Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 1146: The Strongest Control and Calculation

Chapter 1146: The Strongest Control and Calculation

News: As the novel is about to end, I’m starting another novel Seeking the Tao in the Mortal World. It’s also a harem novel, but the protagonist cross-overs into a cultivation world. Also, you can also check out our other novels, The First Evolution, The Righteous Player(s), Demon’s Diary

The 2 huge clusters of energy kept canceling each other out. With a ‘boom’ sound, the 2 figures who were in a stalemate exerted force at the same time. They backed away and disappeared on the way back.

The 2 figures repeatedly intertwined and separated in the air and on the ground with an extremely fast speed. Even the 3 peak stage of the Pseudo-Gods watching the battle would not be able to capture that high-speed trajectory if they were not focused.

“In terms of strength, the 2 sides are actually even.” Michael said so, but he seemed confident, “Unfortunately, that guy’s control of might is not proficient to compare with Raphael. Speaking of controlling the battle situation… Raphael is definitely the most terrifying existence. It shouldn’t be a problem to finish the battle in 10 minutes.”

Gabriel frowned. Before he could speak, Python spoke first, “You’re still so shallow, Michael.”

“Hmph! I’ll accompany you if you want to fight, but I’m not interested in bickering with a woman.”

Michael’s mocking went a little too far, Gabriel gave a dissatisfied snort and corrected, “It’s a woman who plays poison tricks. Pay attention to your words, Michael.”

Python’s mouth curled slightly, “Closed-eyes… oh, now it’s a woman who opens her eyes and continues to pretend to be deep. Do you also think that ‘he’ will definitely lose?”

“Not necessarily.” Gabriel’s answer was far beyond Michael’s expectations, and Python smiled even more meaningfully.

“It’s hard to believe that you would make such a wrong inference, Gabriel.” Michael shook his head, “That guy is indeed faster than Raphael. He also forcibly disintegrated the imminent dangers several times, but you should be very clear about Raphael’s ability. He is just testing the opponent now. Once he really unleashes… it can be said that victory is guaranteed.”

“Don’t say whether it’s wrong or not first.” Gabriel looked at the fast-moving figure in the arena, “I can’t be sure about the other things for the time being. In terms of speed, that guy… hasn’t really unleashed his true power.”

Michael was shocked. At this time, the battle situation in the arena had changed. Chen Rui suddenly fell down amid the continuous crackling sound in mid-air. He barely turned over, knelt down on one knee, and stabilized his body. He looked overwhelmed.

“Where did your previous vigor go?” Raphael was floating in the air, looking down at Chen Rui. His eyes contained a faint hint of mocking, “What about your time might? And tricks like reflection might, the Tower of Glory… Why don’t you use them?”

Chen Rui stood up slowly and looked up at Raphael, “You really want me to use those powers? Actually, I can beat you without them.”

“Beat me?” Raphael’s mocking expression became stronger, “Haven’t you realized something yet?”

“There is indeed an uncomfortable feeling. This feeling should be… ‘control’? You seem to be in control of the entire battle situation, and you are aware of my every move, including habitual attacks, combat characteristics and even possible combat methods. For that reason, I was completely suppressed just now, and I hardly had the strength to fight back.”

“Yes, it is ‘control’. I have the strongest control and calculation power. Everything is under my control.” Raphael sneered, “I have never regarded you as a real opponent before, so you had the chance to take advantage of it. Once I get serious, you won’t have any chance.”

Chen Rui nodded. Raphael didn’t brag, at least in the first half of the sentence. The battle just now was a struggle. He had also encountered a similar opponent back then, that was, Lord of Midnight Sun. Raphael’s control ability was far more than Midnight Sun. Although the strength was comparable, Chen Rui’s application of might and overall control was indeed inferior to his opponent, which made him suffer in the battle.

“Since you said that. Those ‘tricks’ don’t matter then.” Chen Rui shrugged, “I’m very interested in this kind of ‘control’ ability. Why don’t we discuss it for another 10 minutes?”

“Hmph!” Raphael didn’t want to delay time with Chen Rui. He flickered and rushed toward Chen Rui.

As Chen Rui himself said, Raphael was in control of the battle situation, like a master of chess who knew every move of the chessboard. Any changes were in his hands. From this point of view, he was in an invincible position.

Bang bang bang…

Chen Rui staggered back again, and there was a trace of blood flowing from the corner of his mouth. Just now, Raphael grasped an opening and launched successive strikes. He was even punched in the face.

“Okay, the study time ends here.” Chen Rui wiped the blood from his mouth, “These are the tuition fees.”

“I don’t understand what you mean, but what I meant is already very clear.” Raphael clenched his fists and said ghastly, “I said, I will let you play for 10 minutes, and… I can let you use [Divine] Healing], lest you fall before I’ve enjoyed enough.”

“What I mean is… You do have strong calculation and control ability. It is easy for the opponent to be brought into the rhythm you set up, and it is difficult to break free. However, your calculation ability is not the strongest.”

“Could it be that your calculation ability is even better than mine?”

“Of course.” Chen Rui said unceremoniously, “So, you won’t be so relaxed next. Let’s ‘suffer’ together.”


Raphael appeared in front of Chen Rui in an instant, and both fists came at the same time, but Chen Rui did not dodge sideways or retreat as he imagined. Instead, he held his arms under his armpits and headbutt him at the same time, making Raphael dizzy. Raphael shook Chen Rui away with force. As he was about to fight back, he suddenly raised his body vigilantly, avoiding a leg whip. As soon as he flew up, before his vision fully recovered, he sensed a danger again. However, this time he couldn’t react in time, and he was hit hard on the back by a heavy blow.

Raphael’s body fell rapidly, landing on his hands and feet at the same time. He borrowed the force and bumped away Chen Rui who was chasing after him. Just as he was about to pursue, Chen Rui unexpectedly appeared on the side. Raphael subconsciously protected his ribs, but Chen Rui unexpectedly squatted down, kicked him in the knee, and kicked him away again. The battle was very intense.

On the grandstand, Python smiled slightly, “No doubt his speed is faster than before.”

“Hmph, don’t be complacent.” Gabriel said coldly, “Everyone can see that it’s not just the speed. In fact, his speed is far from the peak stage… What I’m talking about is his mastery of might power that has improved a lot, and he seems to have figured out Raphael’s calculations. The attack methods he adopted are more bizarre and unpredictable. If he continues to fight like this, Raphael can no longer fully ‘control’.”

Michael furrowed even tighter, “That guy is actually using Raphael as training…”

Yes, that was what Chen Rui thought. Raphael was at the peak stage of the Pseudo-God. He hated ‘Arthur’ deeply, so he wouldn’t reserve his power. However, because of the Snow Dallet Trees, it was inevitable that he would hold back in attacking Chen Rui. This kind of actual combat sparring was hard to come by.

Raphael also realized this. He shouted angrily, and a silver long stick appeared in his hand. It faintly emitted a rumbling thunder as he and pointed it at Chen Rui who was rushing toward him. Chen Rui was a little surprised by this change. He took out ‘Northsea’ immediately and crossed it to parry the long stick.

The long stick carried a powerful shockwave. Chen Rui made a backflip, and he floated in the air.

“Why? Sir Raphael, don’t you want to continue melee combat?”

“Damn it, I don’t have time to entangle with you like this!” Raphael’s voice was particularly gloomy. He felt deeply about the growth and changes of this enemy. If this went on, he would fall in his own plan.

Although it was a high-speed battle just now, there were only half of the 10 minutes left. Raphael didn’t talk nonsense anymore. He pointed with a long stick, and his figure turned into thousands.

In the depths of the [Analytical Eyes], these images were actually countless ancient runes that spread out.

Thousands of Raphaels turned into light streams and intertwined in mysterious trajectories. Chen Rui felt his body tighten as if he was tightly wrapped by a huge net the intertwining light streams. That kind of restraint feeling became more and more intense.

The high-speed light streams intertwined and combined into a magnificent and huge throne. Raphael’s real body was now on the throne, looking gloriously radiant. With the silver long stick in his hand, he was like a god.

“The ignorant, who rejoice in their folly and still do not wake up, are like dead animals…”

“God has mercy on the world but not on the wicked and deceitful sinners…”

“Sinners must be eradicated…”

1 of Raphael’s ultimate moves: [Throne of Heavenly Sacrifice].

This was not the first time Chen Rui had seen this move. After witnessing Raphael destroy Sosbach’s phantasms with this move at the Fear Main Altar, he also experienced this move himself at the Holy Child ceremony. He barely coped with the [Deprivation] power given by the soul.

The first 2 times combined were not as powerful as the current one. This is the real [Throne of Heavenly Sacrifice]!

Chen Rui’s eyes showed a strange brilliance, and the power of restraint gradually faded – The power of the Evil Pupil!

Immediately afterward, the Northsea Sword in Chen Rui’s hand flashed with countless rays of light. These rays of light condensed in the air and continued to fly toward the throne in mid-air. These rays of light seemed insignificant in front of the throne, but Raphael’s facial expression changed drastically because the [Throne of Heavenly Sacrifice] actually changed because of this!

In Raphael’s mind, [Throne of Heavenly Sacrifice] was not only an ultimate move but also a perfect artwork. The core of this ultimate move was a complex and mysterious ancient rune historical poem. Every rune sign, every phrase, every interlace and combination was painstakingly created. Every connection and change of runes could induce almost endless power buff, thus bursting out a powerful formidable power.

Obviously, Chen Rui also activated ancient runes, but after these simple phrases entered [Throne of Heavenly Sacrifice], this perfect artwork had become disordered. The original buff had become debuff. If this goes on, I don’t know what to expect! The only thing that can be done is to attack in advance while there is still a certain amount of might power!

Raphael gritted his teeth and stammered his long stick. The power of [Throne of Heavenly Sacrifice] burst out in advance. Chen Rui seemed to have been prepared. The Northsea unleashed a wave of soft ripples, forming a protection.

The entire ancient arena trembled, and Chen Rui’s body flew back for dozens of meters, leaving 2 drag marks on the hard ground with his feet.

When he finally stood still, the ripples around his body had already shattered together with Northsea.

Although the blow just now was not the peak power of [Throne of Heavenly Sacrifice]’, it also defeated the defense of Chen Rui’s water swordsmanship. At the same time, the silver long stick smashed the ‘Northsea’ into pieces. Chen Rui’s blood boiled for a while, but he was actually fine.

The shock in Raphael’s mind at this time was simply incomparable. As the other party said, there was no use of reflection might, time might and the Tower of Glory. He disrupted his ultimate move with such simple moves!

The most recognized powerhouse among the 3 archangels was Michael. Michael could take the [Throne of Heavenly Sacrifice], but he could not solve the ‘Throne of Heavenly Sacrifice’ like this enemy!

Even Raphael couldn’t do it himself!

Ancient runes were his proudest talent, but now this enemy was actually surpassing him in the way he was best at!

[Throne of Heavenly Sacrifice] was the ultimate move he completed after countless years of hard work, and it was also the essence of his ancient rune knowledge. Including this time, the other party has only seen it 3 times. In just 3 times, he actually saw through the mystery of [Throne of Heavenly Sacrifice] and launched an incredible countermeasure!

No wonder this guy said so before. It turns out that this is the true sense… of the strongest calculation and control ability!

TL: Will Raphael unleash his other ultimate moves?

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