even Shiro, who was restrained, sensed this breath, and his eyes filled with disbelief.

“Tree of Na…” Dursa had already uttered words in a trembling voice. This human body actually exudes the breath of the holy tree!

Although this breath is not particularly strong, it is indeed the natural power of the holy tree. Furthermore, this kind of breath of the Tree of Nature is not as dire and old as the one in the Celestial Capital after eroded by the power of the Abyss. It is as if it has gained new life, vital and vigorous.

“You are… the new Hero King!” Dursa reacted immediately. The condensed power immediately dissipated without a trace as she slowly landed to the ground.

“You have received news from the Celestial Capital?”

“Dursa pays respect to Your Highness Hero King. Thank Your Highness for saving the hope of the elf tribe. The resurrection of the holy tree is the most important event of the elf tribe. I just received the news from the Celestial Capital yesterday, but because of Your Highness’ request, these messages did not mention the specific situation of Your Highness in detail. Otherwise, there wouldn’t be such misunderstanding today.”

Shiro’s facial expression at the moment was extremely pale. This ‘despicable’ human is actually the Hero King who repulsed the Abyss power and saved the Tree of Nature!

“I’m just a despicable human as mentioned by Elder Shiro. I can’t be called ‘Your Highness’, and I don’t think it’s just a ‘misunderstanding’ today.” Chen Rui didn’t put down Shiro. He just glanced lightly at Dursa, “Accurately speaking, I only reserve the right to accept the honor of the elf tribe’s Hero King, which is not really a Hero King. If every elf is someone like him… Then I will be ashamed by this title. Not only me, but even my wife’s father, the real Elf King, will see it as the greatest shame. “

The wife’s father? The real Elf King? Dursa subconsciously glanced at Zola. Right, the fairy dragon! The father of this dragon genius is Elf King Span 20,000 years ago!

Dursa smiled wryly. This fight was so unworthy. Be it Shiro or the dead Rialdo, they actually took the initiative to provoke these 2, which is simply asking for trouble!

“When Royal Majesty Liv gave me this Holy Leaf Heraldry, she said that I can exercise the same power as her.” Chen Rui took out a crystal ‘leaf’ which slowly flew toward Dursa, “Then, Elder Dursa, please report everything that happened today to the Celestial Capital as it is, and convey my proposal to expel this Elder Shiro from the elf tribe forever. I don’t think an elf who is so discriminatory and blasphemous toward life and race is a real elf. If the elf tribe feels it necessary to keep this Kingdom-level elder, then take back my Holy Leaf Heraldry forever.”

The corners of Dursa’s eyes twitched. The last sentence was too heavy. The hope of the holy tree and the elf tribe’s survival rests on the Hero King. No matter which elf it was, no elf could afford this serious consequence.

Dursa glanced at Shiro, whose face was ashen, and she nodded, “I will take Shiro back to the Silver Moon Celestial Capital to report what happened today and Your Highness’ message to Her Majesty Liv and the elders truthfully.”

This sentence was equivalent to adding salt to the wound on Shiro. Being publicly expelled was almost a certainty, and there was no possibility of change…

With a boom in Shiro’s head, the world was spinning. For him, who thought that his bloodline was superior, being expelled from the elf tribe forever was more excruciating than death.

Thinking of Rialdo’s death, regret, hatred, anger… New hatred and old hatred flooded Shiro’s mind. His body suddenly burned, and the surrounding space began to change as dangerous breaths were exuded.


“Are you crazy! Stop it!” Dursa was taken aback. With Shiro’s strength and talent, even Dursa might not be able to withstand this kind of desperate self-explosion, let alone the peak stage of the Kingdom level ‘Hero King’!

The Hero King has a holy tree of life related to the elf tribe’s continuation. If something happened to him…

Dursa was really infuriated and rushed toward Chen Rui desperately. This Shiro actually dragged the entire elf tribe to be buried with him!

The kingdom power in Shiro’s body swelled frantically. In the twisted and ferocious facial features, a voice filled with hatred sounded. His body burst into dazzling light, “Die! Despicable…”

Chen Rui didn’t retreat or dodge in panic. In fact, it was too late.

“Boom!” The ground shook, and Dursa was blown away by the enormous force.

It’s over! Dursa’s first consciousness was despair, but she realized immediately. Wait! The self-explosion power of the peak stage of the Kingdom level should not be so weak! It seems to be suppressed by something?

At this moment, a red starlight was shining, and a figure in armor appeared in the center of the explosion. An astonishing energy was rolling in the center of both hands. That energy was Kingdom power that Shiro exploded at the cost of his life!

The palms of the 2 armors joined together, and the terrifying kingdom energy was extinguished like a candle that had been blown out.

Dursa looked in shock at the human who exuded a powerful breath all over his body. When she looked at the pair of star-like gazes, there was awe in her mind. She bowed deeply.

The battle of the Magician Tower Group finally came to an end. After Lild was rescued, Chen Rui still regained his identity as a magic circle master who did have any power. Naturally, Dursa would not reveal his secret. She just announced Rialdo’s death to Lild. She also claimed that the half-elf colluded with the family to persecute innocent people, which was deserving of the punishment. She said nothing about Shiro. After all, this was the internal affairs of the elf tribe.

Even so, it was enough to surprise Lild. Rialdo’s death must have something to do with Zola. I didn’t expect this madam actually to have such a big ‘power’. This dispute was completely settled!

But what about the dead Ed in the white tower? How do I explain it to the capital?

Lild left the Tower of Nature space with Chen Rui and Zola. Just as he was feeling restless, another piece of bad news came.

Patriarch Moya of the Mogaus Family complained to the city lord Duke Vanil of Jaqda, saying that Lild protected the fugitive Tess sisters, maimed the Mogaus Family’s inheritor, Viswo, and injured Elder Rialdo of the family. At present, Vanil had sent an army to surround the Bright Trading Company of the Mordeng Family. Nemo, the head of the Mordeng Family in Jaqda City, sent someone to the Magician Tower Group for help.

Originally, with the strength of the Mogaus Family, it was impossible to pose a threat to the Mordeng Family, but behind City Lord Vanil was the Regianna Family who had always been political rivals of the Mordeng Family. The upper levels of both sides had confronted each other plenty of times in the House of Representatives. The conflicts and frictions behind them, whether big or small, were neverending.

The Mogaus Family was originally only a small neutral force, but now Moya took the initiative to complain to Vanil. This meant that he sided with the Regianna Family.

Vanil was the city lord of Jaqda, and Lild was 1 of the 3 Saint magicians of the Magician Tower Group. He was also the representative of the Blue Glory Empire and the elf tribe association. Both parties were considered to hold important positions, but in different areas. Normally, they wouldn’t intervene with each other.

It was just that in recent years, the situation of the House of Representatives had been unpredictable, and the conflict between the 2 major families had been escalating. Now, they got hold of this chance, so they of course use this incident to make a big fuss.

If it was about Viswo, it was fine. What truly worry Lild was about Ed, because Ed’s true identity was the illegitimate son of the Blue Glory Empire’s King Klongter!

Klongter attached great importance to this illegitimate child, and he specially ordered Lild to take extra care of him, but now Ed was killed because of Shiro. The cause of this fight was related to Lild to some extent. Once the incident occurs, it would cause unimaginable consequences for Lild himself or the entire Morden family.

After Chen Rui learned the whole story, he was silent for a moment and made a decision.

Soon, words spread throughout Jaqda City that Viswo of the Mogaus Family offended and hurt the Dragon Bright Empire’s Third Prince Arthur Roland who came to marry Princess Pearl Landbis!

The world-famous lord of the Golden Estate, the mechanic grand master Royal Highness Arthur, on behalf of the entire Dragon Bright Empire, raised the strongest protest to the Blue Glory Empire!

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