Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 795: Coming to Celestial Capital Again

Chapter 795: Coming to Celestial Capital Again

Note: Extra 2 chapters for achieving patreon monthly goal. Thanks for the support! Also, scheduled the chapters on the wrong date, but it’s fixed now.

Chen Rui thought about it and asked tentatively, “Does the force behind you have a candidate for the chief bishop?”

“No.” Belia shook her head, “The forces in the Eastern District are not under their control. I’m a hidden pawn. If I can compete for the chief bishop, I might get some support, but I’m just a deacon; not even a bishop, so this is impossible.”

“Possible always arises out of the impossible.” Chen Rui revealed a strange smile with a wine glass in his hand, “If something happened to Angelie at this time, then can you become a candidate for chief bishop with justification? “

“You mean…” Belia’s eyes lit up.

“If Angelie has an accident at this time, you should not be suspected first, but the other 6 contestants.” Chen Rui said confidently, “If you become the new bishop, you should be the least hopeful of the 7 bishops to become the chief bishop and also the least noticeable one. But in any case, you have defeated Angelie and achieved the desired goal. In theory, you are still one of the chief bishop candidates. If you perform amazing results in a short time, combined with the help of the force behind you, a new force will emerge by then, and it is not impossible to become a chief bishop.”

“You said it very easily, but this is undoubtedly a huge risk.” Belia quickly calmed down. She had a scheming mind after all.

“Risks always coexist with benefits. You don’t want to be a hidden pawn that may be abandoned at any time right?”

“A pawn like me is not what you think it is.” Belia shook her head slightly, “However, your proposal gave me another smoother road. It is undeniable that I’m really tempted.”

“Regardless of your choice, we need to grasp the latest and most accurate movement of Angelie. I’m now in a ‘missing’ state, which is equivalent to lurking in the dark. If there is a chance, her ‘accident’ will be more natural and reasonable.”

Belia thought for a while and said, “I need time to think about it, so let me give you an answer after the Star Tower matter is over.”

“Okay, I’m waiting for your decision. After all, we are now allies with shared interests, and we are ‘close’.” Chen Rui changed the topic, “I want to go to the Silver Moon Celestial Capital of the Jade Forest Sea. Do you have any convenient ways?”

“The Silver Moon Celestial Capital?” Belia frowned slightly.

“To be precise, it has something to do with my training.”

Although Chen Rui did not explain the specific reason, Belia did not ask. The previous sentence was correct. Both of them were now allies who had signed the contract. The stronger he was, the stronger the assistance to her. Especially since the proposal just now pretty much matched with the plan in her mind. In fact, it was bolder and more attractive.

“Speaking of the Silver Moon Celestial Capital… Deputy Dean Socrates recently got an ancient stone slab engraved with a magic circle. These days he is planning to set off with the stone slab and his apprentices to visit the Silver Moon Celestial Capital’s Grand Master Finoia. I’ll try to see if I can recommend you as a ‘teacher’ who came to apply for a job to escort them. However, Socrates himself is a Saint magician, and his apprentices also have 2 powerhouses who are proficient in martial arts, so they may not need guards…”

“You’re wrong.” Chen Rui took a sip of wine, “The subject that I’m ‘applying’ for is not martial arts but magic circle.”

Belia’s eyes flickered, “You’re really a surprise… Sir Roman.”

3 days later, Chen Rui appeared on the big ship going to the Jade Forest Sea in Blue Star City’s port. Beside him was an old man with white beard and hair.

This old man was Deputy Dean Socrates of the Starlight College, the famous top magic circle master who was a Saint magician. The men and women on the back deck were Socrates’ apprentices. This time they would follow their teacher to the Silver Moon Celestial Capital of the Jade Forest Sea to visit the legendary Elf Grand Master Finoia.

“Roman, do you think this inscribed pattern can be further improved?” Socrates’ eyes were shining at the moment, which was completely unlike his usual solemnity. Apprentices who were familiar with sir deputy dean would know that there was only one thing that could cause their teacher to look like this, that was the magic circle.

This ‘Roman’ was the candidate applying for the magic circle teacher post recommended by the school affairs department. It was said that he wanted to get an extra place in the Star Tower. Previously, Socrates had disapproved of this person, especially when he was recommended by the school affairs department people who would only care for selfish benefit. However, the ability displayed by ‘Roman’ surprised Socrates.

In addition to having a solid foundation of magic circles, ‘Roman’ also had an extraordinary talent to improve magic circles. As everyone knew, a magic circle needed to use a magic conductor to depict or draw, and at the same time inject magic to make it echo with free elements or natural power to produce effect. This involved various comprehensive subjects such as magic, mathematics, astronomy, and alchemy. The level of difficulty was evident.

Magic circles were all very precise and rigorous things. Any change might cause chain reactions or even destroy the entire formation. However, this’ Roman’ actually could freely delete without destroying the original formation to further improve the magic circle performance, which was simply incredible. The young man in front of him obviously couldn’t be a 100-year-old magic circle quasi-grand master or even a grand master, so Socrates was convinced of the reason for that ‘talent’.

Facts had proved that people would always make some empiricist mistakes unconsciously. Socrates wouldn’t even imagine that this young man was really a magic circle quasi-grand master.

“Sir Socrates, I told you that I can only use my talent sense and make certain modifications on the magic circle I understand. I can’t understand this kind of magic circle at all. Even my talent is limited, so it cannot be used without a limit. It will be overwhelming here.”

With that said, Chen Rui pointed to his temples, and his facial expression was a bit bitter, “The mental consumption has been too much these days, and I’m even a little dizzy now.”

“Right right! You should go to the ship cabin for a good rest. We will discuss it tomorrow.” Socrates patted his forehead and quickly accepted. Since he discovered the ‘talent’ of the teacher candidate, he seemed to have obtained a treasure. He had to discuss magic circles with ‘Roman’ every day, and he felt that he had gained a lot.

Sir Deputy Dean had made up his mind that no matter how much it cost, he must keep this talented ‘Roman’ as a teacher at the Starlight College.

A few days later, the ship only crossed the Ice Sea and arrived at the Jade Forest Sea. Unlike Chen Rui’s last location, Socrates’ ship only reached the Purple Orchid Port guarded by the elf tribe, which was actually the front entrance of the elf tribe’s station.

As a well-known master in the human world, the deputy dean of the college where the princess elf was, and the friend of the elf grand master, Socrates and his escorts received the courtesy of the elf tribe. They rode on the silver pegasuses prepared by the elf and headed toward the Silver Moon Celestial Capital all the way.

It was already evening when they arrived at the Silver Moon Celestial Capital. Although Socrates had the intention to immediately go to the Purple Forest to visit Grand Master Finoia, he knew that he could not be rude, so he took the apprentices to live in the stage station arranged by the elf tribe.

Coincidentally, it happened to be the stage station where Chen Rui lived last time. It seemed to be specially equipped for foreign VIPs. The exquisite items and furnishings inside had amazed the apprentices who came here for the first time. Chen Rui naturally didn’t have this mood. He used too much of his talents these days and needed a rest, so he entered the room and fell asleep long ago.

In fact, Chen Rui was already outside the Purple Forest while others were sleeping.

With the previous experience, plus the skills of [Sneak] and [Camouflage], his journey was smooth without any difficulties.

Chen Rui passed through the lakeside hut where Finoia’s apprentice, Taranna, was located, and entered the Purple Forest silently. When he arrived at the Purple Heart Treehouse where Finoia was located, he found that the elf grand master had already been waiting in front of the big tree.

It was obviously impossible to break through all the magic circles on this road without being discovered by the elf grand master. Moreover, Chen Rui deliberately controlled the speed, sequence and route of the crack to be basically the same as last time. With the wisdom of the elf grand master, he could naturally guess the identity of the ‘intruder’.

“It’s been a long time, Sir Finoia.” Chen Rui had transformed to his previous appearance as he bowed.

Finoia solemnly bowed back, “What a surprising reunion, should I call you Sir Richard? The kingdom powerhouse that once killed a 4-winged angel.”

Chen Rui didn’t explain as he shook his head, “I think my elf grand master friend is reminding me that, with the disparity in alchemy’s attainment, I should call him Sir Finoia.”

The 2 smiled at each other. Everyone had their own secrets. There were many things that did not need to be asked or explained. It was enough to have tacit trust. This was a friend.

“This is not a place to talk, let’s go back to the treehouse.” Finoia smiled, “Speaking of which, the taste of the beautiful wine last time was really memorable. The forest hobbit who is not here will definitely envy me now for enjoying the treatment of beautiful wine exclusively.”

The lobby of the Purple Heart Treehouse was filled with the fragrance of the aromatic millet wine. A few plates of exquisite green food were placed on the table in front of Finoia and Chen Rui. The elf grand master slowly tasted the memorable fine wine while revealing an intoxicating expression. If it was the hobbit grand master, he would definitely pick up the wine bottle and bottom up violently before cursing and complaining that there was no appertizer.

“Your mechanical skills have actually reached a considerable height. In some aspects, even a grand master may not be as good as you. What you lack is just an opportunity, but I feel that your intention to become a grand master seems to be more urgent than the last time? This is not a good thing.”

“I know that haste makes waste, but I will soon face a grand master-level mechanic in a different kind of life and death duel.”

The small glass moving to the elf grand master’s lips stopped, and a few drops of wine overflowed.

“Even though I’m also a mechanics grand master, I still can’t understand. A kingdom-level powerhouse will choose to use mechanical skills for a life-and-death duel with a grand master.” The elf grand master glanced at him, “As far as I know, there are only a handful of existing mechanics grand masters, can I ask which opponent it is? Perhaps I can provide some targeted opinions.”

Chen Rui sighed, “This enemy is not any grand master whom you know. To be precise, he should be more terrifying than them.”

The pupils of the elf grand master contracted slightly and returned to normal in an instant. He nodded, “Everyone has their own path that they must choose. You come here because of your trust in me and Bernd. In any case, we will do our best to help you.”

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