Chapter 589: Pirates

3 days later, Chen Rui, who had never seen the sea in his previous life, finally fulfilled his wish in this world.

His first impression of seeing the sea was that it was vast. The majestic visual impact of this kind of personal experience could not be felt by just looking at the television. Even the surfy sea training ground in the Super System couldn’t be compared with it. At a glance, it was boundless; he could only see the distant sea horizon.

Chen Rui finally understood what was meant by “boundless sea and sky”. While feeling the cool sea breeze with dampness, a broad sentiment surged in his mind. The sea can hold the water from thousands of rivers, one is big because of its magnanimity.

Behind the endless vastness is countless dangers. Chen Rui knew this very well. He had made sufficient preparations before setting off. The storage warehouse stored a large amount of food and many emergency items.

Flying slowly from the coast to the sea, Chen Rui took out the ship given by Tetenis.

When the old man took out a large ship from the specially-made space ring, he was quite proud. When he saw Chen Rui kept the ship without bringing any space equipment, he almost dissected Chen Rui on the spot.

Having said that, the ship given by the old man was indeed very awesome. The appearance alone was magnificent and splendor which was somewhat similar to the Black Pearl in a famous pirate movie that Chen Rui watched before. What was even more impressive was that many things on the ship were on “automatic gears”. He only needed to put in the magic crystal as power.

However, it was quite unmatched if it was just Chen Rui and Earth Elemental King plus a slime in such a large ship.

Moore looked at the ship with the eyes of an expert, “This is an amazing work. The layout, structure, and facilities... are all quite reasonable, and many of the ideas are ingenious. It is even equipped with this thing that should be the improved magic crystal cannon. The ordinary ship cannot withstand the shake of the magic crystal cannon. This ship must be made by an expert with rich sailing experience.”

According to Tetenis, this ship was made by himself. I didn’t expect that the old man was even a sailor? Chen Rui scratched his head, “I don’t know these. I only know that the main materials of this ship are ebony wood and golden auspicious sand. The hardness is comparable to that of quasi-legendary grade metal armor. At least, the ‘sturdiness’ aspect you mentioned earlier is fine.”

“No doubt it is very sturdy.” Moore smiled slightly, “Don’t you want to name it?”

Chen Rui couldn’t help but think of the faint tea fragrance. After thinking about it, he said, “Let’s call it the Devil’s Snare Ship, but... what are we going to do now? Raise the sail?”

“Devil’s Snare Ship. This is a good name. As for how to start sailing... don’t worry about this.” A yellow light appeared in Moore’s hand. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a handful of sand shining with blue light. The sand flew out of Moore’s hands and quickly spread to the entire deck.

Then, the sand slowly combined into human shape entities. After the light dissipated, 30 blue “sandmen” made of sand appeared in front of Chen Rui’s eyes. The density of the sandmen’s bodies was extremely high, and they seemed very sturdy. Their strength was at the Higher Demon.

When Moore clapped his hands, a white light appeared in the bleak eye sockets of the sandmen as though they were bestowed with a soul. They began to work separately. The division of labor was very clear such as raising sails, steering the helm, watching, and defending. It was like a team with rich experience and tacit cooperation.

Dodo stared with his mouth wide open at these “sailors” who appeared out of nowhere for a long time. Chen Rui also understood why Moore was so calm.

“These are soil element beings made of sea-blue sand. They have special abilities in ship navigation. In fact, thanks to the Fertile Yuan Soil power you gave last time, otherwise I can’t complete the transformation so easily. “

Chen Rui smiled and made a “please” gesture, “So... Sir Captain, please start our voyage.”

As Moore said, the sandmen had a special talent for sailing. All kinds of work were done in an orderly manner. Moreover, Moore had a special sense of elements, combined with his inherited memory, he could lock the direction of the strongest water elements so that they would not lose their way in the vast sea. With this king and those little sailors, Chen Rui only needed to sleep in the ship cabin with peace of mind.

Dodo was also full of curiosity about the sea. He was fine when he first entered the sea. As the sailing distance increased, there was only the vast sea all around and not even a place to dock which was completely different from navigating inland rivers. The slime gradually had a kind of fear. In addition, it was difficult to adapt to the swing of the ship, so he felt very seasick. He often had a bitter face, and even his appetite was greatly reduced.

Chen Rui did not have any discomforts such as dizziness. The long and boring sailing on the sea was nothing to him. When he was training in the training ground of the Super System, he spent 100 days every time, and he was even alone. Besides, now there were still friends like Earth Elemental King.

Earth Elemental King carried the memory and inheritance of the past generations, so his knowledge and experience were extremely abundant. During the conversation, Chen Rui learned and benefited a lot.

Somehow 3 days had passed.

At noon, Chen Rui had just finished his lunch and was talking to Moore on the deck. The sandmen in the observation deck hurriedly rushed to report to Moore as they seemed to have discovered something unusual.

The learning ability of the earth elemental elites was very strong. They could easily master the Demon Realm’s common language, but the sandmen were still the lower element being that could only use the language of elements. Fortunately, Chen Rui had [Analytical Eyes], so he could understand the meaning.

The situation reported by the sandmen was that 3 ships appeared in front of them by looking at the observation magic lens.

Chen Rui heard from Moore that the Dead Sea contained immeasurable rich resources. The alchemy materials alone could bring huge benefits. Therefore, many merchants would take huge risks and travel to and from the sea. Initially, the southernmost town of the Blue Lava Estate, Town Lupin was a prosperous town that lived off the sea. Many business travelers and tourists gathered there which was also the largest source of income for the Blue Lava Estate.

However, about a year ago, Town Lupin suffered a destructive blow. All the creatures were slaughtered by unknown forces, turning it into a dead town that everyone avoided.

Chen Rui was very clear of the root cause of this incident. In order to recover from the Elemental War’s injuries, Dark Elemental King Hegel sought 3 sources of darkness and used a large number of sacrifices to repair his body. Town Lupin was the third source of darkness. For this reason, Hegel brutally killed all the creatures. It also involved the conspiracy of the Blue Lava Estate Lord at that time and a mysterious man who needed the dark power to break through the bottleneck.

After this disaster, Town Lupin was almost beyond repair. Later, the representative lord Sumen blamed all the sins on the former lord’s evil deeds, spent a lot of money and effort to revitalize Town Lupin, and formulated a series of tax reductions, security protections, and other favorable measures. Under the temptation of the huge benefits of the sea resources, Town Lupin began to slowly regain its vitality. The number of ships on the Dead Sea then only gradually began to increase.

“Continue to observe!” Moore ordered, “Sailors in all positions take precautions. Cannoneer, stand by. Be ready for battle at any time.”

Chen Rui frowned, “Is it a pirate ship?”

Not only the initial Earth, pirates were also a very old criminal industry in this world. Since the ships sailed, there had been pirates. The destruction of Town Lupin almost destroyed the entire “food chain”. The pirates were jobless for a while. With the revival of Town Lupin, the robbers on the sea began to flourish again. The pirates of the Dead Sea were well known by the Demon Realm to adopt very cruel means. They not only robbed for money, but they also took lives without sparing anyone.

“Not necessarily, but it’s better to take precautions.”

At this time, with Chen Rui’s vision, he could already vaguely see the black spots on the sea in the distance. He also keenly noticed that there was a bird flying at a high altitude in the sky.

“My friend. You really guessed it correctly.” Moore looked up at the sky and said calmly, “This is a mutated green sea eagle with the special ability of farsightedness. It is often used by pirates to investigate the situations.”

The sandmen began to emit red magical lights in rhythm which was equivalent to a long-distance communication language on the sea, but the other party did not seem to see it. The 3 ships spread into the shape of an arrow and sailed quickly toward them.

On the largest ship that was approaching, a thin blue-skinned guy with fins behind his ears showed a visual magic in his hands. It was exactly what the green sea eagle saw in its eyes. He exclaimed excitedly, “Brothers, come and take a look at this ship!”

“I have never seen such a luxurious ship!”

“It’s bigger than our Black Spider Ship! The ship must be a big fat sheep!”

“I can’t see the specific situation on the ship as it is obscured by the protective magic, but there should be a lot of goods and black crystal coins!”

“Maybe there are beautiful women!”


Another cold voice sounded, “Okay! Pay attention. It shouldn’t be an ordinary businessman who owns this kind of ship. Send a signal to Iron Hook Ship and Blood Moon Ship to start the water element magic pump and move forward at full speed! Let’s make it clean and nicely later! This is already close to the sea creatures’ area. Just happen that we can blame things on them. If there was a satisfactory harvest this time, I will take everyone to the Dark Moon and the Blue Lava Estate City to have a good time!”

It was a ferocious-looking great demon with a hideous scar on his face. He was wearing dark silver armor. As soon as this sentence came out, all the pirates cheered.

“Yes! Captain Jose!”

The 3 pirate ships approached quickly. At this moment, the large ship, “fat sheep”, suddenly shone with a bright light, and a white beam of light was launched. The Iron Hook Ship that rushed forward didn’t manage to activate the protection magic on time and was hit right away.

The entire ship was torn apart by the terrifying energy. Wherever the power went, whether it was pirates or facilities, they turned into particles and disappeared without a trace.

The pirates of the Black Spider Ship and the Blood Moon Ship were stunned at the Iron Hook Ship that collapsed in an instant. The huge ship disappeared without a trace. Only a few survivors were desperately swimming toward the companion ships on the sea.

Magic crystal cannon!

There is actually a magic crystal cannon on the ship!

This power! This range! I have never heard of it! Even the magic crystal cannon equipped by military fortresses is not this terrifying!

Is this a fat sheep or a giant dragon?

The great demon Captain Jose reacted the fastest and he shouted, “Quickly slow down and immediately turn on the magic shield!”

After a while, the “warship” turned around, and the white light on the other side was launched out again. This time the target was the Blood Moon Ship. With the lessons learned from the collapse of the Iron Hook Ship, the Blood Moon Ship had already activated a blue water element magic shield. At the same time, it was very experienced in using the power of the water element magic pump to accelerate the movement of the ship so as not to be locked by the opponent.

This dodge undoubtedly worked. This time, the white light did not hit them. However, the continuity of the white light was amazing. It actually maintained its power and moved laterally. It was like a huge long sword that slashed the Blood Moon Ship which couldn’t dodge in time.

The blue magic shield only lasted for a minute before it collapsed, then the scene of the Iron Hook Ship was repeated.

This time, the magic crystal cannon’s power was drastically reduced due to the offset of the movement and the protective shield, so it only cut the Blood Moon Ship in half. However, it was still a fatal blow in this kind of sea. The pirates could only watch the remnants slowly sink into the sea, diving into the water one after another, and a few of them who knew magic could barely float or stand on the water.

In a short period of time, the 2 ships were annihilated just like that. On the only surviving Black Spider Ship, the pirates, including Captain Jose, were all sweating in horror.

It was not that these pirates had never fought. Even their personal combat power was quite fierce. However, this was the first time they encountered this battle of being killed and maimed without even seeing the opponent’s face. Under the horrifying momentum of the magic crystal cannon, all their fighting spirit and morale collapsed without a trace.

Although the Black Spider Ship’s defensive magic power exceeded the Blood Moon Ship and Iron Hook Ship, it couldn’t resist the terrifying magic crystal cannon. If the opponent launched a third attack, then the Black Spider Ship would be annihilated like the other 2 ships.

Once they lost their ship, even if they could escape by chance, there was only a dead-end waiting for the pirates in this vast sea with no visible island.

“Quick! Turn the ship and run away!” Jose yelled out almost hysterically. Without his supervision, the pirates had already started to turn the ship’s back and flee.

Chen Rui knew about the brutal deeds of these pirates a long time ago, so he didn’t have any pity, but he was surprised by the momentum of the modified magic crystal cannons in the naval battle.

“Moore, the magic crystal cannons should be cooling down right now. Let’s just catch up and kill these guys so as not to endanger the trade ships. Or let’s catch the boss alive to get the latest situation of the Dead Sea.”

Moore nodded and ordered the sandmen to control the Devil’s Snare Ship to pursue the Black Spider Ship. The Devil’s Snare Ship’s mobility was much better than the Black Spider Ship. Together with the sandmen’s ship control skills, the distance between the 2 ships was narrowed little by little.

This situation caused the pirates who had no military experience to panic immediately. There was a commotion, “Oh no! The enemy is catching up! Captain!”

“What to do?!”

“Even if they don’t get close, we’ll be dead just once they fire the magic crystal cannon again!”

“Shut up!” The great demon, Jose, took out a long knife, gritted his teeth and shouted, “Go to the sea creature area! If these bastards still pursue us, we will all die together!”

TL: You will die🏴‍☠️, just the matter of on whose hand...

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