Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 923: The White Cliff! Ring Abnormality

Chapter 923: The White Cliff! Ring Abnormality

Chen Rui now understood that the reason why Samuel ‘recklessly’ attempted to assassinate Garfield this time was actually directly related to him, Prince ‘Arthur’. If Samuel hadn’t thought of him as his master, he wouldn’t have attacked Garfield at such a critical juncture in order to protect Veronica, whom ‘Arthur’ had longed for.

“Come with me, let’s get out of here.” Chen Rui secretly sighed and looked around, “There is a little guy named Anderlu in the Dragon Valley who has been thinking about your safety. I only learned that something happened to you and the Kemplot Family from him. I can pretend to be a dragon elder to get you out so that Lex the Great can’t pursue it too much and just let it go.”

“This time I’m afraid I’ll disappoint Your Highness’ kindness…” Samuel shook his head slowly, “The Garfield’s incident involves the face of the royal family, plus the current predicament of the Kemplot Family, if I leave with Your Highness now, the Kemplot Family will be completely over.”

“However, this place is too dangerous for you. Don’t underestimate Garfield’s viciousness.”

“Don’t worry, Your Highness. This is also a kind of training. This month, due to the upcoming trade fair, I should still be safe. In fact, I have made a new breakthrough in comprehending the territory during this period. I’m training the bone eversion technique taught by my teacher. For this secret technique, the pain of the body is only a ‘polishing’ of the will and soul. I believe that it will not take long for me to break through to the real Saint. If I can break through to the real Saint… A Saint dragon rider, I believe that even Your Majesty should attach more importance to me. At least, I won’t be in life danger.”

Chen Rui knew that Samuel’s words were not entirely true, but if he left directly, he would feel not at ease. After a moment of silence, he spoke up, “A short time ago, I defeated the 2 elders, Gueroas and Stanwell, at the Demi-God level in the Dragon Valley.”

Samuel showed a disbelief expression: Demi-God level super powerhouses! His Highness actually defeated them! I remember the last time on Storm Island, His Highness was only able to compete with the kingdomized powerhouse…

“So, do you still have the loyalty, determination and confidence to be my subordinate?”

This sentence shocked Samuel. His whole body trembled with excitement, and he called out with all his strength, “Yes!”

“Very well, Samuel. Kemplot, would you like to be the subordinate of Arthur. Roland… aka ‘Chen Rui’? Whether I’m a prince or not, whether I have the strength or not?”

Looking at the light of the contract that appeared in front of him, Samuel forcibly supported his severely injured body and made a half-kneeling posture, “Your Highness, my master, it is my lifetime honor to be able to follow in your footsteps.”

“Okay, don’t be surprised and don’t ask anything about what you are going to experience next.”

After completing the master-subordinate contract, Chen Rui immediately performed [Star-level Enhancement] on Samuel through the spiritual link. He integrated a piece of law fragment power into Samuel’s body.

Samuel felt that his strength was sealed, but at the same time, an indescribable and powerful strength was continuously compressed into his body as if tempering his whole body and soul little by little. It was like a cocoon. As long as he could break out from the cocoon, he would be reborn and his strength would reach an unprecedented height.

“In a month’s time, your strength will slowly recover. This recovery is a brand new process of refining and basic accumulation. You must concentrate on comprehension. Due to the limited time, 1 of the steps was advanced by me, so there may be a reduced effect, but there is a way to make up for this. I will give you another ‘star position’ in the future…”

The ‘advance step’ that Chen Rui said referred to the input of the law fragment. It was indeed a bit hasty to comprehend [Star-level Enhancement] while absorbing the power of the law fragment, but Chen Rui did not have more than 1 law fragment at hand. When Samuel reached the Saint (Demon Overlord level), he could continue to absorb.

Looking at the surprised Samuel, Chen Rui smiled slightly, “My subordinate… Saint level is not enough. In fact, in front of the real powerhouse, how insignificant Saint is. My goal for you is the super-level. Only then will you realize that this is the real starting point.”

“Yes, master.” Samuel suppressed the excitement and surprise in his mind and didn’t ask any further questions.

“I have urgent matters and need to leave Yerodisha immediately. Since the trade fair will be held in January, you should be relatively safe this month. I will let the dragon outside try to protect you from being disturbed. When I come back 1 month later… I’ll try to help you and the Kemplot Family out of the crisis. You must retaliate on those who broke your legs or lynch you!”

“Master, do you want to…” Samuel’s eyes were instantly filled with fiery brilliance. Is His Highness Third Prince, who has disappeared for a long time, finally coming back to the empire?

Whether it is an alchemy grand master or a Demi-God level super powerhouse, his identity can shock the entire Dragon Bright Empire. In front of the master, Garfield and the like are just insignificant ants.

Chen Rui frowned, “Stop guessing, what you have to do now is to hurry up and comprehend without distraction. Let me remind you, if you don’t even reach Saint by then, then I will forever cancel your qualifications to follow me.”

“Yes!” Samuel was alert, and he quickly restrained his thoughts.

Chen Rui didn’t go on. He ordered Samuel a few things before leaving the prison.

When the red dragon outside saw ‘sir elder’ coming out, he hurried up to meet him. He nodded and said, “Sir elder?”

“This month, I don’t want anyone to disturb him, understand?” Chen Rui’s words had already used a hint of the power of the Evil Pupil. Dimayaro felt his soul tremble, and quickly took the order.

“Dimayaro, this is the finest wine for you. It is very precious, enjoy it slowly,” Chen Rui threw a bottle of aromatic millet wine to the red dragon, “By the way, let me tell you something, this time at the elder council, Madam Meria received the unanimous support of Royal Majesty Pagris and all the elders. She continues to serve as the great elder. The Royal Majesty Dragon Emperor also swore by Dragon God that as long as he reigns, Madam Meria will always be the elder council leader and guide of dragons.”

The red dragon was taken aback, and his face became a little more joyful. As a junior who had received Meria’s guidance, he was a supporter of the great elder fairy dragon. He was very happy to hear the news of Meria’s comeback now. However, this no-name elder is too stingy. Such a lousy bottle of wine is called a precious and extremely fine wine?

Although the red dragon thought so in his mind, he didn’t dare to say more. He just said thank you.

“When you return to Dragon Island, you can go directly to the Rainbow Summit and find the Great Elder Meria for the real reward… or punishment. Get it?”

The red dragon understood. Sir elder has a clear distinction of reward and punishment. If someone disturbs Samuel this month, then I will be punished. It seems that the protection task must be completed no matter what. Anyway, 1/3 of this acre of land belongs to me, the master red dragon. No one shall ruin it!

By the way… This sir elder is actually related to the Great Elder Meria. It seems that he must be a senior who has been training closed-door in seclusion.

After the ‘sir elder’ walked away, Dimayaro opened the wine bottle and smelled it. His eyes suddenly brightened. He had never smelled such a strong wine fragrance before!

After taking a sip, the intoxicated Dimayaro immediately had a good impression of the disappeared sir elder – Dear Dragon God! It is really a precious and extremely fine wine!

After leaving the Thunder Prison, Chen Rui went straight back to the hotel. The next day, he got into a carriage to Dragon Wing City.

The Dragon Wing City was a military stronghold or a city where the Dragon Bright Empire had the Holy Church’s teleportation point. Generally, a large number of legions were stationed here. The purpose was naturally to guard the city and protect the church against some kind of demented cultist such as the Black Death Follower. Of course, some other reasons were not disclosed.

Chen Rui stayed in the Dragon Wing City for 2 days. He disguised as a believer and mingled into the Hall of Light to pray. In the process, he got to know some believers who were going to make a pilgrimage to the Holy Light Mountain this time.

On the day the [Teleportation Portal] opened, a large number of believers had gathered in the Hall of Light. In addition to the locals from Dragon Wing City, there were more devotees who came from all over to worship.

At this time, Chen Rui had ‘replaced’ a big bearded believer into the Hall of Light. He obtained the Devotion Badge to enter the teleportation portal and mixed with like-minded ‘believers’.

Last time, due to paladin’s assessment and the closure of the Holy Light Mountain, the teleportation portal of Dragon Tooth City was 1-way, but this time the teleportation portal of the Dragon Wing City was 2-way, which meant that one could freely go to and fro.

Chen Rui followed the large group and walked to the dedicated teleportation portal of the Hall of Light.

The Devotion Badge was equivalent to an identity verification for the believers who entered, and it was very valuable. It was usually only owned by the devout believers who had donated much property. The badge incorporated a little blood of the believers as a ‘key’ to prove it. But for a mechanic grand master like Chen Rui, it was not difficult to crack it. Chen Rui with the Devotion Badge successfully passed the authentication and entered the teleportation portal smoothly.

After a strange feeling of writhing in the water, Chen Rui and the believers felt that the outlook had changed drastically. They had reached their destination.

Chen Rui and others were on a small plaza-like platform surrounded by a team of Light Knights. There were several similar ‘plazas’, and a large number of believers were being sent over.

In front was an undulating mountain range with mostly white rocks, so it was also known as the White Cliff. Among the mountains, there was the highest mountain with clouds on its peak. It stood out from the rest and was particularly eye-catching.

The destination this time was the Holy Light Mountain.

The surrounding believers showed expressions of excitement or sincerity as they knelt down one after another; many even prayed after every step.

This was the second time for Chen Rui to come to the Holy Light Mountain. There was still a considerable distance from the Holy Light City at the foot of the Holy Light Mountain. Even riding a horse would take half a day. Those believers actually knelt after every step. Nobody knew when they would arrive.

In order not to arouse suspicion, Chen Rui also learned from some believers to bow and close his eyes to pray after walking a few steps. However, when he lowered his head, he suddenly discovered something abnormal.

The abnormality appeared on his neck.

The ring hanging from the necklace was emitting a strong color. It was the first time he had seen such a strong signal since he came to the human world.

That means that Tiffany is right on the White Cliff!

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