Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 715: Abnormality

Chapter 715: Abnormality

The Devil’s Snare Ship sailed all the way along with Siren Princess Helen to the deep blue sea area of ??the water elementals.

Helen never showed a pleasant facial expression to this guy who forcibly took her away. In fact, the criminal who kidnapped the civil girl this time should be the father-in-law of ‘that guy’. According to Auglas, even Chen Rui’s current state could benefit from the singing of the little mermaid princess, but the prerequisite was that she was willing to sing to him wholeheartedly.

If he used puppetry or something, she would lose the strength of the soul. It could only be out of her own will. Unfortunately, judging from the current attitude of Helen to Chen Rui, this possibility was basically zero. The strength of the sirens was not very good, but their temperament was a hot one, even Auglas had no good way about it.

Water elementals were no strangers to the Devil’s Snare Ship, so Chen Rui smoothly boarded the Deep Blue Island.

Water Elemental King Lambost received the report and greeted them with Earth Elemental King Moore.

The 2 Elemental Kings’ knowledge of Chen Rui’s itinerary still remained as of a few months ago when he went to the Dead Sea with Hegel. The 2 initially wanted to know the situation of the search for the dark origin fragment, but their eyes turned to Auglas behind Chen Rui before they asked anything.

Lambost and Moore looked at each other in surprise. They performed an ancient etiquette and said in unison, “It’s an honor to see the inheritor of the [Dragon God Eyes], the emperor of the Dragon Island.”

“You can recognize the breath of the [Dragon God Eyes] at a glance.” Auglas solemnly saluted back, “It is indeed the avatars of Elemental Kings. If I have the opportunity to enter the elemental world, I will visit the 2 noble kings.”

Avatar? Elemental world? The ‘noble’ kings? Chen Rui thought of what Moore had said before, and he seemed to have realized something. He smiled bitterly, “Can you guys not be so knowledgeable? How come I don’t understand?”

The old man gave his son-in-law a disdainful look of being ‘uneducated’, and he didn’t bother to reply.

Moore came to Chen Rui’s side and smiled, “My friend, please forgive me as there are some things I didn’t tell you. You will understand later. By the way, I’m surprised by your strength and advancement. It seems that the Black Sea’s harvest is quite bountiful this time, but… where is Hegel?”

Lambost also noticed the change in Chen Rui’s strength. He spoke up, “Let’s go into the palace and talk. Not to mention this cunning Sir Aguile, if we let the Royal Highness Dark Dragon Emperor stand outside, it would be my rudeness.”

Auglas was slightly surprised. He could see that the friendship between Earth Elemental King and Chen Rui was quite deep as Isabella once said. It was evident from the words and attitude, but he wondered why even the Water Elemental King was casual as a friend toward Chen Rui.

Sir Dark Dragon Emperor would not be so surprised if he knew that the Crown of Wave on the Water Elemental King was a gift from the human.

Lambost knew that the water source power that Chen Rui asked for was nothing at all compared with the water origin fragment. Speaking of which, he still owed Chen Rui a favor.

After entering the Deep Blue Palace, Chen Rui recounted his and Hegel’s general experience of going to the Black Sea. Of course, he couldn’t tell the part where he was transmitted to the human world due to the living space seed in his body being triggered. He only said that he used the space secret technique to escape. As a result, he was in a coma for a long time before waking up. This time, he invited Auglas along just to deal with Rodriguez.

“A Pseudo-God holy dragon soul!” The Water Elemental King and the Earth Elemental King showed surprised gazes at the same time. They did not expect such an existence in the Black Sea area.

“In this way, there should be a reasonable explanation for the recent changes in the Dead Sea.” Lambost nodded suddenly.

As Queen Siren said, the Dead Sea had undergone some changes. The battles between races had become more frequent, and most of them were tribes that had no conflicts. These groups who took the initiative to attack were generally of low intelligence. Their temperament suddenly became very violent, and they usually fought to the death. The increasing scope of race fighting had gradually evolved into war, and even the strongest water elementals in this area had been attacked.

“Now it’s just the creatures with lower intelligence, but with the enhancement of this strength, more and more sea creatures will be affected, so the scale of the massacre will become larger and larger.” Lambost’s tone appeared very solemn, “These days, Moore and I can faintly sense that the battle and disappearance of these lives seems to be attracted by some special and powerful strength, just like…”

“Sacrifice?” Auglas interjected, revealing a rare solemn expression, “According to Chen… Aguile, the soul of the holy dragon Rodriguez should have fallen into a deep sleep, and this mutation is likely to be related to the recovery of his kingdom power. When my father, Cruiser, defeated him, he was already in the realm of Pseudo-God. A Pseudo-God kingdom… The power is extremely terrifying. If he completely awakened, even if he was only left with half of the strength, it is not what we can match. At that time, it will bring a destructive disaster to the Dead Sea and even the entire Demon Realm. Therefore, it is necessary to completely eliminate his soul while his strength has not recovered.”

Chen Rui was secretly shocked. When I fought against Rodriguez back then, I used Shura to make him fall asleep, but I did not sense such a terrifying strength. Now the incomplete kingdom power can influence such a far range. Then, what kind of power will the kingdom of Pseudo-God be like in its peak?

Pseudo-God is already like this, then what about the real god?

Auglas’ words made Lambost nod. Unless he migrated with the water elementals, or else once the holy dragon really recovered, this dark blue sea area would definitely not be spared.

“Yes, we must hurry up and head to the Black Sea. With my sensing ability for water elementals, I should be able to find the Land of Hatred hidden in the deep sea.”

“Then, let’s go together.” Moore also spoke as he smiled at Chen Rui.

Soon, there were 2 more guests on the Devil’s Snare Ship which were the 2 Elemental Kings. Lambost did not bring the elite water elementals. Because of the abnormality, the deep blue sea area needed a defense force. Furthermore, in this trip to the Land of Hatred, ordinary powerhouses simply couldn’t get involved.

The little mermaid Princess Helen looked at Lambost and Moore who had just boarded the ship. The Earth Elemental King is still fine, but as the supreme powerhouse in the sea area, the Water Elemental King Lambost actually talked with Aguile freely. I don’t know how that cunning and scheming guy has such a skill! By the way, the other guy who wants me to sing for his daughter is also very annoying.

Chen Rui noticed her shocking expression. After these days of getting along, he immediately understood something. If the little mermaid knew that the ‘annoying guy’ that she said is the emperor of the giant dragons plus Demi-God powerhouse, I wonder if she still has the courage to be as cynical as usual?

Judging from the stubbornness of those nice golden eyes, it seems to be… yes right?

The Devil’s Snare Ship reached the Thunder Snake Archipelago outside the black sea area at a speed several times higher than usual under Lambost’s water element power. This was the estate of the naga tribe.

When entering the Thunder Snake Archipelago area, the Devil’s Snare Ship was surrounded by sea snakes appearing in all directions. Then, dozens of large ships appeared in front. On the ship were female warriors with snake bodies holding scimitars, and some of them had 4 arms; some had 6 arms!

The leader was Queen Naga Modesty who was wearing a crown. In the past few months, the naga tribe had been sneak attacked many times. Even the huge sea snakes that had been tamed by the nagas had started to fight back against their masters. Modesty made a resolute decision and ordered the killing of a large number of rebellious sea snakes. She also used a lot of secret medicine to firmly control the remaining sea snakes to eliminate a large number of invading sea beasts.

In order to prevent the sneak attack, Modesty personally led the army and set up tight protections around the Thunder Snake Archipelago.

Facing the ship that invaded the nagas site now, one after another nagas clenched the scimitar in their hands. When the queen gave an order, they would rush forward to tear the whole ship apart.

At this moment, Modesty’s facial expression suddenly changed, and the bright sky suddenly darkened. A suppressing feeling flooded into the mind of every nagas. At the same time, an indescribable terrifying pressure came from the enemy’s ship, and the rushing sea was instantly silent. All the nagas including Modesty lost their mobility at the same time. The only thing they could do was to tremble under this pressure.

A scoff sounded from the Devil’s Snare Ship. A round of vigorous strength wave spread out, and the sea snakes besieging the ship began to turn into particles and dissipate at a speed visible to the naked eye. This wave gradually extended everywhere, everything except the sea water was annihilated in an instant; the sturdy ships of the nagas were no exception.

The nagas sensed the terrifying threat of death, but they couldn’t move. They could only watch death approaching step by step.

At the life and death moment, a voice sounded from the ship, “Wait a minute.”

The terrifying annihilation force suddenly stagnated and gradually disappeared along with the pressure that restrained the nagas. The nagas, who had recovered their ability to act, did not dare to move rashly anymore. Although they were not clear of the existence on that ship, it was definitely not something they could contend with. If they were not careful, the naga tribe would be in danger of extinction.

Modesty slowly floated up, walked to the Devil’s Snare Ship, folded her hands on her chest, and bowed to the Devil’s Snare Ship respectfully from a distance.

“Dear powerhouse, I’m Queen Modesty of the naga tribe. Please allow me to apologize sincerely. Recently we have been attacked by unknown enemies countless times. So this time we offended you out of ignorance, please forgive me.”

“Royal Highness Queen, remember me?” Chen Rui’s figure appeared in front of Modesty.

“You”…” Modesty saw Chen Rui’s face clearly and exclaimed, “You’re the Aguile who participated in the sea sacrifice! Aren’t you…

Modesty had fresh memories of the sea sacrifice a few months ago. At that time, she had gritted her teeth and was mentally prepared to lose a daughter, but in the end she lost 2, one of which was the future queen of the naga tribe.

This incident became the deepest pain in the queen’s heart. The nagas under her also felt that Royal Highness Queen’s gaze became dimmer, and she became more and more moody.

Now seeing this ‘demon’ who was on the ship as a sacrifice with Adeline appearing in front of her alive, even Modesty, who has always been stoic, almost lost her calmness.

“Royal Highness Queen, come to the ship to talk about it. I need to know the latest situation in the black sea area before my companions and I go to save Strena and Adeline.” Chen Rui uttered and flew back slowly.

Modesty was stunned. She followed Chen Rui to the Devil’s Snare Ship with a teardrop falling from her stern eyes.

Great, still alive! My daughter…s!

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