61 What do you want me to do?

Getting closer to the Dowager Empress was not at all wrong, after all that Concubine Ji had the grand Dowager Empress as well as the Emperor on her side...as for her, she was all alone. Honestly, she did not care about the politics of this palace nor did she care about the Dowager Empress or the Emperor. But she has to care about the original owner right? Once she leaves this place what will happen to the poor owner of this body? Without any support she will be like a loaf of meat waiting to be chopped on the board of a butcher, maybe she should agree with this collaboration?

” Your majesty, I–” she hardly opened her mouth to reply when the eunuch standing outside the door shouted, ” The son of the heavens and earth, his majesty, has arrived!”

Dowager Empress frowned as she heard the announcement of the eunuch, as far as she knew that son of her did not have any time for her these days. He has been tied up so tightly by that witch from the Ji family that he hardly came looking for her, so why did he suddenly come looking for her today?

At first, she was confused but then she turned her head and looked at Liu Hui Ying who was sitting on the chair opposite to her and an understanding glint passed in her eyes. Looks like the training that her brother has given to her niece was perfect, she really knows how to please a man, look at her son now... he only spent a night in her courtyard and yet he was already looking for her again.

” It seems that I was worried for nothing,” said the Dowager Empress with a pleased smile as she looked at Liu Hui Ying even more favourably than before. ” You have done rather well, Hui Ying.”

Liu Hui Ying: “...”

” Haha, thank you, your majesty,” Liu Hui Ying replied dryly, she really wished she could overturn the entire table but she decided to hold her hands close to her. So, her worth was being counted by whether she can or cannot please that jerk huh? What a tragic world!

Zhai Tianyu walked inside the hall of his mother’s palace and found the person he was looking for all along sitting opposite his mother. He didn’t know why but he was a bit upset seeing Liu Hui Ying in the presence of his mother, last night when she and him had a decent talk, he thought that the two of them have overcome some differences but now that he was seeing her sitting and talking with his mother, he couldn’t help but clench his fingers.

It was him who was a fool, he thought that the Queen was different but in the end no matter who she was, the blood of the Liu family still flowed inside her.


He turned to look at his mother and greeted her with a smile before he strode towards the tea table and then stood next to Liu Hui Ying, he heard her take a deep breath and then turn silent completely.

Was her allergy this bad that she couldn’t even smell his scent?

” Is there something the matter, your majesty?” asked the Dowager Empress as she smiled at her son politely. She was looking at Liu Hui Ying who has shyly (not) lowered her head in front of Zhai Tianyu and the fact that her son was looking at Liu Hui Ying with that doting (not) gaze was enough to make her relax.

See, she was right! What true love, what childhood sweethearts? She knew it as long as she was to bring in a more beautiful and worthy woman, her son was going to forget that Ji Yu, see, didn’t her plan work?

“It’s nothing, mother Empress,” replied Zhai Tianyu as he broke his gaze away from Liu Hui Ying and looked at his mother with a smile. ” I went to look for the Queen earlier this afternoon, but she wasn’t there... the maids told me that she was here, so I came looking for her... if you don’t mind mother Empress can I take her? I have something to say that I.. heh...” he broke away embarrassingly as he rubbed his nape and shyly smiled at his mother. ” That I could not say last night to her.”

” Of course, you can! You can talk to her as long and deeply as you want, your majesty,” to Dowager Empress this was like some miraculous news. She smiled at Liu Hui Ying, the more she looked at her, the more pleasing she found her to the eyes now. She was sure that as long as Liu Hui Ying keep up with this, she will be able to get pregnant with the heir to the throne!

” Thank you, mother empress,” Zhai Tianyu bowed his head slightly to thank Dowager Empress before he turned to look at Liu Hui Ying and said, ” My queen, please come with me... Zhen has something to say to you.”

Liu Hui Ying already knew why he came looking for her in a hurry, so she took her sweet time before getting up from the chair and even bid the Dowager Empress goodbye for a very long time only then did she sit on her palanquin and said to the Emperor, ” Heh, huh?”

” Don’t you dare to tease the emperor,” warned Zhai Tianyu as he got into his own palanquin and then motioned his procession to walk to the Queen’s palace.

Liu Hui Ying watched the man’s arrogance and then curled her lips in a slightly annoyed manner as she scoffed. ” I am going to make this man rue that tone he just used with me.”


” I sent the imperial physician to the Grand dowager Empress’s palace,” no sooner did Liu Hui Ying take off her crown, did Zhai Tianyu walk inside her room following her hot on her heels.

Just as she expected.

Liu Hui Ying had Qui Ai loosen the corset of her dress before she turned to look at the Emperor and arched a brow. ” So? What do you want me to do?”

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