Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 794: Submission

Outside the abandoned city of the ‘Sky Wheel’, one after another huge figures appeared. There were around 200 titans, which should be all the titans existing in Storm Island.

With heavy steps, the giants came to Chen Rui step by step under the lead of the golden-red leader.

The golden red titan leader looked at Chen Rui, and he suddenly knelt down. All the titans made the same movements simultaneously.

“You have proved your promise with your actions, noble master!” The titan leader said in a relatively slow-paced voice. It was the first time Chen Rui heard the titans speak. The voice was thick and contained a strange power that sounded like muffled thunder.

Chen Rui destroyed the central life crystal, and the remaining control of the titans by the crystal disappeared naturally. In fact, his biggest purpose in destroying the crystal was because he couldn’t control it, but for the titans, obtaining complete freedom was an indisputable fact. All this was due to the noble and benevolent current ‘master’.

Chen Rui was enthusiastic regarding the strength of the titans, but he also felt troublesome for it. If the titans can be brought to the Demon Realm, then adding the strength of the alchemy civilization, they will undoubtedly become the most terrifying combat power among the 3 empires. However, as a life entity, the titans cannot be ‘carried’ into the [Star Gate], so this idea is just a fantasy. Then, as the top combat power in the ordinary world who has broken free from the restraint of the ruin life crystal, it will be a disaster not only for the human world, but also for the titans once they get out of Storm Island.

While he was thinking about it, the thunderous voice of the titan leader sounded again, “Noble master, in order to express my gratitude, as long as you provide enough energy, the titans are willing to fight for you.”

Mercenaries? With the titans’ dedication to freedom, it is definitely impossible to completely surrender. This should be the best result. Chen Rui changed his mind and asked, “I know you can use wind elements to convert power. Do energy cubes have a special effect on it?”

“Yes.” The titan leader replied truthfully, “As far as survival and strength are concerned, we have broken away from the dependence on energy cubes, but one thing is fatal, that is the injury. If there is no supplement of energy cubes, the injury will recover very slowly relying on our own healing power. If it exceeds a certain limit, we will be severely injured and die. With the help of energy cubes, we can recover the injury and physical strength in the shortest time. Not only that, energy cubes can also help the titans be stronger and advance faster, especially for the titans whose strength is still at the initial stage. The energy cubes given by the master last time are powerful and pure which is exactly what we need.”

This was a long speech, especially from this huge, slow-paced giant. It was a protracted speech, but Chen Rui still understood it very well – No wonder the energy cubes last time made the titans so happy.

He should be the only person who could provide high-purity energy, which was equivalent to having the long-term restraint on these giants, not just the temporary gratitude of the titans.

“I can accept your service, but you must promise me a request to continue to follow the wind elementals and not leave Storm Island unless there is my order. I think you should be able to get along with the wind elementals as usual.”

“Of course.” The titan leader lowered his head without hesitation, “We will follow your orders, noble master.”

Chen Rui was secretly delighted that the elementals would not easily interfere with the balance of the world when he saw the giants obeyed his orders without hesitation. Therefore, there was no need to worry that the titans would set foot in the human world and cause chaos.

“I will not enslave you. Although you are warriors who accept my commands and orders, you will always be an independent race.” Chen Rui played with the text game a little bit. In fact, the focus was on ‘accept my commands and orders’. What is your name? The leader of the titans.”

The titans obviously did not notice Chen Rui’s language tricks, and the titan leader replied respectfully, “Titans have no name.”

“Since you are an independent race, then titan will be used as the name and surname of the race. As for the first name… I will give you a name called ‘Oceanus’, how about it?”

The name Oceanus was exquisite. He was the first of the 12 titans in Greek mythology, the god of ocean rivers, and the ancestor of the gods in Homer.

‘Independent race’ and ‘name’ made the titan leader show an excited expression, “Oceanus thanks master for naming it. Master, please name all the tribesmen.”

Chen Rui looked at the 200 giants, and he suddenly felt like he was self-defeating. His eyes rolled, “I will only give the names of the 12 most powerful titans today. As for the rest of the titans, when they make merits in the future, I will naturally give a name to the bravest warriors.”

This proposal aroused the interest of the titans. Chen Rui copied all the names of the 12 gods of the titans in ancient Greece and named the 12 titans. As for the names of the goddesses… were also used.

“Noble master, thank you for the glory you bestow on the titans. The titans swear by their surname to become your loyal subordinates and warriors.”

The words of Oceanus made Chen Rui snicker. Even naming them is regarded as a reward. I really didn’t waste my brain cells in vain.

Looking at the surrounding buildings, someone’s eyes suddenly lit up, “I’m about to travel far, but I will come back here again in the future. Before I leave, brave warriors, please be a part-time… demolition team.” “

2 days later.

Chen Rui appeared in Venus City. The demolition work was more tiring than expected. Fortunately, there were no holdouts. Despite the help of the giants with super destructive power, it took nearly 40 hours to move the ‘Sky Wheel’ city. Some main available materials had been dismantled. Now that the storage warehouse was full, Chen Rui couldn’t help but think of the first time the storage warehouse was filled with minerals in the Mountain Xilang mine.

However, the capacity of the storage warehouse at that time was far less than now, and the strength of Higher Demon alone was not comparable to the level of entering the kingdom now. However, no matter how it changed, some things remained the same and would not change.

For example… he was still Chen Rui, Chen Rui’s Chen, Chen Rui’s Rui. Perhaps it would not change in the future as well.

This trip to Storm Island took 20 days. In fact, more than half was spent on the road. It was about 1.5 months before the opening of the Star Tower. Chen Rui planned to go to the Silver Moon Celestial Capital in the Jade Forest Sea to visit the 2 mechanic grand masters to seek breakthroughs in his mechanics skills.

I gave the strong and persistent half-elf girl a bottle of springwater of the Fountain of Vitality at that time which has the effect of saving the Tree of Nature. Blanche should be in a better situation now than before.

There is also the elf tribe little princess who likes to ‘play with bird’… At least she is also a friend.

It’s a pity that I can no longer see the little phoenix daughter, who likes to play the ‘Hungry Birds Game’ all day long.

Closing his eyes, the cordial and young voice of ‘daddy’ seemed to echo in his ear again. This was a regret he could never forget in his life.

After a long time, Chen Rui opened his eyes, took a deep breath, recollected his thoughts out of his nostalgia, and began to think about the next move.

Although the elf tribe had formed an association with the Blue Glory Empire, it generally had a poor impression of humans. In addition to some past grudges, the elf tribe’s arrogance and condemnation of different races were also one of the main reasons. As a human, it was not easy to successfully enter the Silver Moon Celestial Capital ruled by the elf tribe. Not only that, Chen Rui no longer had the Holy Leaf Heraldry in his hands. Moreover, he killed Isyorul when he hid in the celestial capital. The elf tribe would certainly not offend this behemoth church because of him. Maybe he would be arrested as a bargaining chip, so he had to change his face when going to the Silver Moon Celestial Capital this time.

Right! Isn’t the human at the Silver Moon Celestial Capital last time a trial student at Starlight College? Chen Rui had an idea. Instead of returning to the hotel directly, he boarded the carriage to Starlight College.

Chen Rui did not use the face of ‘Simon’, but he changed to the appearance of an acquaintance, a sloven guy. With the college entrance and exit badge given by Belia, he smoothly passed the law enforcement team’s checkpoint, entered the college, and found Belia , the deputy minister of the school affairs department.

After seeing the badge, Belia immediately met Sir ‘Roman’, who had applied for a college teacher from a foreign school, in the office ‘privately’.

After turning on the soundproof magic circle in the office, Chen Rui cautiously activated the corresponding territory. The cold arrogance on Belia’s face disappeared suddenly, and it was replaced by appreciation and admiration, “Your transformation magic is amazing. Your breath, appearance, and temperament are completely different from before. Although I also know some transformation magic, I’m nothing compared to you.”

“Not at all, Madam Minister Belia.” Chen Rui leaned lazily on the sofa as his eyes rolled straight on Belia’s body. He was exactly like a rogue, “You also surprised me. In fact, your true face is much more beautiful than your disguise back then. I never realized it.”

This compliment made Belia’s smile a little more seductive, “You came back just in time. I have sent someone to the hotel these days, but I couldn’t find you.”


“Very important news. The Eastern District Chief Bishop Ruldan has died and the position is vacant. Angelie is one of the Eastern District’s 7 bishops and naturally became a chief bishop candidate. She received a mission to greatly weaken the bright faith power of the entire Starlight Empire. If she can be the first to complete and pass the evaluation of the elders, then she will be promoted to chief bishop.”

Chen Rui thought, “Seems like you don’t want to see her become a chief bishop? If she succeeds, then our threat can be temporarily canceled. As a deacon, you may also be promoted to bishop. Isn’t this what the force behind you would like to see?”

Belia showed a solemn expression, “If I can become a bishop, it would be a good thing, but with your potential, once Angelie becomes a chief bishop, her suspicion will only grow stronger. The position of the chief bishop also makes her methods more direct. It’s like a sword hanging over our heads that might fall down at any time. This is something we or the force behind me don’t want to see.

7 bishops, eastern chief bishop, elders… Chen Rui squinted his eyes. This will also be his (Shura) best chance to enter the core of the mysterious cult. The extinction of the alchemy civilization cannot be repeated. Before these things happen, I must resolve this most terrifying potential disaster as soon as possible.

TL: Unrooting this cult isn’t going to be easy. It probably has a deep background as the light church.

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