Chapter 556

Siegfried did not return to the coalition forces’ camp. Instead, he roamed around the empty royal palace with Hamchi.

Lalala~ Lalalala~”

His footsteps were very light as if he was a child taking a stroll down the park during spring when the flowers were in full blossom.

Kyuuu! Can’t you be a bit more calm? What are you so excited about?”

Lalala! Lalala! If you like me~ If you love me~”


“Dance! Dance! Dance!”

Siegfried did not stop dancing and skipping even though Hamchi had already scolded him. He walked down the hall, hopping here and there just like a kid.


It was all because he could smell money in the air.

The undead monsters had all turned into dust and scattered by the wind, which meant that this royal palace filled with all sorts of valuable stuff was completely unattended, and he could help himself to anything he wanted in here.

In other words, Siegfried was currently in a ridiculously large treasure field, and all he had to do was reach out and grab whatever he wanted to grab. The fact that this was the royal palace of a strong and affluent kingdom showed just how much valuables he would stand to get from looting this place.

Siegfried hummed a tune and danced; nobody could blame him for doing so, as anyone who was in the same situation as him would also fail to stop themselves from doing the exact same thing he was doing.

“Alright, shall we go have a look?” Siegfried said with a grin.

Then, he activated Inzaghi’s Clairvoyance and scanned the entire royal palace. The terrain of the royal palace as well as the capital, popped up in front of his eyes as a mini-map, and he could even see anyone and anything moving in it in real time.

“Let’s see...”

First of all, Siegfried identified who was in the royal palace and where they were.

Yong Tae-Pung was headed for the armory where the equipment of the royal knights was stored while the other Adventurers were roaming around, looting whatever was of value.

Farming time!

This was the most awaited time in a hunt, as the Adventurers could loot anything of value after defeating the boss monster.

Hohoho!” Siegfried let out a rich laugh. Then, he flashed an insidious smirk and muttered, “Is that even worth your time? Hehe... Amateurs.”

Kyuuu! What’s with that sleazy smirk, owner punk?!”

“What did you say, punk? How am I sleazy?!”

Kyuu! You look sleazier than a sleazy old man!”

“I’m not!”

“You are! Kyuu!”

“Shut up!”

Siegfried and Hamchi continued to bicker for a while until they turned their attention back to the mini-map.

“All of them are wasting their time. Mwahaha!”


“The treasure room is right over here,” Siegfried said with a smirk, pointing in the opposite direction where the Adventurers were looting.


“I feel bad for them. They’re looking around so diligently, but I’ll monopolize the real treasures! Hohoho!”

Siegfried could see the location of the treasure room as well as the entrance to it using Inzaghi’s Clairvoyance. To put it simply, he already knew where to go while the other Adventurers were searching high and low for the treasure room.

“Shall we?” he said leisurely before skipping down the corridor. Then, he looked left and right to see if there was anyone following him before sneaking around like a rat.

The treasure room of the Immortal Kingdom was not located deep inside the palace. It was hidden in the basement of the most shabby-looking tower located a fair distance away from the palace.

The tower looked so shabby that no one would think that it contained a treasure room.

“It seems like nobody is coming.”

Siegfried confirmed that he had no other competitor coming toward the shabby tower before looking for the button to open the treasure room’s entrance.

He searched for about five minutes, feeling the bricks on the walls of the tower’s first floor. Then, he touched a brick that felt oddly smooth compared to the others, and he pushed that brick in as deep as it would go.


The floor turned and sank slowly into the ground. It sank until it reached around one hundred meters from its original floor level and—

Ack! My eyes!”

—Siegfried screamed in agony, covering his eyes upon getting blinded. The light from the mana stone that was reflected by the mountain of treasures was as strong as the afternoon sun.

A-Ah... I... I love it... It’s too good... Hngg~!” Siegfried moaned, basking in the luster.

Hamchi grimaced in disgust and grumbled, “This bastard has lost his mind. He’s starting to have an orgasm from money... Kyuu...”

Hamchi could not help but shake his head and let out a sigh while Siegfried was having an orgasm from the golden light showering him.


The predecessor of the Immortal Kingdom, the Ephedrine Kingdom, seemed to have been an extremely disorganized bunch. It was hard to tell whether whoever was in charge of the treasure room was just lazy or there were simply far too many treasures to organize everything, but it seemed that the gold, artifacts, jewels, and items were just shoved wherever there was space.

Clink! Clink!

There were so many treasures and gold coins in the room that Siegfried felt like he could swim in it and have another orgasm in the process.

“Money! I’m swimming on money!”

Kyuuu! It’s a golden swimming pool!”

This time, Hamchi joined in on the fun. It was ironic how he was shaking his head at Siegfried for being so materialistic just a moment ago, but he had also failed to control himself after seeing that it was possible to swim in the mountain of gold.

Ahng~! I feel so good...!”

“We’re rich! We’re super rich!”

Siegfried and Hamchi both had ecstasy written all over their faces by the time they were done swimming in gold. They seemed completely out of it with their mouths wide open, drooling from the high, and it looked as if they used illegal drugs.

They say that birds of the same feather flock together, and it seemed that Hamchi was as bad of a money grubber as Siegfried was.

Kyu! We’re rich, owner punk! We’re effin rich!” Hamchi exclaimed while throwing gold coins in the air.

Siegfried pouted and replied, “Not really... We have a lot of expenditures coming up, so...”


“Our territory has expanded so much that we will require five times our original budget.”


Sigh... What’s the point of earning when someone else uses all of it up...” Siegfried let out a sigh that only those who were truly tired could make before grumbling, “It’s all because of the emperor. He should’ve just given me money as my reward. Why did he even give me those lands?”

Kyu! Why the long face, owner punk?! It’s your land at the end of the day! Think of it as an investment!”

“Should I?”

“Yes! Kyuuu!”

“Oh well, I guess that makes it better,” Siegfried said with a shrug. Then, he looked around and asked, “But how are we going to move all of these–”

It was then.

Kyaaak! Kyaaak!”

The Apparition of the Three-Legged Crow appeared and cried out as if asking Siegfried to leave the job to it.


Kyak! Kyaaaak!”

“Are you trying to say you can collect all of these?”



Kyak! Kayak!”

The apparition swooped down and sucked all of the gold and treasures like a giant vacuum.

[Alert: You have obtained 1,000 gold!]

[Alert: You have obtained 1,000 gold!]

[Alert: You have obtained 1,000 gold!]


[Alert: You have obtained 1,000 gold!]

[Alert: You have obtained 1,000 gold!]

[Alert: You have obtained 1,000 gold!]

Tens of millions of gold flooded into Siegfried’s Inventory, and there were so many gold coins that Siegfried felt like he could hear the clinking of gold coins in his head.

A-Ah...! Hngg~!” Siegfried moaned once again as chills traveled down his spine. He was very honest with his emotions and had no plans of ever hiding them. “I... fucking love money.”


Siegfried left the tower after looting the treasure room down to its last gold coin with the help of the Apparition of Three-Legged Crow. He roamed around the palace in search of other valuable treasures when someone called out to him.


He ran into the living legend, Yong Tae-Pung.

“Did you find anything nice?” Yong Tae-Pung asked.

“No,” Siegfried lied to his face and even put on a sullen look. Then, he added, “I managed to find a few things worth a coin or two, but I couldn’t find the treasure room no matter where I searched.”

“I see. Well, I was able to get my hands on a few good stuff after ransacking their armory,” Yong Tae-Pung said with a satisfied grin.

“Whoa! You must be happy!”

“Do you want me to share some with you?”

“No, you farmed that, so those belong to you, uncle.”

“But I’m really fine with sharing.”

“No, I am alright. I will continue searching on my own.”

“Sure, if you say so.”

“Then, I will go look over there.”

“Alright, I hope luck will be on your side this time.”

Yong Tae-Pung went the other way after their short encounter.

Siegfried waited for the living legend to disappear before continuing onward.

“Hey, owner punk,” Hamchi said.


“Do you not feel guilty at all?”

“Not at all.”


“We decided it will be finder’s keepers this time, so we don’t have to share anything with the others. Also, this place is full of stuff to loot even if they don’t get anything from the treasure room.”

Siegfried was right. The royal palace was filled with all sorts of valuable items and treasures that it would be impossible for them to evenly distribute everything. Thus, they decided they'd be to each their own this time, and whoever found a treasure first would get to keep it.

“Is that so? Kyu!”

“I could’ve told him the truth, but I’m more worried about the others. Some of them suddenly might feel it’s unfair and start demanding a piece of it.”

“I agree! Kyuuu!”

“There’s no point in bragging about it, right?”


“Anyway, let’s farm a bit more and get out of here,” Siegfried said before hastening his steps.


Siegfried farmed in the royal palace the entire night before using the Warp Gate to teleport to the coalition forces’ base in the morning, where he was thrown a grand welcome by the entire base upon his arrival.

“Three cheers for the supreme commander!”

Hip Hip Hurray!”

“Long live His Majesty, King Siegfried van Proa!”


The hundreds of thousands of soldiers all cheered and paid their respects to their supreme commander, Siegfried van Proa. It was only obvious they would do so, as Prince Kyrix had spread the word of his ingenious Operation Trojan Horse, which eventually ended the war in their victory.

Thanks to that, even the lowest-ranking private in the coalition forces had heard of Siegfried’s achievements.

“Your Majesty! Thank you for your hard work!” Prince Kyrix exclaimed.

Hahaha! It was nothing!”

“We have prepared a banquet for Your Majesty! Please, come this way!”

“Y-You did?”

“Is something the matter, Your Majesty? Are you feeling unwell by any chance?” Prince Kyrix asked worriedly after noticing Siegfried looked troubled for some reason.

“Ah, it is nothing. Let’s go,” Siegfried replied. He was exhausted after running around the royal palace the whole night looting items, but he could not refuse to attend the banquet just because he was feeling tired.

“C-Certainly! Haha!”

Both of them were on their way to the banquet when the prince suddenly remembered something and said, “Oh, I forgot to report something to Your Majesty.”

“Hmm? What report? Did something happen?”

“We have captured and imprisoned the Adventurers who had chosen to stand on the Immortal Kingdom's side.”

“Oh? Really?”

“We were waiting for Your Majesty to decide on how to punish them, so we kept them locked up until now.”

“You can just let them go—” Siegfried stopped mid-sentence as a clever idea popped up in his head. ‘Hold on... Why should I let them go when I can kill them and take their items?’

He stood to gain a lot more if he killed the Adventurers personally, and it was all because of his title "King God General Supernatural Bald Three-Legged Crow" In other words, asking the soldiers to either execute them or let them go wasn't the most practical option.

Funnily enough, killing other Adventurers was starting to become one of Siegfried’s most lucrative sources of income.

“Let’s go.”

“Pardon me? Where are we going, Your Majesty”

“Where else? Where are those Adventurers locked up?”

“Ah, they are locked up over there,” Prince Kyrix replied, pointing somewhere far away.

“Alright, I'll personally execute them,” Siegfried said with a grin.

“Huh? Your Majesty will be the executioner?”

“I can’t let our soldiers have blood on their hands now, can I?”


Prince Kyrix was once again moved by Siegfried’s care for the soldiers.


Meanwhile, Siegfried was grinning while making his way to where the Adventurers were locked up. He was thrilled at the thought of executing the Adventurers and looting their items from their corpses.

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