"There is such a possibility, but guessing is not enough, we need to find evidence," Zheng Kaixuan said.

"Captain Zheng, you asked me to go to the communication company and check the communication records of Zhang Hai Yan and Cao Yang. I also checked the communication records of Sun Shao Qiang by the way, and have found that after August 30, Sun Shao Qiang's cell phone no longer called or received a phone call," Han Bin said.

"Yes, I was a little puzzled after reading the communication records. Sun Shao Qiang is definitely related to this matter. Before August 30, he often had contact with Li Tao. However, after August 30, his cell phone is hardly used anymore, and he seems to have lost contact. In general, it coincides surprisingly well with the moment of the corpse throwing affair," Li Hui said.

"Could it be that Sun Shao Qiang is the real deceased and Li Tao is the suspect who killed him?" Wei Zi Mo followed the thought of the two and opened his mind.

"Killing always needs a motive. What is the relationship between Sun Shao Qiang and Li Tao, and what kind of grievances are there between the two?" Han Bin asked.

"Li Tao doesn't have a car named after him, where did that white car that dumped the corpse come from?" said Zheng Kaixuan.

"Could this be the late Sun Shao Qiang's car?" Li Hui made a bold guess: "Li Tao deceived Sun Shao Qiang in Qingdao in the name of doing business, and then took the opportunity to kill the other party to steal money and the car, which explains the behavior of Li Tao and the motive for the murder."

"It seems necessary to go to Guang'an City," Zheng Kaixuan muttered.


That night, Zheng Kaixuan, Han Bin, and Li Hui took the train to Guang'an City.

It was the first time the three of them came to Guang'an City, and they are unknown in this city. Fortunately, Dai Ming Han had reported their arrival to the police department of this city before they arrived. The three borrowed a police car from the town office and drove to Xiguan Village, asking the local police station to help with the investigation.

Shortly after the three arrived at Xiguan Village, they received a call from Wei Zi Mo. He and Sun Xing were not idle, they continued to follow Li Tao's whereabouts, and they found two new clues; the first was Li Tao withdrew money on August 30. They guessed he was probably preparing to race, the second was that Sun Shao Qiang doesn't have a car named after him.

Accompanied by an officer from the local police station, the three went to the village committee and asked a village cadre to tell them about the situation of Sun Shao Qiang's family. However, to the three's surprise, Sun Shao Qiang was not only still alive, but still at home. The three couldn't help but be a little stunned. Li Tao is undead and Sun Shao Qiang is still alive. Who is the corpse whose head has been decapitated?

After thinking for a while, despite the three having no clues, they still went to Sun Shao Qiang's house to see what was going on and accompanied a village cadre and a policeman with them.

Sun Shao Qiang's house was located south of Xiguan Village; the five rushed near the house and entered the alley. The second house was his home. Near it was a car.

"Who does this car belong to?" Li Hui asked.

"I will ask," after the village cadre finished speaking, he went to the next-door neighbor.

Han Bin walked forward, looked at the black car, touched the car body, and said: "Captain Zheng, there is a layer of stickers on the outside of the car."

Zheng Kaixuan crouched down and stared at the license plate then went to the other license plate: "The license plates also have disassembly signs. This car is the same style as the car suspected of being used to dump the body in Moon River."

"Could this be the suspicious vehicle we are looking for?" Li Hui said.

"Captain Zheng, I suggest arresting Sun Shao Qiang," Han Bin said.

After a while, the village cadre also came after hearing from the neighbor that Sun Shao Qiang didn't have a car at home before. He went out for a while at the end of August and came back two days ago with the car.

After hearing the news, Zheng Kaixuan made a decisive decision and decided to arrest Sun Shao Qiang.


A car horn sounded, Li Hui drove a gray car and parked it behind the black car, and shouted:

"Whose black car is blocking my way? Hurry up and lead the way."


Another car horn sounded.


With noise, the door of Sun Shao Qiang's house opened and a middle-aged man came out. Li Hui looked up; it was Sun Shao Qiang himself.

"What do you want, where are you going with the car?"

Sun Shao Qiang was very strong and looked full of energy.

"Is this your car?" Li Hui asked.

"Don't talk bullshit. It's in front of my house, if it's not my car, which does it belong to?"

"You move, let me pass."

"Mom, this is my alley, go around," Sun Shao Qiang growled.

"Why are you so unreasonable?" Said Li Hui.

"What's the matter, if I'm just being unreasonable, what do you want to do?" Sun Shao Qiang stared at him, looking like he was about to fight.

Taking advantage of the quarrel between the two, Han Bin, Zheng Kaixuan, and the policeman had already surrounded Sun Shao Qiang from behind and picked him up from all sides.

"Police, don't move," shouted Han Bin while showing his police badge

Sun Shao Qiang was stunned for a while, then turned around to run, Zheng Kaixuan took the chili water bottle and sprayed it directly on his face.

"Ah..." Sun Shao Qiang let out a cry, first rubbing his face with his hands and then with his clothes.

Han Bin and Li Hui quickly moved forward and controlled him.

Sun Shao Qiang's wife heard the movement and rushed out of the house as well. Seeing that Sun Shao Qiang was handcuffed and made faces showing he was in pain because his face was burning and looked very painful, so she hurriedly asked, "Who are you, why are you arresting my husband?"

"We are police," Han Bin has shown the police badge yet again.

"The police cannot arrest people indiscriminately. Why are you arresting my husband?" asked Sun Shao Qiang's wife.

"There was a murder in Qingdao, and Sun Shao Qiang is suspected. We will bring him back to help us with the investigation," Han Bin said and searched the car keys on Sun Shao Qiang's body and when he found them he opened the black car.

The driver's book was found in the glove box, and the registration number of the car was written there, and the license plate number was not wrong. Two license plates were found in the trunk of the car, the number of which was Lu B 7 D 14 C.

The car was confirmed to be the suspect vehicle that dumped the body in Moon River.

"Haha, the suspicious vehicle that the first team was tracking has been found, we didn't expect to find it first," Li Hui laughed.

"It's true when I come back to the office this time, and I have to see what Li Zhan Kun's expression looks like," Zheng Kaixuan joked.

It can be seen that Zheng Kaixuan was in a good mood. Han Bin shook his head and laughed. They were originally here to investigate the victim, but it was somewhat by accident that they caught the suspect.

Later, Sun Shao Qiang was escorted in a police car, and the police took Sun Shao Qiang's car back to the police station.

"How did you find me?" Sun Shao Qiang was a little confused like he never thought he would be arrested.

"You are too embarrassed to ask, you traveled to Qingdao to kill someone, thinking the heads of our Qingdao people are Chinese cabbages, so if you want to cut them, you cut them and it's all over," Li Hui growled.

"Bah, I didn't cut off Qingdao people's heads," Sun Shao Qiang sighed.

"Shit, you always dare to be stubborn," Li Hui reached out his right hand and slapped Sun Shao Qiang on the head.

Han Bin heard Sun Shao Qiang's words: "If the deceased is not from Qingdao, who is he?»

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