62 No

” What can you do?” For a moment Zhai Tianyu was sure that he has misheard Liu Hui Ying, after all, she was the one who told him that his grandmother’s life was in danger and now she was acting as if she had nothing to do with this matter. He looked at the woman who was humming a tune under her breath while Qui Ai, her maid washed her feet. From the looks of it, she did look like she wasn’t in a hurry at all!

Zhai Tianyu swallowed his anger before he turned to look at the wall beside him and glared at it long and hard, only then did he huff a breath and then turned to look at Liu Hui Ying and said to Qui Ai, ” Leave I want to talk with the Queen.”

Qui Ai paused in her actions of wiping Liu Hui Ying’s feet, she looked at the Emperor but did not move instead she turned to look at Liu Hui Ying, who nodded at her only then did Qui Ai get up from the floor and then walked out of the room shutting the door before leaving.

” You have a rather loyal maid, she dared to ignore the order of the Emperor,” Zhai Tianyu commented sullenly, he could not believe that a maid has actually turned a deaf ear to his orders.

” You say as if your subjects wouldn’t do the same if I was to order them around,” said Liu Hui Ying as she picked up the towel that was left behind by Qui Ai and finished wiping her feet. ” Anyway, what do you have to say to me? Why were you looking for me?”

Zhai Tianyu was sure that he was going to lose his temper, he could not understand why every time he tried to have a decent conversation with his Queen, the latter would push him so much that his patience which he was rather of, would run dry. He closed his eyes, and chanted a few Buddhist scriptures to calm his head and then only then did he open his eyes, he curled his lips in a small smile and then looked at Liu Hui Ying with a polite expression on his face. ” My dear queen, last night you told me that you will help my aunt to go on the road of reincarnation have you forgotten about it?”

” I am not the one who forgot about what I said to you, it’s you..your esteemed majesty,” Liu Hui Ying threw the cloth with which she wiped her feet and then turned to look at Zhai Tianyu with an expressionless face. “It’s you who forgot the end of the deal.”

” I forgot?” What did he forget as far as he knew, he didn’t seem to be forgetting something.

Seeing the bewildered and confused look on the Emperor’s face, Liu Hui Ying knew that he has forgotten what she has told him last night, annoyed she flung the cloth that she used to wipe her feet at Zhai Tianyu’s face and cheered up momentarily when she saw it hitting the jerk in the face. ” The rewards, didn’t I say that in case I am proven right then you will have to reward me? Where is it? Where is my mountain of gold, silver and shiny rubies?”


Zhai Tianyu realised that even though the queen was different than before, she was still third officer Liu’s daughter. Her father was just as greedy for money as she was, he pulled the wet cloth that was sticking on his face and threw it on the floor before taking out his handkerchief and wiping his face, only then did he look at Liu Hui Ying with an annoyed and slightly enraged expression. ” I will reward you if that is what you want but can you help my grandmother and aunt?”

” You forgot the magic word,” said Liu Hui Ying as she tipped her chin at the fruit basket that was sitting in front of her and motioned Grandma Lan Fen to cut an apple into pieces for her to eat.

Zhai Tianyu poked the inside of his cheek with the tip of his tongue, his finger clenching and unclenching as she looked at Liu Hui Ying who was lying on the bed as if she was the Emperor and he was her slave.

” My Queen, do not take things too far,” he said with his teeth grinding against each other loudly.

” What do you mean by do not take things too far?” Liu Hui Ying questioned as she looked at him with a slightly upturned gaze. ” Have you forgotten because of whose fault I am stuck here? I will take things too far, bite my ass if you can!”

” Y..you what kind of language is that?” Zhai Tianyu’s cheeks flushed red as he covered his face with the long and wide sleeves of his robe, slightly embarrassed and a great deal angry at the Queen’s choice of words.

“It’s my language, I am going to use it however I want ..what is it to you?” Liu Hui Ying picked up a piece of apple and then took a bite of it. ” If you do not like listening to me talk then you can leave.” With that, she even made a ‘you can leave now’ gesture at Zhai Tianyu causing the latter’s face to turn even redder with anger.

A part of Zhai Tianyu indeed wanted to leave but then he thought about his grandmother and his aunt who couldn’t get peace despite roaming on the face of this land for six years and then he suppressed his anger.

” Would you please help my grandmother and my late aunt, my queen?” asked Zhai Tianyu, this time a lot more politely. He even shelved his arrogance and pride as the Emperor before requesting the Queen to help him, surely this time she will agree to his request right? After all, he has asked her so politely.

He studied Liu Hui Ying with a smile and studied him back with a piece of apple in her mouth and two minutes later after she was done chewing and swallowing the piece of apple, she opened her mouth and spat one word.

” No.”


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