Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 924: Nowhere To Hide

Chapter 924: Nowhere To Hide

Chen Rui looked at the intense color of the Bloody Ring and was secretly surprised – This ‘surprise’ is really unexpected.

Previously, I used the Bloody Ring to find the direction of Tiffany, but the human world is too big, and the color has not changed much. Now, I coincidentally find Tiffany in the White Cliff.

Tiffany is a demon. She actually appeared in the core of the Holy Church? Could it be that she is imprisoned? Or the mother of the human world whom she has been looking for…

“What did you find?” Python’s voice sounded in his mind, obviously feeling the changes in his emotions.

Chen Rui quickly thought, and he decided to tell the truth, “There is a person I have been looking for. She is probably in the Holy Light Mountain. I have sensed her. If possible, I hope to take her with me.”

“Your first mission is the Light Divinity Temple,” Python sensed that he was telling the truth, “If the mission can be successfully completed, I can agree to your request, but before the mission is completed, don’t attract any attention!”


While Chen Rui communicated with Python with his soul, his body movements never stopped. He followed those believers while bowing and walking forward slowly. He could sense all kinds of interlocking magic circles in the vicinity along the way and even in the air. The security seemed to be much tighter.

About 3 hours later, there was a checkpoint in front. At this time, the color of the ring became a little thicker, indicating that the direction was correct.

There are several teams of Light Knights to maintain the order in this checkpoint. The believers lined up to go through the checkpoint. This situation was somewhat similar to the toll booth in Chen Rui’s memory.

In Chen Rui’s impression, the last time he came with Paul, there was no such ‘toll booth’. It should be because the transmission location and the route were different. He went to the knight’s dedicated channel last time.

The function of this checkpoint was to exchange the Devotion Badge for another Holy Light Badge residing in the Holy Light City, which was like a ‘temporary ID card’.

Chen Rui followed the team to the front of the checkpoint and handed the Devotion Badge to the reviewing priest. The priest took the badge, glanced at him, and handed him a Holy Light Badge.

Chen Rui keenly noticed that there were several types of Holy Light Badge in front of the priest, and there seemed to be subtle differences. He wondered if it was related to the amount of money donated when obtaining the Devotion Badge. He wanted to ask, but the priest waved his hand and pointed to the long line behind, indicating for him to pass quickly and not let the believers in the back wait for a long time.

Chen Rui had no choice but to keep walking forward with the Holy Light Badge. He slowly mixed in with the crowd of believers who did not worship after every step and walked in the direction of the Holy Light City.

Soon, a large fortress appeared in front again. The believers entered through tunnels, and a large number of Light Knights were stationed at the entrance.

“Please hold the Holy Light Badge high and enter the tunnel of the fortress.”

The believers held up the Holy Light Badge they received in front of them and passed through the fortress 1 by 1. When it was Chen Rui’s turn, a Light Knight looked at the badge and politely motioned him to go to another ‘VIP tunnel’.

There seemed to be very few people in the VIP tunnel. Chen Rui felt a little strange, but he obeyed the knight’s request and walked toward the tunnel.

Besides Chen Rui, there were only 2 people who also took this tunnel, a young man and a middle-aged woman.

After walking for a while, Chen Rui realized that something was wrong. The tunnel seemed to have no end. The surrounding strength fluctuations indicated that it was a loop magic circle.

Chen Rui stopped, frowning slightly. Am I exposed? It should be. Where is the flaw? Could it be… He looked at the Holy Light Badge in his hand.

At this time, the light was flourishing, and a group of Light Knights appeared in all directions, surrounding the 3 people. No doubt, the so-called ‘VIP Tunnel’ had a special ‘reception’.

“Sirs, I’m a believer of Light God! I donated all my property to the church! What are you going to do?” said the middle-aged woman in front of her in horror.

The knight leader had reached the intermediate stage of the Demon Emperor, and he should be a Divinity Temple Knight. He sneered, “Despicable cultists, under the supreme Light God’s faith, any quibbling and pretense are futile. Your Devotion Badge feedback has already explained everything! After entering the White Cliff, the Devotion Badge did not reflect the slightest faith toward Light God. Obviously, you are the spies who mixed into the White Cliff!”

It turns out that Devotion Badge also has such a role. Only then Chen Rui knew the real reason for the ‘toll booth’.

The middle-aged woman and the young man knew that their identities had been revealed. Thus, they shouted in unison, turned around and rushed toward the way they came.

The strength of these 2 people was not weak. They moved like 2 rays of light, knocking down the Light Knights who blocked them along the way.

The magic circle in front of the light flashed, and the figure of the Divinity Temple Knight appeared in front of the 2 rays of light. The long sword turned, and the lights suddenly flew out, turning into 2 figures falling to the ground with a sluggish expression.

The 2 of them responded quickly. They knew that they were not the knight’s opponents, so without waiting for the other party to make a move, they immediately activated a certain secret technique. Their facial expressions suddenly turned gray as black blood flowed from the corners of their lips. Their entire bodies began to decay rapidly.

“Sir Sherk!”

The Light Knights came up, and Sherk raised his hand, “No need, most of the spies who mixed into the White Cliff are fearless warriors. This kind of poison can not only destroy life, but also annihilate the soul.”

All of a sudden, the Divinity Temple Knight remembered something and said in shock, “Where’s another person?”

The Light Knights looked at each other. Right, what about the big bearded man?

In this magic circle with so many Light Knights, including Sherk himself, no one actually noticed how the ‘big bearded man’ disappeared.

“Even if it is Saint’s sneak technique, it is impossible to leave the magic circle silently, unless this person is also the master of magic circles.” Sherk said with a solemn expression, “Or… his strength has far exceeded our perception ability, and even surpassed the general Saint! Immediately send a warning to the defense in front, and report this to Sir Parsali of the Heavenly Thunder Hall!”

This Knight Sherk’s judgment ability was really good. When Chen Rui stopped previously, he had already roughly figured out the structures of the magic circle,so there was no need to do anything with the knights. When the knights were focused on the 2 spies, he got out of the magic circle in a few moments.

After going through the incident just now, Chen Rui didn’t take it lightly anymore. He made full use of the skills of [Camouflage] and shifting, constantly changing positions and appearances to successfully pass several levels. He finally came to the Holy Light City at the foot of the Holy Light Mountain.

The Holy Light City was 1 of the most famous cities in the human world, which was famous as the Dragon Bright Capital, Blue Glory Capital and Silver Moon Celestial Capital.

The residents of the Holy Light City were the devotees closest to God. Under the power of God’s care, their life expectancy and physical condition were higher than ordinary people. They could participate in various activities organized by the church, see the legendary important characters, and even witness some legendary ‘miracles’. For believers of the Light God, being able to join the Holy Light City was the utmost honor.

There was a strict limit on the number of people in the Holy Light City. Only a few new residents were recruited every few years. This process required extensive review. Only the most devout believers could join the Holy Light City, which could be regarded as 1 in a million.

Normally, the Holy Light City welcomes a large number of pilgrims every day, but the pilgrims only stay in the Holy Light City for 5 days.

In the area of ??the Holy Light Mountain, whether in the air or on the ground, especially the various defensive enchantments of the Holy Light City were several times stronger than when Chen Rui came. It was obviously impossible to use shifting to pass through the Holy Light City to the Holy Light Mountain unless he planned to break through by force.

After using the [Sneak] technique to sneak through the city gate smoothly, Chen Rui frowned. He was already familiar with the Holy Light City. There are so many people here, so it is not difficult to hide. However, every believer is wearing the Holy Light Badge. This badge is likely to have a special screening effect like in the previous fortress, so that cultists who have no faith in Light God cannot hide.

The fact that he was discovered in the fortress earlier showed that it was useless to get someone else’s Holy Light Badge. Python’s voice sounded, “Try to become a Light Knight?”

Chen Rui immediately turned into an ordinary Light Knight. He even pretended to stop some believers for interrogation. It seemed that no flaws were revealed, but soon, Chen Rui found that he was being followed. The Light Knights kept on converging in all directions.

After all, Chen Rui’s strength was far superior to these knights, so he didn’t give them a chance to gather. His body flickered, and he had escaped from the pursuers. After several turns, he hid in the safest residential courtyard, but he frowned even tighter. – Now the White Cliff’s defense is simply too terrifying. It’s not the same as when I followed Paul here. Especially the ‘recognition device’ that uses faith as the ultimate weapon against spies. It is almost impossible to mix in with an ability like transformation technique.

Chen Rui didn’t know that the reason for such precaution today was because of himself. After the Snow Dallet Tree was stolen, the whole upper levels of the church were furious. Following that, the Black Death Follower frequently attacked churches in various places, so the church spent a lot of effort to build a huge overall defense system on the Holy Light Mountain to prevent any foreign spies from mixing in.

In the future, this kind of defense system would gradually spread to the core areas of the Hall of Light in various places. Besides ensuring safety, it would further strengthen the faith and purity of the church personnel.

“There’s no other way. The strength of the guards in this place is beyond imagination. If this continues, we will not be able to enter even the Holy Light Mountain.” Python pondered for a moment, “Since you have come here, naturally you can’t return like this… Maybe the decoy tactic is a good idea.”

Chen Rui nodded. He was actually looking in the direction of Tiffany according to the display of the Bloody Ring when he was shifting his hiding spots just now. From the display, Tiffany was not in the Holy Light City, but above the Holy Light Mountain!

The closer we get to the Holy Light Mountain, the stronger the defenses will be. Judging from the current situation, even if I have the [Sneak] skill, it is impossible to sneak in without being noticed as before. It seems that I have to be ready for a tough fight.

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