Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 1145: The Infuriated Raphael

Chapter 1145: The Infuriated Raphael

Raphael and Gabriel both saw the terrifying power that Python showed just now. Michael didn’t hold back on purpose. If either of the 2 ended up fighting, they might not be able to gain the upper hand like Michael, let alone defeat Python within 10 minutes.

Seeing Python returning to the grandstand calmly, Gabriel couldn’t help being snorted. After the confrontation between the 2 powerhouses dissipated, the cracked ground was restored under the power of enchantment.

“I thought it would take 10 minutes to fight, but unfortunately, the second match is up before the time is up.” Chen Rui sighed and drank the last bit of wine in the bottle.

“You won’t have any luck.” Raphael tapped his feet, and he already appeared in the arena.

Chen Rui walked down slowly, “Sir Raphael, be merciful. If you kill me accidentally, the Snow Dallet Trees will be gone.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll let you stay for 10 minutes.” Raphael’s voice was full of undisguised hatred. This damn mouse has deceived me more than once, making me almost a laughing stock among the 3 archangels. In the Black Prison Desert, my communication projection was also destroyed by this hateful mouse in front of Gabriel!

This time, I’ll be sure to ‘treat’ him well!

Although there are concerns about the Snow Dallet Trees, it’s fine as long as I did not kill him. Things like ‘broken hands and feet, heavy damage to the soul… Anyway, according to the contract, as long as I defeat him, the Snow Dallet Trees will be handed over.

As soon as the Snow Dallet Trees is in hand, I will make the killing move immediately to completely annihilate this mouse before he escapes with the power of space!

Even with that surprising strength, Python wouldn’t be able to keep the mouse alive against 3 archangels at the same time!

Chen Rui was chattering as he walked slowly.

“Sir Raphael, be careful, I’ll attack in a moment.”

“By the way, can I still use items? Sir Raphael.”

“Unfortunately, the ‘Seal of Fire and Wind’ bestowed by sir last time was a defective product. After being damaged by the sir, it was completely destroyed.”

“If I had known earlier, I would follow sir to gain some benefits… that would be nice.”

This was a continuous slap in the face. Raphael clenched his fists: This weak mouse can only use his words. Just take it as his last word.

When Chen Rui was about to walk down the last few stone steps, a purple starlight flashed on his body, and an armor appeared on him.

Race: Angel

Comprehensive Strength Assessment: SSSS+

Physique: SSSS+, Strength: SSSS+, Spirit: SSSS+, Speed: ??SSSS+,

[Analysis]: Light attribute, wind attribute, restraint, dispel, [Body of Light Recovery], soul power.

Danger level: High

People are alive and data is dead. The [Analytical Eyes]’s ‘danger level’ judgment might not be completely accurate, but in terms of strength, he had indeed reached the same level.

Some time ago, he had more than 1 training with Python, but it was only practice. They both reserved their power. Now the battle was the real touchstone.

A good time to try the results of training on the ‘Way of Heart’ in the past 2 years.

Raphael had seen Chen Rui’s [Purple Pole Star Transformation], so he was not surprised. Instead, he showed a grim smile. He was ready to launch a heavy blow when the opponent stepped out of the stone steps.

Although this mouse has a few weird tricks, except for the escape space door, he is not worth mentioning at all! He is just trying buy time, but unfortunately, in the face of absolute strength, all tricks are pale and powerless.

He will not be able to hold on for even a minute!

The moment after the purple starlight armor appeared, Chen Rui, who had not completed the stone steps, suddenly disappeared.

Such speed! Michael and Gabriel frowned at the same time.

Raphael had preconceived notions, so his reaction was half a beat slower. As soon as he sensed the danger, he felt that the world was spinning.

His vision actually rotated dozens of degrees, and the surrounding scenery was fleeting quickly. Then, a sharp pain from his nose made him wake up – He was knocked away!


Raphael couldn’t believe it. Before he could stabilize his body, he was lifted into the air by a huge power. This power was so huge like a roaring hurricane. He was not able to maintain his balance at all.

A purple figure was as fast as a meteor, catching up with Raphael in mid-air. The high-speed fists turned into countless phantasms. A burst of high-speed beating sounds came.

Michael, who was watching the game, also could not believe it. This is not a trick but a real strength! The real power of the peak stage of the Pseudo-God level!

If Python has the current strength because she defeated and devoured Sariel’s power, then what happened to this guy? When he first appeared in front of me with Python, I remember that he was just a Demi-God ant! In such a short period of time, he has gone from Demi-God to peak stage of the Pseudo-God. This cannot be explained by common sense.

In contrast, Gabriel was much calmer. Her vision kept turning with the figure moving at hight speed as if to see through everything.

After a round of fierce attacks, Chen Rui’s figure appeared above Raphael. He clasped his fists and slammed Raphael’s head down fiercely. Raphael’s body fell like a meteor, hitting the ground heavily. Cracks appeared on the solid enchantment ground.

Chen Rui flashed and landed opposite Raphael.

Raphael stood up slowly. The bridge of his nose was crooked, and there were unconventional distortions in many parts of his body. The only exception was that there was no blood. Then, those distorted parts quickly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye. The only difference from before was the furious gaze.

Although there was a [Body of Light Recovery] that could fully recover from the injury, the pain was real. Compared with the pain of being beaten by this ‘rat’ that he had always looked down on in front of Michael and Gabriel was what made him feel the most shame and rage.

“I reminded you to be careful, Sir Raphael.” Chen Rui shook his head. His face was not covered with the [Purple Pole Star Transformation] visor. Obviously, it was a deliberate provocation to Raphael – I hit your nose crooked. Are you able to hit me back?

“Damn rat!” Raphael growled more and more furiously. With a tap of his feet, he flashed in front of Chen Rui in an instant, and a storm-like attack enveloped Chen Rui.

“Stupid guy.” Gabriel shook his head, “He actually fell for such a trick.”

Michael could also see that Raphael had lost his composure due to anger at this time. His attack trajectory was also seen through by the opponent. Although it seemed that he had the upper hand, he was actually losing his initiative step by step.

No doubt, after Chen Rui saw through Raphael’s attack trajectory, he saw an opportunity and severely hit Raphael with a heavy knee strike. Raphael staggered a few steps, then Chen Rui connected it with a series of fist combos. In the end, he overarm threw Raphael to the ground far away.

When Raphael fell to the ground, instead of jumping up in anger, he lay on his back motionless as if he was unconscious.

Chen Rui frowned as he suddenly sensed some kind of dangerous vibe, so he put away the thought of attacking more.

At this moment, laughter came from the side of Raphael.

Yes, it was laughter.

The fallen Raphael actually laughed.

“I haven’t been so angry for a long time. I was really out of control just now.”

“I have to say that your strategy is quite successful, at least so far.”

“It turns out that I have always underestimated you. Although I don’t know why your strength has soared to this level, it is better this way. At least it will give me the desire to fight for a real fight, and I don’t have to try my best to suppress my strength so as not to kill you accidentally.”

Raphael’s body slowly floated up. His injuries had long since disappeared. Even the anger in his eyes could not be seen, replaced by an icy gaze. Perhaps it was another kind of anger, the real terrifying anger.

Chen Rui frowned slightly. He didn’t expect Raphael to regain his composure so quickly.

6 pairs of pure white wings stretched out from Raphael’s back, and his body was instantly covered with a set of silver armor with elegant patterns. It looked sacred and solemn.

“Finally, he is clear now.” Michael nodded slowly, “Also, Raphael seems to be serious. This battle is more interesting than expected…”

Gabriel’s eyes never left Chen Rui. The man who could only rely on the strength of his weapon to take her slash 3 years ago, had reached such a level that even Raphael couldn’t look down on him.

“Do you still want to try some tricks?” Raphael looked at Chen Rui coldly with pure white light transpiring all over his body, “In front of absolute power.”

“Soldiers are never tired of deceit.” Chen Rui smiled slightly, “But since you said power, then… pure power!”

With that said, Raphael was already in front of his eyes with a punch. This seemingly simple punch was not only full of great power, but it also contained infinite following moves. It was enough to seal every dodging position.

However, those following moves were useless, because Chen Rui didn’t dodge at all. He spread his 5 fingers to meet the fist.


Chen Rui took a half step back, but he immediately stabilized his body as he took the punch firmly.

This punch was an attack that contained the power of might, a real strike of the peak stage, which was completely different from the state when he lost his calm before, yet it was actually resisted forcibly! As soon as Raphael frowned, he saw the opponent’s fist flashing purple starlight, hitting him with the same force and method.

Raphael stretched out his hand without hesitation. At the moment when their hands contacted, he felt a majestic and vast force rushing straight in. It was almost unbearable. His right foot couldn’t help but take a step back to stabilize his center of gravity.

The 2 were in a stalemate in the same posture as the purple starlight and the white light were blazing at the same time. There was no special skill, just pure power collision. They were surprisingly in a tie.

Cracks began to appear on the ground. In the huge force field, the gravel seemed to rise up slowly from gravity. Gabriel’s pupils flickered, the cracks began to recover, but then the same scene repeated again and again.

A look of shock flashed across Raphael’s eyes. With this level of power, I still couldn’t finish off this rat!

On the contrary, the pressure from him is increasing.

This is no longer a ‘rat’! It is a beast that must be taken seriously!

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