Chapter 1191: Duel

“Brother!” When Chen Rui looked back, Alice and Michelle came over. Alice was even holding White Wind. The elves around retreated one after another as they looked at the strange ‘elf’ girl who could control White Wind with some surprise.

“Brother!” Michelle came to Chen Rui excitedly and said, “Alice and I won first place in the riding competition! Look, this is our prize!”

With the strength of White Wind, it was reasonable to win the first place. Chen Rui laughed and gave Michelle and Alice a thumbs up, “You’re so amazing!”

Alice and Michelle high-fived triumphantly. Chen Rui looked at the flattering unicorn and threw out an aura fruit. White Wind made a high difficultly jump on the not-so-large grandstand ladder, catching and chewing the aura fruit happily.

Then Chen Rui introduced Michelle to Zola. Zola clearly felt that the elf girl had a pure brother-sister relationship with Chen Rui. Since she was a ‘sister-in-law’ instead of a ‘sister’, the attitude of the ‘aunt’ naturally became very affectionate.

At this time, there were more and more people in the archery field. Many elves had heard the news about the archery duel between the magic archer legion’s top shooter and the half-elf. To everyone’s surprise, there was no winner in the first 2 matches!

At the same time, the triangle relationship between the half-elf, Altani, and Pomro was also unearthed and spread rapidly. Almost everyone present knew the oath Altani swore in the face of the Moonlight Goddess.

Chen Rui saw the figure of Elf Empress Liv appearing in the VIP seat. Beside Empress Liv, he also accidentally found a familiar woman who was not an elf – The current Blue Glory Empire Empress, Landbis.

The Blue Glory Empire and the Silver Moon Celestial Capital were allies, so Landbis must have been specially invited to the New Moon Festival as a guest this time.

The gaze of Empress Liv was quite sharp. She had discovered the existence of Chen Rui, and she had also seen her little daughter talking excitedly with Chen Rui. Her eyes flickered slightly. Since the grandstand was full of elves, Landbis didn’t notice anything unusual. She just had a low voice conversation with the elf Princess Royal Philly, a former alumnus of Starlight College.

At this time, the final match finally began. Archery battle adopted the system of best 2 out of 3 with 20 minutes per round. They had to kill each other by archery. Auxiliary potions or weapons other than bows and arrows were not allowed. The rest were not limited.

If no one ‘died’ within 10 minutes, it would be a tie. If all 3 rounds were tied, then 1 more round would be played. If the tie continued, an additional round would happen again.

Pomro and Taylos walked into the final battlefield. When they first entered, neither of them could move. They would recover only after the enchantment environment was generated. Both of them were secretly gathering strength while quickly observing the generated environment.

This was a forest environment with various traps and dangers hidden in it. From time to time, various visualized demonic beasts would appear and attack. Even if the 2 sides stood still and did not make a move, they would also ‘die’.

The moment the environment was fully generated and the restraints were loosened, Pomro and Taylos moved at the same time. Due to the rules before, their strength was limited to a certain extent. Now without the rule restrictions, their miraculous shooting skills were fully unleashed.

Unlike the first 2 rounds where they planned and moved, both of them launched shot each other without thinking. The action was as fast as lightning.

Pomro’s rate of shooting was pretty amazing. Shooting 3 arrows at once was ordinary on the surface; some people could shoot 10 arrows at the same time, but this kind of attack was too divergent. It was okay to attack a large number of enemies indiscriminately, but it had limited effect on a single enemy, especially for opponents with the same archery skills.

Pomro held 3 arrows between his 4 fingers, and he shot out one after another with the bowstring. Although the arrows were shot ‘in sequence’, the speed was very fast as if almost leaving the string at the same time. Each arrow carried a different strength and trajectory. 1 second after shooting, another 3 arrows were loaded again. Countless whistles came out like hundreds of homing missiles that flew precisely toward Taylos.

Taylos didn’t shoot too many arrows at a time. He shot 1 arrow at a time, but his shooting speed was still higher than Pomro’s. Besides, his attacks were more refined and effective. The 2 sides were evenly matched.

The audience could only see the 2 of them dodging in the forest while moving and making fierce counterattacks at the same time. The countless whistles became the main tone of the battlefield. All kinds of difficult shooting skills were breathtaking. These were not show-off performances, but killing skills that really considered the situation.

Chen Rui nodded secretly. In terms of archery alone, the elf tribe is indeed invincible.

After several rounds of stormy attacks, the frequency of shooting arrows from both sides began to slow down, not because of their strength, but because they had a certain understanding of each other’s characteristics. That form of attack at the beginning was no longer effective because it would consume physical strength in vain. Therefore, they slow down the rhythm and be more cautious when firing arrows at the same time.

If it was a frenzied strafing before, then it was a burst shot now. Although the intensity was not as intense as the strafing, it was more dangerous.

The elves watching the battle were all experts, knowing that it would be a tough tug-of-war. The competition was not only archery, but also tactics, will, physical strength, will and other abilities. Whoever could grasp the momentary opportunity would be the final winner.

The swift figure moved and flickered in the forest. From time to time, one could see the lingering light of arrows. Time passed minute by minute. It seemed that the time limit of 20 minutes was approaching. At this moment, the jungle environment began to fade.

A figure was half-kneeling on the ground with a few arrows stuck in his body. The man was Taylos. Pomro was opposite him. He was shot in his throat by 1 arrow.

Taylos won!

Altani wept with joy while the elves were in a daze as they couldn’t believe their eyes—The top shooter of the magic archer legion is defeated! By the arrow of a half-elf!

Chen Rui could clearly see that Taylos had always been at a disadvantage, but the half-elf was very smart, deliberately using his injuries to paralyze the opponent. He fought while moving to put up the illusion that he was trying to delay time. Pomro who thought he had an absolute advantage naturally refused to give up this great situation, so he pursued fiercely. In the rush for success, Taylos seized the opportunity to kill him with an arrow.

Turned one’s own disadvantages into victory and made a comeback in one fell swoop. This was no coincidence but true tactical literacy. Pomro could be said to have lost justly.

The enchantment in the jungle disappeared completely. Both Taylos and Pomro were teleported out. Pomro clutched his throat with a look of lingering fear. If it was not in the enchantment but in another place just now, he would have died in the hands of the lowly half-elf!

Pomro’s father, the elf elder Farle looked at his son who was walking back with a livid face. A pure elf loses to a half-elf in archery. What’s more, it’s on such an important occasion. It is simply an intolerable shame!

This is no longer an ordinary archery competition, nor is it a betting agreement for women, but a battle that concerns the reputation of the entire Magic Archer Legion, the entire Sisley Family, and even the entire elf tribe!

Even Empress Liv and the Blue Glory Empire’s ruler are watching this duel. No matter what, Pomro can’t lose again!

Farle walked up to Pomro, who was still in disbelief, and slapped his son hard. Pomro was startled, and 5 red marks appeared on his handsome face. Even his bow fell to the ground. The furious Farle stepped on the bow and broke it. He cursed, “It’s only the first round. Wake up! You’re going to tarnish the reputation of the Sisley Family!”

Pomro was almost dumbfounded by the slap. Seeing his father’s eyes that were about to spew fire, he immediately shivered and woke up.

Farle looked at the broken bow on the ground, then he took out a bow and stuffed it in Pomro’s hand, “If you lose again, don’t come back to see me!”

Pomro looked at the bow in his hand with a hint of surprise, then he nodded vigorously.

Chen Rui’s eyes narrowed on the grandstand. Zola said softly, “That bow…”

Chen Rui nodded, shook her hand, and gestured Zola to watch.

At the VIP seat, Empress Liv also saw the bow that Farle gave to Pomro, and she frowned slightly. She wanted to say something, but she didn’t speak in the end.

The second round started soon. Although Taylos suffered a certain amount of consumption and injuries in the previous competition, Pomro suffered a certain degree of feedback from the fatal injury just now, so the 2 returned to the same starting line.

The enchantment in the second round was a hilly environment. There were far fewer shelters than the jungle environment, which made it more difficult for both sides to dodge. For these top-level archers, breaking arrows with arrows would become the most important defensive strategy. That was to replace defense with offense.

This would also be a wonderful battle that was far more intense than the previous round.

However, after the duel started, it showed a one-sided situation. The arrows of the half-elf could not intercept the arrows shot by Pomro at all, because the arrows shot by Pomro were far better than the first round in terms of power and speed. In the event of a collision, Pomro’s arrow would usually shatter Taylos’ and continue flying.

“That’s…” The little elf princess next to Chen Rui looked at the bow in Pomro’s hand and finally understood, “Despicable!”

“Michelle?” Alice asked curiously.

“The bow used by Pomro is called the Mystic Moon Bow. It was a quasi-artifact used by Elf King Span. It is 1 of the 3 elf bows. It is amazingly powerful. After His Highness Span quelled the elf tribe crisis, in recognition of the heroism of Sisley Family Sir Tanis, he gave the Mystic Moon Bow to Sir Tanis. After Sir Tanis died of illness, the bow was passed on to Elder Farle, the son of Sir Tanis. Unexpectedly, Elder Farle actually gave Pomro the Mysterious Moon Bow in order to let him win!”

Michelle’s words let Chen Rui understand the origin of the bow, which was actually a treasure used by the Old Father-in-law Elf King. At this time, the outcome of this match was evident; Taylos lost without any suspense.

The elves immediately cheered, but some elves discovered the mystery and were not as happy as the others. Even though this was just a loophole in the rules, no matter what, the battle of top archery skills had changed.

After the enchantment disappeared, the half-elf glanced at Pomro with grief and contempt in his eyes. As an opponent, he knew better than anyone what Pomro relied on to win.

Pomro turned his head a little guiltily, pretending that he didn’t see that gaze. He just held up the Mystic Moon Bow to accept the cheers from the elves.

When the half-elf walked back to Altani with a gloomy face, he unexpectedly discovered that there was another figure beside Altani. It was the ‘master’ who helped him enter the Silver Moon Celestial Capital, probably another Sir Elf King!

The half-elf was very grateful toward Chen Rui. He was about to bow when Chen Rui’s voice already sounded in his mind.

“Very angry?” This sentence made the half-elf bow his head.

Chen Rui glanced at the VIP seats and said calmly, “This is not a fair world in the first place.”

“I understand.” Taylos looked up without any hesitation or timidity in his eyes, “It’s just a fight to the death.”

“That’s right. Blaming others is useless. All we can do is persevere and go against the current. Maybe there is a glimmer of life, maybe we can catch the lifeline of destiny…” Chen Rui paused, “Since you already have this mental preparation, then accept this arrow and shoot it with the greatest courage and determination.”

Taylos suddenly felt an arrow in his hand. It looked plain, except that the fletching was made of golden feathers.

When he looked at Chen Rui again, he had already disappeared. Judging from the unknown expression of Altani and the nearby elves, that person seemed to be a phantom that did not exist; only the arrow in his hand was a real existence.

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