Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 588 - Going to the Dead Sea

Chapter 588: Going to the Dead Sea

The Fallen Angel Empire and the Dark Shadow Empire finally reached a friendly cooperation agreement.

Shea took advantage of the time difference in Catherine’s plan to control the elder families in a short period of time which basically unified the voices of the upper management. Now the Fallen Angel Empire was solidified into 1 piece from top to bottom like a hedgehog with thorns all over. Even if a piece of meat was bitten, the opponent’s mouth would be stung by the thorns. However, perishing together was only the last resort. After all, the Fallen Angel Empire’s strength was inferior to the Dark Shadow Empire. Based on the current tense situation, Shea paid a high price for the successful negotiation this time.

In addition to the cooperations and concessions in many aspects, the Fallen Angel Empire would provide the Dark Shadow Empire with the secret formula for the battle ball, magic television, aromatic millet wine, and a large number of crystals for soil improvement. Besides, they would also have in-depth cooperation in import and export trade, battle ball competition broadcast, television program communication sharing and other aspects.

The news of the signing of a friendly cooperation agreement between the 2 empires was soon published in the latest issue of the newspaper which brought the cheers of the Fallen Angel Empire.

Of course, the newspapers published positive news after “processing”, mainly listing some friendly cooperation projects between both empires. For example, both empires would jointly hold the Empire Cup Battle Ball League and broadcast it live on magic television; The Green Shade Estate of the Fallen Angel Empire, which was the small estate entrusted to Royce, would hold a joint trade fair; the Princess Retail Store and the Dark Shadow Empire’s most famous luxury store, Precious Purple Store, would cooperate...

In addition, both empires would jointly hold the Demon Realm’s potioneer contest 1 year later. The potioneer contest would be held in the Fallen Angel Capital while the mechanic contest would be held in the Dark Shadow Empire. Such an alchemy contest that was jointly organized by the empires was unprecedented in the history of the Demon Realm.

Obsidian once planned to hold a potioneer contest. However, the fundraising scandal incident left the empire’s treasury empty, so he had to announce that it was postponed for 1 year. As a result, it was delayed due to various reasons such as war, then it was no longer heard. Now, Catherine and Shea jointly held the mechanic master contest and the potioneer contest which had caused a sensation in the alchemy world.

These cooperations showed the attitude of the 2 empires going hand in hand to the Demon Realm which had a faint momentum of uniting to suppress the Bloody Empire.

After the 2 empires successfully signed a cooperation contract, Chen Rui brought Dodo and followed the Earth Elemental King on a journey to the Dead Sea.

Many of the cooperation items between both empires were based on Chen Rui’s suggestions. The formula of the battle ball was actually not complicated. The key was the materials. Those materials were refined through Chen Rui’s Super System. If the Dark Shadow Empire really wanted to manufacture on a large scale, they had to purchase the materials from the Fallen Angel Empire.

The brewing process of the aromatic millet wine was equivalent to a big market share given to the Dark Shadow Empire. Initially, Chen Rui intended to sell this secret formula to some wine industry families in order to promote it to the Demon Realm. However, without the effects of the Fountain of Vitality and the Earth Realm, these millet wines could only be regarded as “normal editions.” The real best products were only sold in the Princess Retail Store and the Princess Villa, further establishing the Princess Retail Store’s positioning of “exquisite brand”. In fact, it was not only the millet wine, but another larger “trump card” white wine was brewing. It would set off a greater upsurge in the future.

The significance of the introduction of magic television was even more positive. It was not only directly related to the following cooperation projects such as the battle ball league. With Chen Rui’s previous life knowledge, the initiative would be firmly held in the hands of the Fallen Angel Empire for a long time. Even if Catherine was smart, she could only follow behind. Besides, there were some more long-term plans in which television that could broadcast live would be the best medium.

From another perspective, the Fallen Angel Empire, which had resolved the crisis and gained valuable development time, had not suffered much. This cooperation should be a win-win situation.

After Chen Rui confessed to Shea the reason he was traveling to the Dead Sea, Shea’s first words surprised him, “Great! Save Isabella at all cost.”

But the next sentence became, “Because when we have a grand wedding, she will watch... Oh no, she will be my indispensable bridesmaid. I will let her play a song for the two of us in our new wedding room. What is it called? “The End of the World”?”

Chen Rui, “...”

Your Majesty Empress’ method of fighting against rivals is really cruel... It’s just that Ms. Secret Intelligence is not someone who is easy to deal with... It’s hard to say if anything will go wrong. I’m afraid that it will really be the end of the world of the crystal harem...

“It’s getting late. Let’s rest at the mountain in front for one night. If we fly south at this speed, we should reach the edge of the Dead Sea in about 3 days.” The voice of the Earth Elemental King interrupted Chen Rui’s thoughts. The 2 controlled the wyverns to land at the foot of the mountain below.

This time Chen Rui and Earth Elemental King set off from the Dark Moon with the 2 Demon King wyvern elites, passed the Town Lupin in the southernmost part of the Blue Lava Estate, entered the undeveloped extraterritorial area, and gradually approached the Dead Sea.

“The Dead Sea is vast, infinite and almost endless. The Dead Sea itself is a huge treasure, but it also contains infinite dangers. Especially in the deep sea area, there are many unknown and powerful sea demonic beasts. Even the Demon Overlord powerhouse can die at any time due to the danger.”

Chen Rui thought of the regret that he had never seen the sea in his previous life, but the Dead Sea was a truly dangerous place, and this trip was not a tour.

“I have never been to the Dead Sea. I don’t know how to control the ship or other skills. Is it okay for just the 2 of us to go to sea?”

Moore smiled and said, “Don’t worry, as long as you prepare a sturdy ship and with me on the ship, you won’t drown even if you encounter a huge wave.”

Chen Rui was relieved when he saw that Moore was confident, “Speaking of the ship, one of my teachers knew that I was going to sea and gave me a ship that is rumored to be quite sturdy.”


“Rumored.” Chen Rui shrugged and smiled at Earth Elemental King as he began to prepare the camp for the night rest. Dodo volunteered to hunt for food.

Chen Rui set up the tent, made a fire, took out a bottle of millet wine, unplugged the cork, and asked, “Do the earth elementals don’t eat usually? Would you like to try this?”

“Elementals don’t need extra food as our body will automatically take in the corresponding element as energy.” Moore looked at the bottle of millet wine and shook his head, “This kind of wine fermented by millet is a rare delicacy for demons or humans. What is really valuable to elementals is only the diluted Fountain of Vitality.”

“My friend, your knowledge and eyesight is amazing. This is my secret formula, and you can actually see through it at a glance. I should be thankful that you are not my business rival.” Chen Rui laughed and said, “By the way, remember the Earth Source you gave me in Mountain Xilang back then?”

“Yes, Earth Source is a condensation of the essence of Earth Power which can quickly grow and revive the world’s plants and repair the elemental heart. For the earth elementals, it is a very precious source of power. When combined with the power of the Fertile Yuan Soil, it can double the number of the earth elementals.”

“So...” Chen Rui suddenly had 50 or 60 brownish-yellow crystal balls in his hands. “These are for you. Are these enough?”

Moore was taken aback. He stood up slowly and said emotionally, “This is the essence of Earth Source in its complete form! It can’t be generated without tens of thousands of years and a special environment! Where did you get this from... and there are even so many of them!”

“These are the pieces that you gave me back then. I used the inheritance power of the grand master to cultivate them in an independent space. After several years, they automatically become like this. If we are not talking about the topic of food, I almost forgot their existence. Giving it to you now is a return to the original owner.”

“Return to the original owner?” Moore shook his head and took it over without refusing out of courtesy, “In the face of a true friend, words can’t express more gratitude. The magical inheritance power you have obtained is really amazing. In my memory, even the kingdom power of a general Demi-God powerhouse may not have this ability. Perhaps that grand master has infinitely approached a certain legendary level... my friend, your future will be limitless.”

Chen Rui clearly knew about the so-called “grand master”. He sneered, “Maybe? I don’t know how far I can go in the future. By the way, if Elemental King wants to advance to the Demon Supremo level or higher, what special items are needed? Maybe I can provide some help.”

Earth Elemental King was silent for a while, then he said, “My friend, please forgive me. I can’t explain about some matters. I can only tell you that the me you see is not the real me. The most powerful Elemental King that appears in this world can only reach the peak stage of the Demon Overlord. Therefore, I appreciate your kindness.”

This answer greatly exceeded Chen Rui’s expectation- Isn’t the real “me”? “This” world? What does it mean? What is the secret of the Elemental War or Elemental Covenant?

Chen Rui nodded, and he did not ask any more. With my current strength, it will be futile even if I knew these matters. I better focus on breaking through my current realm. As the saying goes, when the conditions are right, success will follow. When my power reaches the Demi-God level, many answers will naturally be revealed.

At this moment, Dodo’s cry for help sounded faintly. Chen Rui was taken aback. With a shift of mind, he was close to the source of the sound in the blink of an eye.

From a distance, he saw that Dodo turned into a demon antelope and was running desperately. Huge vines like countless octopus tentacles chased the slime. The vines had sharp spikes with fiery red fruits and flowers. The center of those flowers were actually human faces showing angry expressions.

Plants? Or demonic beasts?

The vines extended extremely fast. Even though Dodo became the demonic antelope that was best at running in the mountains, the vines caught up. He encountered dangers several times, and he was finally caught by the vines. The vines tore the body of the demon antelope with only a twist. The slime’s special immortal body played a role as the torn body recombined. He turned into a red-winged bird and flew into the air above.

At this time, the face of the red vine flower opened its mouth, and several purple mucus sprayed on the red-winged bird. The bird’s wings were immediately stuck. It fluttered for a while before falling to the ground.

This time Dodo deliberately shattered his body into countless pieces. After getting rid of the mucus, he became a demonic pangolin, swiftly punching a hole in the ground and fleeing toward the ground.

The vine did not chase into the hole anymore, but the ground kept shaking. A few giant vines suddenly broke out of the ground, throwing the slime into the air. The pangolin that was thrown into the air immediately turned into a mouse. The leather wings between the fore and hind limbs were like gliders. He glided in the air to dodge the mucus shot from the human face.

When Dodo saw Chen Rui in the air, he glided desperately toward him while yelling, “Master, help!”

Chen Rui was secretly surprised as he saw that this weird “plant” actually had the strength of the peak stage Great Demon King, which was quite close to the Demon Emperor level. The Dark Moon’s mutated wyvern king is also this kind of strength, but it doesn’t have such flexible and strange attacks.

The land outside the border is really extraordinary, even a plant has such a powerful strength.

Seeing that Dodo was on the verge of collapse, Chen Rui quickly gathered his power. Just as he was about to make a move, the figure of the Earth Elemental King suddenly appeared in front of him, “Wait a minute.”

Earth Elemental King said while walking toward the vine step by step, exuding a strange breath.

The movement of the vine suddenly became stiff, and the facial expression on the red flower quickly changed from anger to fear. It dared not move for a while. When Moore came to the vine and stretched out his hand, the expression on its face gradually calmed down. The violent vibe was gone. It nodded to Moore and didn’t chase Dodo anymore as it retreated back the same way.

“Dodo, didn’t you go to gather food?” Chen Rui pulled out the slime who was hiding behind him, “How did you provoke this thing?”

The slime’s eyes rolled, “This hateful enemy wants to snatch the food I have worked so hard to collect for the master. In order to defend...”

The Earth Elemental King at the side spoke, “This is a rahu flower which is a very vengeful mutated plant life entity. It should be your servant who wanted to devour the fruit of its larvae, so he was hunted down ferociously. But it’s all right now. Let’s go back.”

Dodo’s lie was immediately exposed, so he lowered his head guiltily and did not dare to speak.

In fact, the slime just went out to search for food and found many rare fruits along the way. The self-proclaimed “gourmet” immediately left behind the task of searching for food and began to fill his stomach. This journey could be described as a feast, but when he continued, he eventually met the danger. Just when he wanted to pick a delicious red fruit as the final dessert, he provoked the tough rahu flower and almost became someone’s dessert.

Chen Rui glared at the slime and asked, “This rahu flower seems to be stronger than the plants I have seen before. Moore, do you have the ability to control plants?”

“It’s not control. The earth elementals have special affinity and communication skills for plants that grow on the ground.” Moore frowned, “But nothing is absolute. Although the Dead Sea is the place with the most abundant water elements, the water elementals are not the overlords of the Dead Sea. You must be careful about everything on this trip.”

“Understood.” Chen Rui nodded cautiously.

TL: As expected, I knew Dodo didn’t volunteer to hunt food for them but himself. It seems like the trip to Dead Sea wouldn’t be easy. What Earth Elemental King said intrigued me 🤔, not the real me? Is there different world/realm other than the Demon Realm and Human World?

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