Detective From the Future

Chapter 160: The beginning and the end of the matter.

On the same day, Zheng Kaixuan, Han Bin, and Li Hui escorted Sun Shao Qiang back to Qingdao City. Back to the Qingdao Third Criminal Investigation Team Branch, and on the third floor, Zheng Kaixuan assigned Han Bin and Li Hui with the interrogation, so the latter two headed to the interrogation room accompanied by Sun Shao Qiang.

Sun Shao Qiang sat down on the interrogation chair, made the sign of the cross on his chest, closed his eyes, and put his fingers to his mouth, didn't know what to say.

"Are you religious?" Han Bin asked.

"Yes, Captain."

"Religion is about teaching people to be kind. Don't you feel guilty for committing such a big crime?"

"If you don't feel guilty, why do you believe in religion?" Sun Shao Qiang asked rhetorically.

"You are quite arrogant."

"There is a Buddhist saying that goes; he who lays the butcher's knife on the ground becomes a buddha. Bad people may not have the opportunity to become Buddha. On the contrary, many people spend all their life doing good deeds and helping others," Sun Shao Qiang joined his hands.

"You draw a cross for a while and cross your hands for a while, and what religion do you believe in?" Li Hui asked curiously.

"Anything that is useful and can bless me, I trust it," Sun Shao Qiang said.

"You committed the crime of killing a person and throwing his body into a river, no religion can bless you," Han Bin said sternly.

Sun Shao Qiang lowered his head and remained silent.

"We have confirmation that the car you are driving is the car that was used to dump the body in Moon River. The blood of the deceased was found in the trunk of the car, and the identity of the owner of the car Suspect is also known Chen Jian Fei, is currently in a state of loss of contact, and his family rushed to recognize the corpse," said Han Bin.

Sun Shao Qiang remained silent.

"What is your relationship with Chen Jian Fei?" Han Bin asked.

Sun Shao Qiang still ignored him and did not respond.


Li Hui slapped the table hard: "Sun Shao Qiang, you don't drink a toast or drink a good drink. Now we have enough evidence to prove you are the murderer in the murder case."

Sun Shao Qiang raised his head, looked at Han Bin, then Li Hui, still without speaking, with a bit of defiance in his eyes. Han Bin felt the other party didn't seem to care about life or death, or that he was already ready to face the consequences of his act from the moment he was arrested.


In a situation like his, once there is no extravagant hope of survival, it will be a great challenge for the interrogators' work in the interrogation.


Han Bin changed his mind, got up and walked to the table, lit a cigarette, and handed it to the other party: "You didn't want to know, how we were found you? I will tell you."

"You're trying tricking me," Sun Shao Qiang took a puff of his cigarette.

"You are unafraid of death, but you are afraid of my routines," Han Bin smiled.

"Yes," Sun Shao Qiang let out a sigh of relief, after taking a breath and closing his eyes.

"We found your identity from Li Tao's cellphone," Han Bin said.

"Mom, I have long thought that this guy has not been a neat person for a long time, so I should have done it with him at this time," Sun Shao Qiang snorted.

"How did you and Li Tao know each other?" Han Bin asked.

"I recognized him online."

"What is the relationship between you two?"

"Although I only came to Qingdao once, I came to work last time and didn't care about anything. How delicious here!" Sun Shao Qiang did not answer the question: "All kinds of seafood, Spanish mackerel dumplings, and nine-turn large intestine are all relatively authentic delicacies."

"If I have time, I can order takeout for you and have a good taste," Li Hui said.

"I've never eaten Spanish mackerel dumplings," Shao Qiang swallowed his saliva and crushed the rest of the butt: "Bring me a dish."

Han Bin lit another cigarette and handed it to Sun Shao Qiang, and the latter took the cigarette, leaned back on the chair, and said: "It was Li Tao who asked me to come to Qingdao."

"Why did he ask you to come to Qingdao?"

"A murder."

"Kill who?"

"Li Tao has a lover. She opened a small shop in Bei Zhai Village. Li Tao asked me to kill the lover's husband.

"What is the name of the lover's husband?"

"Cao Yang."

"Why didn't you kill Cao Yang, but instead you killed Chen Jian Fei?" Han Bin asked in confusion.

"Chen Jian Fei was hired by me to be my partner. We intended to kill Cao Yang, and we even did something to his van. Unfortunately, that kid didn't die and the car was only scratched. We stayed here for two more days, and we couldn't find another suitable opportunity to start again," Sun Shao Qiang sighed and continued: "Chen Jian Fei, that coward, fell off the chain at the critical moment and told me that he didn't want to do it, which made me a little tired and I was a little fed up. I told him advised not to back down, but I was afraid the boy would call the police so I was ready to give up."

"Just because of that, you killed him?" Li Hui asked.

"I'm not crazy, how could it be possible to kill for no reason," Sun Shao Qiang snorted and explained: "Since Cao Yang is undead and Li Tao had only given half the money, and since Chen Jian Fei was found by me, I offered to give him half the money but Chen Jian Fei didn't agree, and he asked me for more money than we agreed and didn't want to accept the amount which was offered to him and did not even diminish a penny less. I also blamed him for being the cause of our failure and the cause of not succeeding, plus he wanted to take some of my money, so I just thought about killing him by chopping off his head."

"Why did you cut off his head?" Li Hui asked.

"The job of throwing a dead body into the river is easy to think about, but it's really hard to do. The whole body is too big to put in a bag. I just wanted to cut off its head, put it in the bag and add stones and sink it to the bottom of the river. If you can't find the head, you can't find the identity of the person." A Sun Shao Qiang explained.

"Do you know where Li Tao is?" Han Bin asked.

"Ah, this grandson should go and kill Cao Yang. When we said we quit, he scolded us, saying we are cowards and we only took his money. Even without us, he will kill Cao Yang. He also told Yan's wife that this job can only be done by him alone," Sun Shao Qiang growled with a smile: "He's a fool too, that man."

"And you, do you think it's worth doing this?" Han Bin said emotionally.

"I'm just living a bad life. I really want to throw a good tire. Who wants to do this shouldn't be afraid," Sun Shao Qiang laughed, but the laugh seemed a bit sorry.


Han Bin and Li Hui left the interview room and met Dai Ming Han, Zheng Kaixuan, and Li Zhan Kun who came out of the observation room. Dai Ming Han showed a smile and patted Han Bin's shoulder, "You did a good job, look back, I, the leader of the task force, will give you credit."

"Thank you Supreme Director Dai," Han Bin replied.

The group returned to the Major Crimes Unit office, and the other team members were all eagerly waiting for them, but because of Dai Ming Han's presence, they didn't dare to ask directly.

"Han Bin, how was the interrogation? Did the suspect confess?" Sun Xing approached and asked Han Bin alone.

"Yes, Sun Shao Qiang is the murderer in the murder case," Han Bin said.

"Who was killed? The first team couldn't help but ask.

"Chen Jian Fei."

"Who is Chen Jian Fei?" The first team was a little puzzled.

"Don't worry, everyone let's sit down and let Han Bin tell everyone from start to finish, following the process of the case," Dai Ming Han said.

As soon as Dai Ming Han opened his mouth, everyone immediately followed suit starting from the captains, to the team members, all of them sat down. With such an opportunity to show his face, Han Bin would not naturally give up, recounting the case from beginning to end, and analyzing the cause of the case: "This crime is related to the emotional entanglement between Zhang Hai Yan, Cao Yang, and Li Tao. Cao Yang is often out of the house because of his work, and Zhang Hai Yan and Li Tao were in the best marital situations. Out of the idea of having another occupant for Zhang Hai Yan, Li Tao had the idea of hiring a murderer to kill Cao Yang. Sun Shao Qiang was the murderer hired by Li Tao, and the late Chen Jian Fei was an assistant hired by Sun Shao Qiang. Later, due to the uneven distribution of stolen goods, Sun Shao Qiang killed Chen Jian Fei in a fit of rage, and it was the case of murder and throwing of the corpse.»

Han Bin also explained the details, and everyone listened with great interest, especially the members of the first team who did not find the suspicious vehicle, and the third team got all the credit.

Li Zhan Kun was also a little annoyed, slapped his thigh, and said: "No wonder the suspicious vehicle was ever found. This grandson not only changed the license plate but also hid the color of the car with another color. He's really tricky."

"Supreme Director Dai, let's count the time now. Isn't it below the deadline to solve the case?" Li Hui asked with a smile.

"The murder case is solved," Dai Ming Han smiled, and then changed the subject: "However, the fly in the ointment is that; Li Tao has not been brought to justice."


Hiring a murderer to kill is a common crime, and both the employer and the hired person belong to the main act, both have the same social risk.


Han Bin frowned; Dai Ming Han's words reminded him that according to Sun Shao Qiang's confession, Li Tao should not give up the idea of killing Cao Yang...

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