Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 1190: Archery Competition

Chapter 1190: Archery Competition

“Sir Pomro, go!”

“Defeat the ugly half-elf!”

“This lowly guy actually covets Altani’s beauty! He even dares to challenge you!”

“Let him lose his life!”


Almost all voices were cheering for the half-elf’s opponent: The elf named Pomro.

Chen Rui walked up to the grandstand Zola at the top. Ms. Fairy Dragon smiled when she noticed his arrival. She took the initiative to hold his hand. This action made many male elves who were attracted by Zola’s beauty looked sad.

Chen Rui learned from Zola that his half-elf new servant disappeared after entering the Silver Moon Celestial Capital. When he reappeared, he unexpectedly became the protagonist of a big event.

The course of the incident was just like the plots in many novels. The hero and heroine were a couple in love. They were forced to separate because of the strong opposition from the heroine’s family. The heroine was forced to marry a man she didn’t like. Alas, the hero appeared in time during her wedding. Most of the segments in the novel had happy endings as they were easier to accept than tragedies, but the reality was cruel. After the half-elf found his lover Altani, he was discovered by Pomro who quietly followed Altani before he even managed to say a few words. Pomro was Altani’s engagement partner. Seeing that the prospective fiancée ‘did not repent’ and was still with the lowly and ugly half-elf, he was furious, wishing to let him suffer a painful death.

Pomro didn’t do anything directly, but he gathered the elf guards who maintained order and a large number of elves who participated in the New Moon Festival. For a while, the half-elf who ‘defiled’ and sneaked into the New Moon Festival became everyone’s public enemy.

This was exactly where Pomro was brilliant. The identity of this rival was so special that the half-elf would be killed by the angry elves without doing it himself. Even if Altani desperately protected him, it was useless.

Just when Pomro thought he did it, an unexpected thing happened. A seemingly inconspicuous ‘supporting actor’ reversed the whole situation. It was a ‘little elf girl’ next to Altani.

Pomro knew this little girl whom Altani met at the archery field. The little girl’s archery skills were extremely poor, almost a shame to the elf tribe, and she was ridiculed by everyone. Nonetheless, Altani just kindly comforted and taught the little girl some archery skills. The little girl seemed to like Altani very much, and she had been sticking around her. She even refused to leave when Altani met Taylos.

However, it was such a frail ‘girl’ who burst out with a terrifying breath that made all the elf guards tremble. No one dared to take a step forward. It became a stalemate for a while.

This incident alarmed Altani’s father, Elf Elder Cheropan while Pomro’s father, another elder, Farle, also came. Altani naturally didn’t want her new friend Lalaria to be hurt by his father, let alone implicate Lalaria. However. Altani knew that this was her and Taylos’ last chance. If she missed it, she would marry that nasty Pomro, and Taylos would probably be killed.

Therefore, Altani was determined to threaten her angry father with her life. Swearing to the Moonlight Goddess, she proposed a betting agreement, pitting Taylos and Pomro against each other with archery, and the bet was herself.

Archery competition was the most common and favorite competition of the elves. Pomro was the top archer of the magic archer legion. His archery was almost invincible among those with the same level of strength. Even if it was only for the face of the top archer, he would not reject this betting agreement.

Hence, the archery competition between the 2 rivals started, which attracted a large number of elves to watch the battle. Except for Altani, almost every elf was cheering for Pomro.

Like the riding arena, the archery arena was a large open-air field similar to a track and field. It was surrounded by grandstands for spectators. A special enchantment was placed inside. The strength of the contestants was limited to the same level.

The rules of the official archery competition were from easy to difficult, increasing level by level.

The first thing they experienced was the primary match. The rule was very simple, 10 arrows to determine the outcome. Shoot 10 arrows within 5 seconds, and the one who hit more targets and was more accurate would be the winner.

This was not the practice target that Lalaria used to shoot and play. Not only was the target extremely small, but the distance was at least twice as far away. The most difficult thing was that these were not fixed targets, but moving targets.

All the targets that appeared were moving irregularly. Some flew from bottom to top, some swayed from side to side, and some were gliding in arcs like birds.

Pomro and Taylos walked onto the field with bows and arrows in hand. Pomro was worthy of being the number one shooter of the magic archer legion. As soon as he entered the field, the original anger and jealousy in his eyes disappeared, focusing on the moving targets in the distance. He was highly concentrated.

The same was true for Taylos. When the hourglass of the competition was flipped, the 2 did not make a move first, but they quietly looked at the targets. 1 second, 2 seconds, and at the third second, the 2 shot at the same time.

The elves with ordinary strength could hardly see the movements of the 2 of them clearly. They could only see the falling target in the distance. 5 seconds passed quickly, and all 10 arrows in both their quivers were shot.

The results would come out soon,

Pomro: 20 targets!

Taylors: 20 targets!

The elves burst into a commotion. The half-elf’s score is actually on par with the top scorer Pomro!

What is the concept of 20 targets?

That is to say, within 3 seconds, each of their arrows shot down 2 targets!

Some might be killing 2 birds with 1 stone, and some might be caused by impact, but no matter what it was, it required keen observation, precise calculation and extraordinary archery.

In the first 2 seconds, both of them were preparing, not only to adjust their own state, but also to sense the targets. Although the trajectory of the target changed, in general, there was a special frequency or rhythm. It was precisely because of this rhythm that the 2 could achieve such incredible results.

It didn’t surprise the elves that Pomro had such archery skills, but the half-elf, who had only half or less elf blood, was able to do this, which was really beyond the expectations of many elves.

Pomro’s face sank as he sneered coldly, “Don’t get complacent too early. Even if this match is a tie, you won’t be lucky in the next intermediate match.”

Taylos didn’t pay attention to Pomro. He just looked at Altani who looked concerned outside the arena. When the 2 gazed at each other, it was worth a thousand words.

Pomro’s face looked even more unsightly after seeing this. According to the rules, the first match was tied, and the second intermediate match was about to take place. The rule of the intermediate match was to deal with demonic beasts of the same strength level that were virtualized by the enchantment.

This kind of demonic beast had an almost completely realistic fighting consciousness, and it was definitely not a target that was standing still. It would launch ferocious attacks, which meant that when shooting arrows, they must dodge attacks that were comparable to their own strength. The difficulty was several times higher than the previous standing shooting.

The time for this competition was 5 minutes, and there were also 10 arrows. Whoever kills the demonic beasts with the fewest arrows within 5 minutes would be the winner.

In other words, killing demonic beasts in 4 minutes or killing demonic beasts in 3 minutes would be the same if the former took 3 arrows. If the latter used 4 arrows, then the former wins. Of course, if killing 0 demon beasts or be defeated by demonic beasts within 5 minutes, the match would be judged as a loss.

The demonic beasts were randomly determined by draw lots. Pomro drew the fire snake, which was huge but relatively slow-moving. Taylos was less lucky. He drew the wind leopard, which had the talent of speed.

After drawing lots, both parties enter the field. The enchantment started to automatically generate enemies. The timer would start to count when the generation ended.

Similar to the primary match, facing fierce demonic beasts of the same level of strength, neither Pomro nor Taylors rushed to shoot, but they avoided the attack while observing the enemy.

Chen Rui, who was watching the battle, nodded secretly. If the last game was about hand speed and accuracy, then this match was about patience and the ability to grasp the timing.

Apparently, this wasn’t the first time Pomro had faced the fire snake as he knew the attacking habits of this demonic beast well. After figuring out some tempo of the fire snake, he quickly dodged the fire snake’s continuous burst of flames. Then, the moment the fire snake’s flame power stopped, he shot the arrow.

This arrow carried the whistling lightning, piercing horizontally into the pupil of the fire snake and rushing out from the other pupil. The fire snake howled and rolled around in pain before it finally gradually exhausted and disappeared from the field.

The whole process took 3 minutes, and 1 arrow did the trick. The surrounding elveselves all exclaimed. In contrast, Taylos on the other side looked tight. For elveselves, the wind leopard with super high agility was the nemesis. The difficulty of frontal combat was much higher than that of the fire snake.

Pomro already achieved the best results by killing the fire snake with 1 arrow. Unless Taylos also defeated the wind leopard with 1 arrow, the suspense could be saved until the next game. Otherwise, he would definitely lose. However, under the frantic and high-speed melee attack of the wind leopard, Taylos already had many scars on his body. He was unable to launch a counterattack at all. The contestants in the enchantment were protected and would not really die, but a certain proportion of the damage would be reflected on the body and spirit after leaving the field.

Time passed by second by second. The 5 minutes were almost up.

After missing a pounce, the wind leopard glowed with a faint green light. After being buffed by its talent, its speed soared again. It made an incredible turn in the air and bit Taylos. Even though Altani knew that he would not really die, this scene still made her cover her mouth in terror.

The wind leopard missed again. It turned out that ‘Taylos’ was actually a phantom. At the same time, a red light flashed into the wind leopard’s open mouth. The wind leopard fell straight from the air as if struck by lightning and disappeared.

Taylos gasped slightly, and the blood-red magic patterns on his face gradually disappeared. Chen Rui saw that the half-elf should have used the power of the magic patterns to create a phantom and finally killed the formidable enemy with 1 arrow at the critical moment.

At this time, the 5 minutes had just ended. Even though Taylos long ago ended the battle, according to the rules, this match was still a draw. 2 draws in 2 matches!

The elves were smart people. They already understood that the half-elf’s archery skills were not inferior to Pomro’s. Many elves had shown jealous expressions. Although the first 2 matches were tied, Taylos’ consumption was significantly higher than that of Pomro’s, and the enchantment feedback also caused some damage to him. In this way, the next match would inevitably be affected.

Chen Rui held Zola’s hand and watched the contest between Taylos and Pomro from a distance, but he didn’t help. As he himself said, he wanted to see with his own eyes the result of the half-elf’s confidence and courage.

Despite the atmosphere was against the half-elf, the duel was fair so far.

The third match was a superior match. Unlike the first 2 matches, there would definitely be no draw in this competition, because the rule this time was: Archery battle!

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