Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 714: Return to the Dead Sea

Chapter 714: Return to the Dead Sea

The engagement with Olypheus was just a ritual. Apart from a symbolic kiss, there were no more intimate actions nor follow-up of sex. Although Ms. Black Dragon showed a rare blush during the kiss, her attention quickly shifted to the precious gem inlaid with the ring.

Auglas did not break his promise. He went to the Dead Sea with Chen Rui the next day. Auglas thought that it was too slow and turned into a huge black dragon. He grabbed his son-in-law in his claws. After some whistling sounds, they were already out of the range of Dark Moon Estate.

Even the Demi-God giant dragon didn’t use the ‘supernatural powers of shifting’, the ability to fly alone was quite terrifying. The speed was close to [Space Compression]. If it was an ordinary person, his body would be crushed by the wind.

Thus, it didn’t take long for the 2 to reach the edge of the Dead Sea which was at the south of the Blue Lava Estate.

The Dead Sea was boundless. Auglas did not put up a tough pretense this time and got on the Devil’s Snare Ship.

It was not Chen Rui’s first visit to the Dead Sea. Those sandmen were also experienced sailors, so they traveled to the sea area of ??the water elementals with ease.

On the way, there were singing voices in the distance.

“Siren?” Auglas had hundreds of thousands of years of experience, so he immediately identified the source of the singing.

Chen Rui nodded. When he and Moore entered this sea area, they were attacked by the harpies and sirens. As a result, Moore showed great power as he killed a large number of the assaulting harpies and subdued the siren tribe.

The sensing power of Auglas was far better than Chen Rui’s, so he heard more things, “This song… they seem to be fighting.”

Chen Rui subconsciously frowned when he thought of the sirens and harpies uniting to murder the passengers on the ships, and he ordered the sandmen to move closer to the singing.

The sight that he saw was a bit unexpected. The enemy who fought with the sirens were not the passing travelers, but a kind of sea demonic beasts with blue scales and 2 fangs sticking out of their mouths, looking very ferocious.

The combat power of these demonic beasts was amazing. The sirens’ singing didn’t seem to have much impact on them. Under the fierce attack of the demonic beasts, the siren’s casualties were increasing.

“Blue ice fanged beast!” Chen Rui had some impressions of this kind of demonic beasts. The Earth Elemental King had hunted down several of these demonic beasts.

In Auglas’ eyes, this kind of ‘intense’ fighting was no different from ants’ fight. Sir Dragon Emperor’s gaze was fixed on a particular siren with interest, “The singing of that little siren is a bit interesting.”

Chen Rui saw that it was the Siren Princess Helen. This was a stubborn chick with the strongest talent. Her singing voice could shake the soul. Compared with the stunning appearance, he was even more impressed by the sentence ‘If you can help the siren completely solve the problems of nagas and phantom coral problems, I’m yours.’

“I know these sirens. I’ll go help them.” At Chen Rui’s current level, Helen’s singing could no longer shake the defense of his soul.

“Siren has a strong temperament, and the singing of that siren should be helpful to Olypheus. I was still thinking about how to grab one and let her sing to Olypheus obediently.” Auglas looked at Chen Rui, “Go ahead, Let me take a look at your strongest power. If you can solve it in 3 seconds… Um, 3 minutes, I will directly agree to the Dragon Power Essence request. At worst, I’ll go back and beat up those old guys who oppose it.”

As soon as he finished talking, Chen Rui’s figure had disappeared and appeared on the battlefield in the blink of an eye. Some sirens had noticed the Devil’s Snare Ship before, but they had no time to be distracted.

Chen Rui used the face that the sirens had seen before, and he smoothly came to Siren Queen Elena to ask, “Elena, what’s the matter?”

“It’s Sir Aguile! Some abnormality has happened in the sea area recently. We have been frequently attacked by blue ice fanged beasts, and our people have suffered heavy casualties. Is the Royal Highness Earth Elemental King with you? Please help the siren tribe!”

Abnormality? Chen Rui frowned as he looked at the battle and said, “Queen, immediately order all the sirens to retreat. I will deal with them.”

“You?” Elena was startled. In her impression, this ‘Aguile’ was just taking advantage of the power of the Earth Elemental King. Although he has a certain strength, he cannot be compared to the Elemental King with the strongest peak stage of the Demon Overlord. He actually wants to deal with thousands of blue ice fanged beasts alone!

Auglas’ voice sounded in Chen Rui’s ears, “There are still two 2 minutes and 11 seconds.”

Sir Dragon Emperor even counted the time on the way. Chen Rui suddenly exuded a strong aura and shouted to Elena, “Quick!”

The deterring breath surprised Elena. She sang a strange tone, and the sirens began to retreat quickly.

The retreating Helen also recognized Chen Rui who flew forward. She looked at the figure facing thousands of demonic beasts alone in surprise.

The nearby sirens and blue ice fanged beasts felt an extremely horrifying breath at the same time. This kind of breath exuded extremely strong destruction, fierceness, mania… Their senses seemed to be flooded by this horrible breath. As the sea began to stir, strange whirlpools appeared out of thin air.

Such a terrifying power in just gaining momentum!

On the Devil’s Snare Ship, Auglas raised his brows, “Interesting.”

Despite sensing the intense danger, the blue ice fanged beasts were ferocious and aggressive by nature, plus they had an advantage in numbers, so they were still swarming at Chen Rui.

Facing the approaching blue ice fanged beast, Chen Rui’s pupils suddenly burned with flame-like light.

“[Scorching Dragon Roar]!”

In an instant, everyone saw only crimson color, then, countless long serpentine huge beasts covered in flames flew forward, winding, twisting, and criss-crossing centered on that figure. The entire sea area became a death prison shrouded by huge beasts.

The sea was boiling frantically, and the blue ice fanged beast screamed in horror. Everywhere the red light passed by, it was rampantly harvesting life like the scythe of Death God.

It took a long time for the sea to return to calmness. The surface of the sea was full of floating blue ice fanged beast corpses, and more of them were turned into ashes under the raging Scorching Dragon. There were less than 400 beasts left; many of them managed to escape because of the distance.

Even if the blue ice fanged beasts were so cruel, their fighting spirit also plummeted. The seriously injured one in the distance seemed to be the leader of the blue ice fanged beasts.

“You have exceeded the time.” Auglas’ figure instantly appeared beside Chen Rui.

“After the move is issued, it cannot be timed. The actual time used is only 1 minute and 32 seconds. I counted it.”

“Ha!” Auglas didn’t further argue, “Your move is quite flashy. Even opponents of the same level will find it difficult to resist. The disadvantage is that the power is too scattered and can only be attacked in an area. If you can gather those ‘demonic beasts’ at 1 point, even if there is no qualitative improvement, the power can be increased several times. It may even injure a junior kingdom powerhouse.”

Auglas’ knowledge was extraordinary. This suggestion pinpointed the [Scorching Dragon Roar]’s key weakness, but theory and practice were 2 different things. For his current strength, the power of the Scorching Dragon was too great to control, let alone so many of them. It was quite difficult to reach the level Auglas said.

The gazes of the siren at the back toward Chen Rui were full of awe after witnessing Chen Rui’s finishing off the blue ice fanged beasts, especially Queen Elena. Now she had truly seen the real strength of this man. Even the Elemental King may not have such terrifying combat power!

“Sir Aguile, thank you for your help. Please forgive my impoliteness before the rescue.” Elena turned into a human body and stepped on the wave surface to give a respectful bow. The sirens behind bowed their heads in the water; it was a majestic view.

“You’re welcome, Queen.” Chen Rui smiled slightly, “The things I promised you haven’t been done yet. Did the Fountain of Vitality last time have any effect?”

The Dead Sea had undergone some kind of abnormal changes. Many sea races had been eroded by a strange force, and their reproduction rate had been greatly reduced. They had to rely on phantom corals to resolve this erosion. Otherwise, there was a danger of extinction. Therefore, the sirens and the harpies formed an association to fight against the naga tribe for the phantom corals to survive.

When Moore subdued the siren tribe last time, Chen Rui promised to help the sirens to solve the phantom coral problem, and he also provided the Fountain of Vitality. Later, he entered the Black Sea and couldn’t have the chance to ask about the situation.

“The function of the Fountain of Vitality is very magical, but it can’t replace the function of phantom coral” Elena hesitated a little, “However, the Fountain of Vitality has also caused some changes in the sirens where our strength has increased. Otherwise, we can’t compete with the blue ice fanged beasts.”

“What is it about the blue ice fanged beasts and the abnormality you mentioned earlier?”

“I don’t know the specific reason. Although the blue ice fanged beasts are powerful, their wisdom is not very high. We never had any conflict with them. I don’t know why they suddenly attacked us. Not only the blue ice fanged beasts, many races in the sea area nearby are killing each other.”

Auglas suddenly intervened, “I’m afraid it’s not a simple matter. Let’s go to our destination immediately. However, this little girl should go with us.”

Auglas was referring to Helen. Elena’s facial expression changed slightly. Helen slowly swam over and said to Chen Rui blankly, “I will go with you all but you must fulfill your previous promise of helping the sirens to solve the problem of the phantom coral and nagas. Otherwise, you will only get a corpse.”

The siren princess knew very well that with the strength of the siren tribe, there was no way to stop the other party from using brute force, so she simply agreed.

The problem of the Black Sea God had been solved. The nagas did not need to sacrifice the tribe with sea sacrifices anymore. In addition to the relationship with Strena and Adeline, even without the use of force, Chen Rui was confident to persuade Queen Naga Modesty to share the phantom corals with the sirens.

“I promise you.” Chen Rui smiled slightly, “I have no interest in your corpse, but I’m interested in the corpse of the blue ice fanged beasts. Their bodies, eyeballs, teeth and blood are all valuable things. “

With that said, Chen Rui’s figure appeared on the sea as he began to collect the body of the blue ice fanged beasts.

“Greedy guy.” The little mermaid princess whispered.

Sir Dragon Emperor approvingly looked at the figure and nodded, “Yes, he has the virtue of dragons.”

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